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Insightful Admissions Staff: Our admissions experts will be on hand to guide you through the application process, providing valuable tips and personalised advice to help you navigate your MBA journey seamlessly.
Dynamic Alumni Panel: Gain invaluable insights from our distinguished alumni who have successfully navigated the MBA programme and forged impressive careers. Hear firsthand about their experiences, challenges, and triumphs, and discover the limitless possibilities that an MBA at RSM can offer you.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals, potential mentors, and future collaborators. Expand your professional circle and build relationships that will last a lifetime.
Executive MBA Programme Overview:
Duration: 18 months
Schedule: Part-time
Start Date: January
Required Work Experience: 4+ years
Global Executive MBA Programme Overview:
Duration: 21 months
Schedule: Part-time
Start Date: September
Required Work Experience: 10+ years
Join us 10 October 2024 at the MBA Networking Event and set your career on an upward trajectory!
Caroline is the Recruitment and Admissions Manager for Executive MBA programs and enjoys assisting candidates in their MBA journey. She has nearly a decade of experience working within the Higher Education sector in international recruitment, and program development and management. She has an academic background in education policy and governance with a masters from the University of Cambridge and a bachelors in her home country of the United States.
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Rudsel is the Recruitment and Admissions Manager for the Global Executive MBA and the Executive Masters in Customs & Supply Chain Compliance programmes. He has broad leadership experience across various sectors, including hospitality, aviation, coaching, training & development, and online education. He is passionate about understanding, guiding, and ensuring that executive education is the right choice for your professional aspirations. His academic background is in Management and an MSc in Organizational Psychology.