Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Undergraduate students from our partner schools are welcome to join the bachelor exchange programme, affiliated with RSM’s Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration (IBA). 

One of an elite group of truly international bachelor programmes, IBA brings you the opportunity to enter and experience a unique, global learning environment – one that is charged with differing world views and the energy of motivated students who are interested in changing the way we do business. 

Our Exchange Office is dedicated to supporting you before and during your exchange. Once nominated by your home university, you will receive our online application form and once accpeted, all relevant information for your exchange at RSM and in Rotterdam will come your way. We will organize you an exchange ambassador (buddy) prior to arrival and upon arrival we organize orientation activities, social events, and regular evaluation sessions. We have close connections with all of our partner school institutions’ study abroad advisers/coordinators, and an open-door policy, whereby you are always welcome to pass by our office. 

In the Bachelor exchange programme you will experience:

Programme Overview

Fold out your tab of interest below, for the programme overview details

Fall (students stay for full fall term)

RSM courses block 1, 2, 5 & 62 September - 13 December 2024
RSM minors block 92 September - 1 November 2024
RSM electives block 1011 November - 13 December 2024
Exams RSM courses block 114 - 19 October 2024
Exams RSM courses block 521 - 26 October 2024
Exams RSM minors block 94 - 9 November 2024
Exams RSM courses block 22 - 7 December 2024
Exams RSM courses block 6 & 1016 - 21 December 2024
Re-sits RSM courses block 19 - 14 December 2024
Re-sits RSM courses block 56 - 11 January 2025
Re-sits RSM courses block 23 - 8 February 2025
Re-sits RSM electives (block 10)17 - 22 February 2025
Re-sits RSM courses block 624 - 29 March 2025
Re-sits RSM minors (block 9)7 - 12 July 2024


Spring (students participate in one of the exchange options)

Exchange optionPeriod incl. examsBlocks includedRequired workload (max. 10 EC above)
26 January - 27 June 2025

1st Bachelor year: 3A/B & 4

2nd Bachelor year: 7 & 8

3rd Bachelor year: 11, 12, 13, 14

36 January - 17 May 2025

1st Bachelor year: 3A/B

2nd Bachelor year: 7

3rd Bachelor year: 11, 12, 13

424 February - 27 June 2025

1st Bachelor year: 4

2nd Bachelor year: 8

3rd Bachelor year: 12, 13, 14

524 February - 7 June 2025

1st Bachelor year: 4

3rd Bachelor year: 12, 13

67 April - 27 June 2025

1st Bachelor year: 4

2nd Bachelor year: 8

3rd Bachelor year: 13, 14

76 January - 5 April 2025

1st Bachelor year: 3A/B

2nd Bachelor year: 7

3rd Bachelor year: 11, 12

87 April - 14 June 2025

1st Bachelor year: 4

2nd Bachelor year: 8

3rd Bachelor year: 13


Undergraduate students from our partner schools participate in our Bachelor Exchange Programme and moreover in courses from our 3-year BSc International Business Administration (IBA) programme. All courses are taught in English and the curriculum offers a broad approach and options for differentation in the 3rd bachelor year, covering all functional areas of business. The IBA student population consists of 60 different nationalities. 

What is new?

  • all courses are offered in blocks, see also our academic calendar:

Course overview & descriptions

On this page an overview of bachelor 1, 2 and 3rd year courses are given. Please note that not all courses are open to incoming exchange students.

On this page short descriptions of courses/minors including time tables can be found. An overview will be sent to nominated students.

Course manuals are published about 1.5 weeks prior to the start of the courses. They can be found on the Knowledge Base webpage:


Required workload for a full the Fall term is a minimum of 20 EC, maximum is 30.  In the Spring term, the required workload depends on the period of stay. Exchange students may enroll in courses from all three bachelor years, however courses from different bachelor years may cause overlap in timetables. 

Course registration

Upon nomination by their home university, students will receive, in addition to all practical information, instructions on how and when to register for courses. 

Access to courses at other schools within Erasmus University

Only a few other schools/courses are open to exchange students. Every school has its own course registration procedure and deadline, it is therefore the student's own responsibility to register in time for courses and avoid overlap in the timetable of RSM.  

Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) 

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (ESSB)

Language of instruction

All courses are taught in English.

Course load

Courses are denominated in EC (European Credits). The workload of one academic year is 60 EC. One EC is the equivalent of 28 hours (including in-class hours, self study, group work, writing papers and exam preparation).  A 10 EC course has approximately 12 contact hours a week. 

Class format

The programme includes case-based learning, teamwork and discussions, held in a highly diverse international student body. Classes show a mix of lectures (large number of students), workshops (vary in size, between 16 and 60 students), small team work and private study. Class participation and attendance affect final grades.


In general exams are scheduled at the end or the week after each block. Re-sits, however take place in different periods.
The assessment of the performance of students varies: written or take-home exams, progress reports, in-class presentations, group performance and essays.


In the Dutch grading system, grades from 1.0 up to 10.0 are used, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. In general, grades with one decimal are issued; the lowest passing grade is a 5.5. When rounding off these grades, grades with a 0.4 or lower will be rounded down, and grades with a 0.5 will be rounded up. Students in our exchange programmes receive their transcripts reflecting grades with one decimal.

Code of Conduct

RSM hosts a large number of students in its various programmes. It is important for us and our student community to have a code of conduct describing the main rules of behaviour at this school. Some view rules of conduct as self-evident and comply with them automatically. Others find them less clear and may even be unfamiliar with such codes.

The Dutch grading system has a scale from 1 (very poor) to 10 (outstanding). The lowest passing grade is 5.5.

Dutch grades Dutch grade rangeExplanationFrequencyEC Grade
98.5-9.4Very good3.4%B

Special marks

VD - Pass
O - Student did not meet the requirements to pass the course
NO - No show at examination

EC (European Credit) workload

In EC, 60 credits represent the workload of a full academic year. 1 EC is equal to 28 student working hours; these include class hours, self-study, preparations for exams, reading and/or writing papers.

Practical Information & Need to Know

Practical Information & need to know

Prior and upon arrival in Rotterdam

This section 'Practical Information & Need' to know is constantly being updated by the central International Office of our university. It provides incoming students with all practical information prior to and upon arrival in Rotterdam.

Furthermore the EUR International Office organizes so-called "One stop shops" to help you arranging a Dutch bank account,  registration at the City Hall, arranging an insurance etc. on one day at the beginning of each full term. Als Erasmus Student Network-Rotterdam can be of great help prior to arrival, on their website you can find video's on how to find housing, arrange insurance, how to buy you ESN-card (lots of reductions), and all tips and tricks to make your life easier during your exchange. 

See also, and for other practical information: EUR Orientation

Below a small selection of our campus facilities are given,

for ALL facilities or services on campus, see also : Campus facilities

Erasmus Food Plaza: At this plaza, several restaurants are located. One can buy breakfast, lunch, coffees and/or other snacks or sweets. It is located in Sanders Building.

Erasmus Pavilion: This place serves food & drinks such as soups, hot sandwiches, homemade pizzas, burgers, hot and cold drinks. 

De Smitse”: The largest student bar in the Netherlands.

Studium Generale, Erasmus Culture: Studium Generale organizes scientific, social and cultural programmes throughout the year for students of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The programme consist of lectures and debates, monthly talk shows, cultural and scientific events and a wide range of cultural courses and performances.

University Library : The library has several functions: meeting, studying and working together. 

Erasmus Sports & Sports Building : Exchange students with an ESN-card can buy a sports card at a reduced prize. Erasmus Sport offers an extensive sports program throughout the academic year. With the Erasmus Sport pass you get unlimited access to all parts of the bodyfit program and the squash courts. You can also upgrade your pass to make use of the fitness facilities. 

Studystore : At this store you can buy (secondhand) books and other school supplies. 

Canon Copyshop : At this shop, located in the Polak Building, you can print, copy and scan in the self-service corner. 

Supermarket on campus : On Woudestein campus there is a small supermarket for your first necessities. 

Repair shop campus bikes: The shop to have your bike repaired is located in the Polak Building. 

About Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)

RSM our campus : take a virtual tour and check out some of the facilities

RSM Store: to buy your RSM gifts


Immigration Procedures

Once nominated by their home university, our visiting Bachelor or Master exchange students will receive a so-called Welcome Mail from our Exchange Office. In addition to all other relevant information (courses, accommodation), this Welcome Mail informs students also on the online exchange application procedure, but moreover also information whether they need:

  • an entry visa
  • Dutch residence permit
  • a Short Stay Schengen Visa  (non EU/EEA, valid less than 90 days)
  • or none

    NO entry visa and/or Dutch residence permit required, if: Incoming exchange students who have the EU/EEA nationality.



All students who need an entry visa and/or Dutch esidence permit need to pay an immigration fee and show proof of sufficient financial resources (living fee). 

More information can be found on the EUR website. 



  • First contact for students who need an entry visa and/or Dutch residence permit is the RSM Exchange Office, email:
  • After the student has started his/her entry visa/Dutch residence permit application, students can contact the EUR Immigration Department, email: 

Financial Matters

How to open a Dutch bank account

As you will be living in the Netherlands for an extended period of time you are strongly recommended to open a Dutch bank account in the Netherlands, especially for students who have applied for a visa/residence permit, a Dutch bank account is the only way to which their refund (proof of solvency) can be transferred to.

Refund of financial means deposit

As soon as your exchange at RSM has started and as soon as you have opened a bank account, you can send an email to our immigration department: They will further inform you on how your financial means deposit / immigration fee can be refunded.

Costs of living

On this site one can find a rough estimation of costs during your exchange in Rotterdam. Not included in this overview are costs for travelling to Rotterdam and our introduction activities. Of course, all costs depend on your own life style!

Scholarships & grants  

On this webpage one can find information about scholarships and grants, mostly for full-time students, but you never know! RSM does not provide exchange students with grants or scholarships. 

Insurance & Health

Insurance for international students

You are by law obliged to be properly insured during your time in the Netherlands. Next to being obliged, you also don't want to be surprised by having to pay for an unforeseen issue yourself. 

Make sure you are sufficiently insured for:

  • Medical expenses - including any pre-existing conditions you may have;
  • Third-party liability insurance;
  • Fire and home furnishing insurance - if you will be living in student accommodation.

Other information on insurances can be found here.


During your time in Rotterdam, you might feel the need to talk to someone other than friends or you might need medical assistance. In Rotterdam there are many places you can turn to for help and assistance.

On this website contacts and addresses can be found, for example for psychological help, dentist, doctor or hospital. 

International students are also welcome at Jans Huisartsen Rotterdam Kralingen (close to campus), but students need to register first, how?

See website:


Finding accommodation in this dynamic city can be a real bottleneck, for this reason and on this site, students can find information on ways to increase a successful search. We strongly advise you to begin your housing search as early as possible and to secure your accommodation before traveling to the Netherlands.

We advise the incoming exchange students to visit Erasmus University's page which contain full information about accommodation for international students. Students can also check Facebook ESN-Rotterdam Housing.

We strongly advise students to read the terms and conditions very carefully before signing any rental agreement contract as the RSM is not to be hold responsible for any accommodation contract.  


Prior to arrival in the Netherlands, students are assigned to an Exchange Ambassador (buddy). They will get in touch with you few weeks prior to the start of the exchange. This person might be of help in organizing you a smooth arrival. Students arriving at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol can book tickets for the Intercity Direct train already near the luggage belt. This train, which runs every half an hour, brings you to Rotterdam in nearly 30 minutes. 

For all other arrivals, the Netherlands and Rotterdam have an excellent public transport system.

Goin App

If you want to know who is also travelling from your country, city or university to our business school/university, you can use the Goin App.



Luqing Shen

BSc Exchange student, Peking University, China

RSM leaves me great impression on its free academic atmosphere. During the courses, students can raise their questions whenever they want and professors will always be willing to explain them. And after class at cafe, V-building and library, we can always see students discussing in groups or looking through papers. Different forms of teamwork are emphasized by the department like dilemma meetings and team presentations. I'm also happy to find that students here are very helpful and responsible, which makes me adapt to new life in Netherlands quickly.


Abhijit Chokshi

BSc Exchange student, Lancaster University, UK

My overall experience in Rotterdam has been very positive. The city centre is very lively with plenty of cultural diversity. The most amazing thing about Rotterdam is that there are plenty of locations to visit and interesting museums to explore. The IBA course is very intense and demanding, but it is really what one would expect from a top business school. The course here is designed to stretch one’s ability and raise standards each trimester. After participating in Rotterdam marathon, my year abroad at RSM has evidently been a life changing experience.

Luis Carlos Martín Fernández

BSc Exchange student, ITESM, Mexico

Experiencing an exchange at RSM has been one the best experiences ever. It’s been a completely new way of taking courses with so many classmates, knowing from high-quality professors, and interacting in a new atmosphere with students all over the world. The buddies help you to adapt the first days of this new adventure, so that after a few days you feel more comfortable and willing to discover and enjoy the experience. RSM exchange has changed my way of living and understanding life.


Julie Rosenthal Brydolf

BSc Exchange student, SSE, Sweden

A semester at RSM was truly one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had! Being on exchange is really journey in terms of adapting to a new environment and doing this together with a group of people from all around the world really creates a special bond between you and your new international friends. Rotterdam is rich in student life and offers a really friendly and fun atmosphere – also it’s very convenient when it comes to travelling to other parts of Europe if you want to explore even more. Going home I’m bringing knowledge, friends and memories for life!

Onurcan Kurucu

BSc Exchange student, University of Bath, England

RSM is an incredibly international school and I met people from all around the world here. We became great friends in such a short time as the exchange programme was managed very well. We had the chance to get to know each other on an integration trip we went for three days. Rotterdam has a lot to offer, there is always something to do, parks, lakes, jazz bars, crazy nightlife, good restaurants, museums, a bazaar and many more! The exchange experience at RSM was one of the most unforgettable times of my university life. Make sure you do not reject such an opportunity :).

Chenyue Yang

BSc Exchange student, Tsinghua University, China

lt's really a wonderful experience for me to study at RSM for an exchange. The campus is so beautiful, with places almost everywhere for study, communication, group projects or just sitting and enjoying the sunlight. Teachers here are kind and willing to help. From the courses I chose at RSM, I've learned how to better handle diversity, how to communicate and collaborate more efficiently as well as knowledge. What's more, activities here are also unforgettable!

Jackie Wong Ching To

BSc Exchange student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Rotterdam School of Management is the best destination for an exchange journey. Here I have met helpful coordinators, nice buddies, friendly people around and experienced both refreshing ordinary life and vivid party life. RSM is a renowned business school in Europe in which I have taken courses with high standards, especially the minor (Principles of Negotiation). RSM provided me with a platform to meet intelligent business students around the world. My business network was established and we have had a lot of good time with each other. The half year exchange journey is one of the best moments in my life.

Sandesh Menon

BSc Exchange student, SMU, Singapore

Exchange at RSM has been one of the best few months of my life. I would call it a holistic life experience. It offered me the opportunity to study at one of the best business schools in Europe with courses that are interesting and intellectually challenging. It also opened up many doors for me in terms of networking and meeting new people from around the world. The ESN student network organizes many events and parties that have never ever disappointed me. The Queen's day boat trip was really something I will never forget. The Netherlands is a beautiful place with so much beauty.


Students studying at one of our partner schools are welcome to apply for an exchange at RSM and are to be nominated through their home institution.
Nominated students will receive a so-called Welcome e-mail which will inform them on further application procedures, about one month before the application deadline.

Students applying for an undergraduate exchange at RSM are expected to have good academic standing at their home institution, and should have at least completed the second year of undergraduate studies.

Part of your home institution’s selection process is an evaluation of your proficiency in English. We trust our exchange partner schools in nominating students who will not have difficulties in class due to the language.  As a guideline, the following definitions of language levels are applicable:

  • TOEFL iBT score of 80+ (minimum subscore of 18 for reading & listening, and 20 for speaking and 21 for writing).
  • IELTS (minimum subscore of 6.0 for reading, listening, speaking, and writing).
  • TOEIC 800+ (listening & reading) AND 320+ (speaking & writing).
  • CEFR level B2.
  • Cambridge FCE/CAE/CPE/BEC higher 170 (minimum subscore of 170 for reading, listening, speaking & writing).
  • Or another English language certificate of a comparable level.
  • Non-native English speakers whose currently study programe is completely taught in English are exempted, though proof needs to be provided.

To study at RSM as an undergraduate exchange student, you must first be nominated by your home institution. Please contact your university's study abroad adviser/coordinator for more information on requirements and selection procedures.

Deadlines to be nominated are:
Fall term:          May 1
Spring term:    October 1

In the Welcome e-mail you will receive from our programme manager, you will find further information about the online application procedures. Subsequently, you need to complete the online application and upload requested additional documents (a copy/scan of your recent academic transcript, proof of your proficiency in English). If the application for entry visa and/or residence permit is applicable to you, you will receive information on how to apply from the Exchange Office.

Together with the Welcome e-mail, you will also receive a preliminary course offer overview and information on course registration. It is, however, important to already look at the course offer and inform yourself at your home university which courses you are allowed to take during the exchange.

If you have met the academic and English language requirements, the official letter of acceptance will be sent to you via the online system.

Deadlines for application:
Fall term:        May 15
Spring term:   October 15

RSM Exchange Office team

Ellen Vermeulen

Programme Manager Incoming Exchange

Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Ligaya Borgonje

Programme Manager Outgoing Exchange

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Sherida Wong

Manager Digital Projects

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Karin Valentijn

Exchange Officer

Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Sofie van Hattem

Senior Exchange Officer

Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, every other Thursday, Friday