Lucas Meijs
Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

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Lucas C.P.M. Meijs is professor of Strategic Philanthropy and Volunteering  at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).

Professor Meijs' current research focuses on issues related to strategic philanthropy, volunteer/non-profit management, corporate community involvement, voluntary energy as a natural resource and involved learning (life-long development by volunteering).

He served two term as the first non-american co-editor in chief of Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Quarterly.

He has been an appointed member of the Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling, the official policy adviisory body for the Dutch government and parliament.

He was a guest researcher at the Centre of Philanthropy and Non-profit studies at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia.

He has also been a visiting scholar at the University of Georgia's Department of Political Science as well as its School of Social Work.

Professor Meijs teaches NGO/NPO management and several business-non-profit relations courses at the master level, as well as service learning, consultancy and social entrepreneurship at the bachelor level.


Academic (15)
  • Koolen-Maas, S. A., Meijs, L. C. P. M., van Overbeeke, P. S. M., & Brudney, J. L. (2023). Rethinking Volunteering as a Natural Resource: A Conceptual Typology. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52(1_suppl), 353S-377S.

  • van Houwelingen, G., van Dijke, M., Hoogervorst, N., Meijs, L., & De Cremer, D. (2022). Two Sides of the Same Coin: Punishment and Forgiveness in Organizational Contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 908021.

  • van Overbeeke, P., Koolen - Maas, S., Meijs, L., & Brudney, JL. (2022). You Shall (Not) Pass: Strategies for Third-Party Gatekeepers to Enhance Volunteer Inclusion. Voluntas, 33(1), 33-45.

  • Meijs, L. C. P. M., Geers, I., Maas, S., & van Overbeeke, P. (2022). The segmentation of volunteering. Voluntaris, 10(1), 155.

  • Ouacha, M., & Meijs, L. (2021). Cross-border Philanthropy in the Islamic World: From Western Europe to the Middle East (MENA). Journal of Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society, 5(2).

  • Ouacha, M., & Meijs, L. C. P. M. (2021). Cross-border Philanthropy in the Islamic World: from Western Europe to the Middle East (MENA): an introduction. Journal of Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society, 5(2).

  • Ouacha, M., & Meijs, L. C. P. M. (2021). INTRODUCTION 0F. Journal of Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society, 5(2), 3-20.

  • Koolen - Maas, S., Meijs, L., & Brudney, JL. (2020). Designing “National Day of Service” Projects to Promote Volunteer Job Satisfaction. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

  • Brudney, JL., Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2019). More is less? The volunteer stewardship framework and models. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 30(1), 69-87.

  • Handy, ., Cnaan, RA., Brudney, J., Ascoli, U., Meijs, L., Ranade, S., & Femida, . (2000). Public perception of "Who is a volunteer": An examination of the net-cost approach from a cross-cultural perspective'. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 11(1), 45-65.

  • Meijs, L. (1998). Balloons and organizational change (a training design). Journal of Volunteer Administration, XVI(4), 11-13.

  • Meijs, L. (1996). Management is not always the right word. Journal of Volunteer Administration, XIV(3).

  • Kuiper, J., & Meijs, L. (1996). Volunteer autonomy as a moving force. Organization Development Journal, 14(3), 25-32.

  • Meijs, L. (1996). Management van vrijwilligersorganisaties. M en O Quarterly, 4, 84-85.

  • Meijs, L. (1994). Professionalisering van de vrijwilligersorganisatie. Interface, 10(1), 30-31.

Popular (3)
  • Meijs, L. (2003). Hoe wordt een bestuur effectief? Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 6(3), 8-10.

  • Meijs, L. (2003). Vrijwilligerswerk en levensbeschouwing: een wereld in beweging. Idea.

  • Meijs, L. (1998). Moeilijkheden met vrijwilligers zijn eigenlijk management-problemen. Een kwestie van organisatie. Friesch Dagblad, 5-5.

Professional (57)
  • Meijs, L. (2005). Nieuwe uitdaging voor de non-profit sector. Bestuur Rendement, 1(2), 12-14.

  • Meijs, L. (2004). Naar een goed portfoliomanagement voor non-profitorganisaties. Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 7(2), 8-10.

  • Meijs, L. (2004). Is verkeerd management gevaarlijk voor het sociaal kapitaal? Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 7(1), 8-10.

  • Meijs, L. (2004). Campaigning organisaties in verandering: Van ledenmanagement naar programmamanagement. Vrijwillige Inzet Onderzocht, 1(1), 34-43.

  • Meijs, L. (2003). Het 'Policy governance'-model van John Carver. Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 6(1), 9-10.

  • Meijs, L., & van der Voort, JM. (2003). Een technologische revolutie in het vrijwilligerswerk. Vakwerk, 13(1), 12-13.

  • Meijs, L. (2003). Bestuur en directie: op weg naar synergie. Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 6(4), 8-10.

  • Meijs, L. (2002). Stakeholdermanagement voor non-profits! Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 5(7), 10.

  • Meijs, L. (2002). De zoektocht naar impact! Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 5(6), 6-7.

  • Meijs, L., & Schoenmaker, N. (2002). Ouders aan de bal, Praktische methode voor ouderparticipatie in de sport. Vakwerk, 12(6), 18-19.

  • Meijs, L. (2002). Van VBK naar VTW. Vakwerk, 12(1), 5.

  • Meijs, L. (2002). Beroepskrachten en vrijwilligers. Vakwerk, 12(3), 2.

  • Meijs, L. (2002). Een ineffectieve mantra. Vakwerk, 12(4), 2.

  • Meijs, L. (2002). Een agressief vingertje in het vrijwilligerswerk. Vakwerk, 12(5), 2.

  • Meijs, L. (2002). Mannen komen van mars, vrouwen van venus. Vakwerk, 12(6), 2.

  • Meijs, L., & Hoogstad, E. (2001). New ways of managing volunteers: combining membership management and programme management. Voluntary Action, 3(3), 41-61.

  • Meijs, L., & Hupe, P. (2001). Gemengde Sectoren. Over verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen markt, overheid en non-profit. Tijdschrift Privatisering, 8(5), 11-15.

  • Vingerhoets, CJG., & Meijs, L. (2000). 'Vrijwilligerswerk in musea: een wereld in beweging.'. Vakwerk, 10(6), 18-19.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Verder na 2001?'. Vakwerk, 10(6), 4-4.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Een gezonde bestuurscrisis moet kunnen maar laat het niet uit de hand lopen: over groeistuipen, conflicten en bobo-gedrag. Sport Bestuur en Management, 3(5), 16-17.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'De economische en maatschappelijke waarde van vrijwilligerswerk.'. Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 3(6), 7-7.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Thema: 'Management van vrijwilligersorganisaties: een specialiteit', 'Management van vrijwilligers', 'Een typologie van vrijwilligersorganisaties'. Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 3(5), 6-10.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Boekbespreking: Bowling alone: sociaal kapitaal als paraplu'. Vakwerk, 10(5), 24-25.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Het drama van de veralgemenisering'. Vakwerk, 10(5), 4-4.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Het bestrijden van honger als tijdsverdrijf'. Vakwerk, 10(4), 4-4.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Vergrijzing in het vrijwilligerswerk'. Vakwerk, 10(3), 10-10.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Vrijwilligerswerk op school: valkuilen en oplossingen: " We trekken wel een blik ouders open" '. Vakwerk, 10(3), 11-12.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Boekbespreking: The virtual volunteering guidebook'. Vakwerk, 10(3), 24-24.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Wie doet wat: Beroepskracht of vrijwilliger?'. Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 3(4), 7-7.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Niet klagen , maar vragen. Ouderparticipatie als vrijwilligerswerk'. Vernieuwing, 59(6), 19-20.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Voorzitter, secretarisen penningmeester: een drie-eenheid! Taken en profielen'. Sport Bestuur en Management, 3(juni-juli), 6-6.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). 'Non-profitmanagement: het is toch anders!'. Goed Bestuur Stichting en Vereniging, 3(3), 6-6.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). Vermomd vrijwilligerswerk? Vakwerk, 10(2), 30-30.

  • Meijs, L., & Brudney, J. (1999). Communiversity: studenten en vrijwilligerswerk. Vakwerk, 9(5), 8-8.

  • Meijs, L. (1999). Kip of ei? Vakwerk, 10(1), 27-27.

  • Hoogendam, ACJ., Meijs, L., & Torreman, T. (1999). The International Conference on Volunteer Administration. Een inspirerend circus. Vakwerk, 10(1), 6-7.

  • Hoogendam, ACJ., & Meijs, L. (1999). Onbenutte talenten, over diversiteit in vrijwilligersbeleid. Sport en Vrijwilligerskrant, (428), 1-1.

  • Meijs, L. (1999). Diversiteitsmanagement. Vakwerk, 9(1), 17-17.

  • Meijs, L. (1999). Van vrijwilligersbeleid naar vrijwilligerbeleid. Vakwerk, 9(2), 19-19.

  • Meijs, L. (1999). Studentenvrijwilligerswerk, wat nu weer? Vakwerk, 9(3), 25-25.

  • Meijs, L., & Brudney, J. (1999). Vrijwilligerswerk in Athens, een universiteitsstadje in Georgia. Vakwerk, 9(4), 6-7.

  • Meijs, L. (1999). Ondersteuning: concreter is beter. Vakwerk, 9(4), 18-18.

  • Meijs, L. (1999). Zonder achterban geen toekomst. Vakwerk, 9(5), 15-15.

  • Meijs, L., & Hek, PDG. (1998). Vrijwilligerswerk door de ogen van EHBO-vrijwilligers. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor EHBO en Reddingwezen, 87(4), 158-161.

  • Meijs, L. (1998). Vrijgezelle vrijwilligers. Vakwerk, 8(4), 25-25.

  • Meijs, L. (1998). Deel je vrijwilligers met anderen. Vakwerk, 8(3), 18-18.

  • Meijs, L. (1998). Vrijwilligers: calimero's of Ed en Willem Bever? Vakwerk, 8(2), 19-19.

  • Meijs, L. (1998). De episode vrijwilliger. Vakwerk, 8(1), 12-12.

  • Meijs, L. (1998). Democratisch en open? Vakwerk, 8(6), 21-21.

  • Meijs, L. (1998). Een addertje onder het gras. Vakwerk, 8(5), 9-9.

  • Meijs, L., & Hek, PDG. (1998). Vrijwilligerswerk door de ogen van EHBO vrijwilligers. Eerste Hulp, 14(5), 23-26.

  • Meijs, L. (1997). Nu de diepte in! Organiseren van, met en door vrijwilligers. Vakwerk, 7(5/6), 22-22.

  • Meijs, L. (1997). Een supervrijwilliger is niet altijd leuk! Organiseren van, met en door vrijwilligers. Vakwerk, 7(7), 16-16.

  • Meijs, L., & Hek, PDG. (1997). Vrijwilligerswerk in de ogen van de LVCV-leden. LVCV Nieuws Landelijke Vereniging Coördinatoren Vrijwilligerswerk in de Zorgverlening, 7(2), 10-13.

  • Meijs, L. (1996). Management van vrijwilligers: de juiste vrijwilliger op de juiste plaats. Politiebericht, 11, 8-9.

  • Meijs, L., & Westerlaken, C. (1994). Vrijwilligersorganisaties en HRM: talenten: beleid of misleid. Personeelbeleid, 30(6), 37-43.

  • Meijs, L. (1993). Vrijwilligerswerk en maatschappelijke betrokkenheid. Christen Democratische Verkenningen, (11), 463-471.

Professional (1)

Academic (34)
  • Meijs, L. C. P. M., & Koolen-Maas, S. (2022). Civil society and (re)embedding volunteering. In A Research Agenda for Civil Society (pp. 161-172). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Swen, S., Roza, L., Meijs, L., & Maas, A. (2020). Nonprofit Organizations’ Views on Corporate Foundations. In L. Roza, S. Bergmann, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & G. Von Schnurbein (Eds.), Handbook on Corporate Foundations (pp. 271-285). Springer-Verlag.

  • Roza, L., & Meijs, L. (2020). Collectively Addressing SDGs to Change an Industry: 11 The Case of the Water Revolution Foundation. In G. Von Schnurbein (Ed.), Transitioning to Strong Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 11-28). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).

  • Meijs, L. C. P. M., Maas, S. A., & Aramburuzabala, P. (2019). Institutionalisation of service learning in European higher education. In Embedding Service Learning in European Higher Education: Developing a Culture of Civic Engagement (pp. 213-229). Taylor and Francis Inc..

  • Meijs, L., Koolen - Maas, S., & Aramburuzabala, P. (2019). Institutonalisation of service learning in European higher education. In P. Aramburuzabala, L. McIlrath, & H. Opazo (Eds.), Embedding Service Learning in European Higher Education: Developing a Culture of Civic Engagement (pp. 213-230). Routledge.

  • Meijs, L. (2012). Reniventar la sociedad civil: A la tercera va la vencida! In V. Perez-Diaz (Ed.), Europe ante una crisis global Economia, geoestrategia, sociedadcivil y valores (pp. 165-182). Gota a Gota.

  • Stubbe, WM., Roza, L., Meijs, L., & moodithaya, MS. (2011). Public Perceptions of Corporate Community Involvement: A net-cost approach among university students in India and the Netherlands. In Refining the roles of business', NGOs and Governments. Mission for a better global society Manak Publications.

  • Hustinx, L., Meijs, L., Handy, F., & Cnaan, RA. (2010). Nachtwakers of omnivoren? Het participatieprofiel van universiteitsstudenten in Nederland en Vlaanderen. In Jaarboek MOA (pp. 223-237). MOA, Expertise Center voor Marketing-insights, Onderzoek & Analytics.

  • Meijs, L., & Roza, L. (2010). Werknemersvrijwilligerswerk: Goed of slecht voor het vrijwilligerswerk? In E. Hambach, L. Hustinx, & G. Redig (Eds.), Chinese Vrijwilligers? Over de driehoeksverhouding tussen vrijwilligerswerk, activering en arbeidsmarkt (pp. 107-124). Politeia ism Vlaams Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk.

  • van der Voort, JM., & Meijs, L. (2009). The double edge of legitimation: The microdynamics in framing corporate community involvement. In B. Wempe, & J. M. Logsdon (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th annual meeting of International Association for Business and Society

  • Meijs, L., & van der Voort, JM. (2009). Werknemersvrijwilligerswerk in de civil society? In P. Dekker, & J. de Hart (Eds.), vrijwilligerswerk in meervoud: Civil Society en vrijwilligerswerk 5 (pp. 239-256). Het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

  • Hustinx, L., Meijs, L., & Ten Hoorn, EM. (2009). Geleid vrijwilligerswerk: Over het vrijwilligers potentieel van de Nederlandse samenleving(en nieuwe strategieen om het te bevorderen). In P. Dekker, & J. De Hart (Eds.), Vrijwilligerswerk in meervoud: Civil Society en vrijwilligerswerk 5 (pp. 257-276). Het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

  • Meijs, L. (2009). Corporate-Civil Society Partnerships: Stakeholder dialogues and Resources Exchanges. In M. S. Moodithaya, N. K. Thingalaya, N. S. Shetty, & G. V. Joshi (Eds.), Better Business Practices for Sustainable Social Change (pp. 105-113). Sita Book House.

  • Meijs, L., & Ten Hoorn, EM. (2008). No One best Volunteer Administrator. In Liao-Troth, M. (Ed.), Challenges in Volunteer Management. A Volume in Research in Public Management (pp. 29-50). Information Age Publishing.

  • Meijs, L. (2008). Ondernemingen en vrijwillige inzet. In P. Dekker (Ed.), Bedrijfsleven & Civil Society (pp. 49-60). Stichting Synthesis.

  • Meijs, L. (2007). When the State Sneezes, the nonprofit Sector Catches a Cold: Reinventing Nonprofit in the Netherlands. In G. Donnelly-Cox, & C. Breathnach (Eds.), Differing Images: The Irish Nonprofit sector and Comparative Perspectives (pp. 39-50). The Liffey Press.

  • Karr, LB., & Meijs, L. (2006). Sustaining the Motivation to Volunteer in Organizations. In D. Fetchenhauer, A. Flache, B. Buunk, & S. Lindenberg (Eds.), Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior. An integration of sociological and psychological perspectives (pp. 157-172). Springer Science+Business Media.

  • Meijs, L. (2006). Maatschappelijk betrokken ondernemen. In L. Moratis, & M. van der Veen (Eds.), Basisboek MVO (pp. 307-316). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.

  • van der Voort, JM., Meijs, L., & Whiteman, G. (2005). Creating Actionable Knowledge:Practicing Service Learning in a Dutch Business Context. In C. Wankel, & R. DeFillipi (Eds.), Educating Managers through Real World Projects. (pp. 149-180). Information Age Publishing.

  • Meijs, L., Handy, F., Cnaan, RA., Brudney, JL., Ascoli, U., Renade, S., Hustinx, L., Weber, S., & Weiss, I. (2003). All in the Eyes of the Beholder? Perceptions of Volunteering Across Eight Countries. In H. L. Dekker, P. (Ed.), The value of volunteering: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 19-34). Plenum Publishers/Kluwer Academic.

  • Hupe, P., & Meijs, L. (2001). Non-profit in Nederland: Maakt het wat uit? In A. Burger, & P. Dekker (Eds.), Noch markt, noch staat: de Nederlandse non-profitsector in vergelijkend perspectief Het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

  • Meijs, L. (2000). Hybride Governance: The impact of the nonprofit sector in the Netherlands. In J. Hopkins (Ed.), Hybride Governance: The impact of the nonprofit sector in trhe Netherlands (pp. ---). Het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

  • Meijs, L., & Brudney, J. (2000). 'Management and organization in the third sector: Fanning the fires of volunteer involvement. Comparing US and Dutch fire firghting organizations'. In . - (Ed.), Conference abstract volume, fourth international conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research, Trinity College, Dublin (pp. 152-153). Trinity College.

  • Meijs, L., & Hupe, P. (2000). 'Evaluating the impact of the third sector:;hybrid governance: Non-profit, for-provit and governmental organizations for the public good'. In . - (Ed.), Conference abstract volume, fourth international conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research, Trinity College, Dublin (pp. 154-155). Trinity College.

  • Meijs, L., & van der Linden, JC. (1999). Volunteering by Young people: a student organization. In . - (Ed.), Research abstracts on Nonprofit Organizations, Voluntary Action, Philantropy and Civil Society. 28th annual conference Arnova (Associations for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action), Washington DC (pp. E7-1-E7-1). The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).

  • Meijs, L., & Hek, PDG. (1999). Business community involvement: What's that? In . -- (Ed.), Research Abstracts on Nonprofit Organizations, Voluntary Action, Philantrophy and Civil Society, 28th annual conference Arnova (Associations for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Washington, DC (pp. J6.4-J6.4). The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).

  • Meijs, L. (1998). Governance and management in national volunteer organizations. In . ed.? (Ed.), Conference proceedings 27th annual conference Arnova (pp. 227-227). University of Washington.

  • Meijs, L. (1997). The regional level in national volunteer organisations. In A. H. Plotinsky, M. Jackson, & S. Dally (Eds.), Proceedings ARNOVA, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (pp. 124-125). Indiana University Center on Philantropy.

  • Meijs, L. (1996). Kooiman en het management van landelijke (vrijwilligers)organisaties. In H. van Ruller, & M. van Vliet (Eds.), Beeldvorming, Instrument, Actie (pp. 29-42). Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.

  • Baalen, P., Meijs, L., Sweijd, S., & van Ruller, H. (1996). The unpaved road to entrepreneurship in the third sector: how education must change too. In C. L. Barbeito (Ed.), Nonprofit Management Education 1996: a US and World Perspective. (pp. 349-370). University of San Francisco.

  • Meijs, L. (1996). Governance: a challenge for national (volunteer) organizations. In . @ (Ed.), Abstracts international Research Symposium on Public Services Management. (pp. 1-3). Aston Business School.

  • Meijs, L., & Sweijd, S. (1996). Review. In R. Kramer (Ed.), - Sharpe.

  • Meijs, L. (1995). Governability: Porfessionalizing the Management of Volunteers. In R. D. Safrit (Ed.), Navigating the New World of Volunteerism: AVA Conference Proceedings 1995 International Conference on Volunteer Administration: Boston, Massachusetts, October 25-28, 1995 (pp. 54-56). Ohio State University.

  • de Graaff, VC., & Meijs, L. (1994). Bedrijfskundige methodologie: een kwestie van professionele ethiek? In H. van der Heijden, J. de Leede, R. van Reekum, & J. Verrijdt (Eds.), Derde Landelijke AIO-onderzoeksdag bedrijfskunde 1994: thema: bedrijfskundige methodologie (pp. 163-169). Universiteit Twente NOBO.

Popular (10)
  • Ter Meer, J., & Meijs, L. (2015). Sociaal ondernemerschap in non-profit organisaties: een privatiseringsslag. In L. C. P. M. Meijs, & M. Ritter (Eds.), Sociaal Ondernemerschap: De beweging naar nieuwe hybride modellen voor een andere toekomst (pp. 18-27). Stiichting Maatschappij en Onderneming SMO.

  • Ritter, M., & Meijs, L. (2015). introductie: sociaal ondernemerschap. In L. C. P. M. Meijs, & M. Ritter (Eds.), Sociaal ondernemerschap. De beweging naar hybride modellen voor een andere toekomst (pp. 7-15). Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming.

  • Ritter, M., & Meijs, L. (2015). Uitleiding: de kracht van de beweging. In L. C. P. M. Meijs (Ed.), Sociaal ondernemerschap. De beweging naar nieuwe hybride modellen voor een andere toekomst (pp. 103-115). Stichitng Maatschappij en Onderneming.

  • Meijs, L., & Ter Meer, J. (2015). Opschalen nader onderzocht: 'wat', 'hoe' en de valkuilen. In GROEI. Meer, groter, sterkst. De groei van sociale initiatieven (pp. 6-13). Oranje Fonds.

  • Meijs, L. (2014). Vrijwillige Energie. In L. C. P. M. Meijs (Ed.), Filantropie in Nederland (pp. 34-42). Stichting Maatschappij en Organisatie.

  • Baren, E., & Meijs, L. (2014). Nieuwe manieren om vrijwilligerswerk te organiseren. In L. C. P. M. Meijs (Ed.), Filantropie in Nederland (pp. 44-54). Stichting Maatschappij en Organisatie.

  • Roza, L., & Meijs, L. (2014). Het inzetten van vrijwilligerswerk voor samenleving, organisatie en individu. In L. C. P. M. Meijs (Ed.), Filantropie in Nederland (pp. 56-64). Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming.

  • de Wilde, MC., & Meijs, L. (2014). Vermogensfondsen als financier van publieke doelen. In L. C. P. M. Meijs (Ed.), Filantropie in Nederland (pp. 86-105). Stichting Maatschappij en Organisatie.

  • Meijs, L., & Molenaar, M. (2014). Eigen kracht, verantwoordelijkheid en opdrachtgeverschap. In L. C. P. M. Meijs (Ed.), Filantropie in Nederland (pp. 108-112). Stichting Maatschappij en Organisatie.

  • Meijs, L. (2014). Introductie. In L. C. P. M. Meijs (Ed.), Filantropie in Nederland (pp. 11-20). Stichting Maatschappij en Organisatie.

Professional (22)
  • Roza, L., & Meijs, L. (2020). Corporate philanthropy. In H. K. Anheier, & S. Toepler (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management (pp. 426-437). Routledge.

  • Metz, JW., & Meijs, L. (2015). Pedagogische betekenis van vrijwillige inzet. In R. Clarijs (Ed.), Om de jeugd: perspectief voor beleid en praktijk (pp. 77-90). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Metz, JW., Meijs, L., & Bridges Karr, L. (2014). Preface: Organizing the village: Volunteering and youth. In L. Bridges Karr, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & J. Metz (Eds.), Volunteering and Youth Services. Essential readings for social work, social policy and urban management (pp. 7-15). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Baren, E., & Meijs, L. (2014). What is volunteering? In L. Bridges Karr, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & J. Metz (Eds.), Volunteering and Youth Services. Essential readings for social work, social policy and urban management (pp. 19-31). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Baren, E., Meijs, L., Roza, L., Metz, JW., & Hoogervorst, N. (2014). On contemporary volunteering and volunteer management as building blocks for the pedagogic civil society. In L. Bridges Karr, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & J. Metz (Eds.), Volunteering and Youth Services. Essential readings for social work, social policy and urban management (pp. 33-52). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Meijs, L., & Bridges Karr, L. (2014). Organizing volunteer support for child and youth development: An introduction to volunteering management. In L. Bridges Karr, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & J. Metz (Eds.), Volunteering and Youth Services. Essential readings for social work, social policy and urban management (pp. 77-87). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Hoogervorst, N., Baren, E., Metz, JW., Roza, L., & Meijs, L. (2014). Propositions concerning the use of volunteers to provide support to children and their parents. In L. Bridges Karr, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & J. Metz (Eds.), Volunteering and Youth Services. Essential readings for social work, social policy and urban management (pp. 91-105). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Metz, JW., Hoogervorst, N., Meijs, L., Baren, E., & Roza, L. (2014). The pedagogic value of volunteering in child and youth development. In L. Bridges Karr, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & J. Metz (Eds.), Volunteering and Youth Services. Essential readings for social work, social policy and urban management (pp. 107-118). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Roza, L., & Meijs, L. (2014). Involved learning. In L. Bridges Karr, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & J. Metz (Eds.), Volunteering and Youth Services. Essential readings for social work, social policy and urban management (pp. 145-163). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Baren, E., & Meijs, L. (2014). Temporary participation: Episodic volunteering, spontaneous volunteering and community-service programs. In L. Bridges Karr, L. C. P. M. Meijs, & J. Metz (Eds.), Volunteering and Youth Services. Essential readings for social work, social policy and urban management (pp. 191-199). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Meijs, L. (2014). SIB en Filantropie. In R. Frissen (Ed.), Nieuwe financieringsvormen voor publieke waarde (pp. 36-39). Society Impact NSOB.

  • Metz, JW., Hoogervorst, N., Meijs, L., Baren, E., & Roza, L. (2013). Unique value of volunteering for the upbringing of children. In G. von Schnurbein, D. Wiederkehr, & H. Ammann (Eds.), Freiwilligenarbeit zwischen freiheit und professionalisierung (pp. 239-252). Seismo Verlag.

  • Metz, JW., Meijs, L., Roza, L., Baren, E., & Hoogervorst, N. (2012). Grenzen aan de Civil Society. In H. Jumelet, & J. Wenink (Eds.), Zorg voor onszelf? Eigen kracht van jeugdigen, opvoeders en omgeving, grenzen en mogelijkheden voor beleid en praktijk (pp. 117-130). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Meijs, L., & Mies, C. (2012). Meer dan met elkaar hockeyen. In H. Jumelet, & J. Wenink (Eds.), Zorg voor onszelf? Eigen kracht van jeugdigen, opvoeders en omgeving, grenzen en mogelijkheden voor beleid en praktijk (pp. 132-139). BV Uitgeverij SWP.

  • Meijs, L. (2010). Betrokkenheid als verzekering tegen een zwalkende overheid. In Paul Cremer Lezing Leeuwendaal / Paul Cremerslezing.

  • Hustinx, L., Meijs, L., & Ten Hoorn, EM. (2010). Geleid vrijwilligerswerk: een nieuw conceptueel kader. In E. Hambach, L. Hustinx, & G. Redig (Eds.), Chinese vrijwilligers: over de driehoeksverhouding tussen vrijwilligerswerk, activering en arbeidsmarkt (pp. 65-86). Politeia.

  • Meijs, L. (2010). Vrijwillige energie in de veiligheid. In K. Stuive, & P. Deelman (Eds.), Burgernet en andere vormen van burgerparticipatie in de veiligheid. SMVO.

  • Meijs, L. (2008). Werken aan een sociale stad. In Opstellen voor Opstelten en alle andere Rotterdammers (pp. 68-71). Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • van Groeningen, H., & Meijs, L. (2004). WhoZnext. In Janssens, J. e.a. (Ed.), Education through sport, An overview of good practices in Europe. (pp. 236-241). Arko Sports Media.

  • Meijs, L. (1998). Management of volunteer organizations: organizational control. In . red? (Ed.), microCAD'98, International Computer Science Conference, Miskolc-Egyetemváros, February 25-26, 1998 (pp. 23-26). UM ITTC.

  • Bockom Maas, B., Hoogendam, ACJ., & Meijs, L. (1998). Volunteers in a sports club: organisation of involvement. In G. Pires, F. Fernandes, & N. Perry (Eds.), Proceedings Sixth Congress of the European Association for Sport Management (pp. 70-77). EASM.

  • Meijs, L. (1994). Professionaliseren van management in vrijwilligersorganisaties. In . NOV (Ed.), Vrijwilligersagenda 1995 (pp. 21-23). Spruyt, van Mantgem & De Does.

Academic (2)
  • Meijs, L. (2012). keynote adress: Huge Aspirations need local upscaling. In Third Nitte int conference on "development challenges, global aspirations and local realities Justice K.S. Hegde Institute of Management.

  • Zrinš?ak, S., Lakoš, I., Handy, F., Cnaan, R., Brudney, JL., Haski-Leventhal, D., Holmes, K., Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Meijs, L., Pessi, AB., Ranade, B., Smith, KA., & Yamauchi, N. (2012). Volontiranje studenata u Zagrebu u komparativnom kontekstu (Student Volunteering in Zagreb in a Comparative Context). In Revija za socijalnu politiku (Croatian Journal of Social Policy) (Vol. 19, pp. 25-48)

Professional (1)
  • Metz, JW., Meijs, L., Roza, L., Baren, E., & Hoogervorst, N. (2012). Unique Value of Volunteering for the upbringing of children. In G. Schnubein, D. Wiederkehr, & H. Ammann (Eds.), Volunteering between Freedom and Professionalisation

Professional (1)
  • Roza, L., Koolen - Maas, S., & Meijs, L. (2015). De ontwikkeling van een hybride organisatie. Vebego Foundation.

Popular (22)
  • Meijs, L. (2021). Sportvrijwilligerswerk in 2031. Web publication/site, Sportknowhow XL.

  • Meijs, L. (2020). Impact is niet hetzelfde als resultaat. Web publication/site, het goede leven.

  • Meijs, L., & Kwee, M. (2020). Het succes van de anderhalvemeter-regel is van ons allemaal. Web publication/site, het goede leven.

  • Meijs, L., & Roza, L. (2020). Bedrijven als goede buur. Web publication/site, het goede leven.

  • Meijs, L. (2020). Tegenkrachten zijn nodig in een gezonde democratie. Web publication/site, het goede leven.

  • Meijs, L., Yan Man, W., & van Overbeeke, P. (2020). Burn-out en bore-out bij vrijwilligers voorkomen?. Web publication/site, Sportknowhow XL.

  • Meijs, L., & Hoedemakers, J. (2019). Anachronismen versus disruptie. Web publication/site, management site.

  • Meijs, L. (2019). Onvoorbereid, maar vol goede moed!. Web publication/site, het goede leven.

  • Meijs, L., van Overbeeke, P., & Simons, FJ. (2018). tipping tractors in het vrijwilligerswerk. Web publication/site, Sportknowhow XL.

  • Simons, FJ., & Meijs, L. (2018). Boards from hell: wat te doen bij slecht bestuur. Web publication/site, Sportknowhow XL.

  • Meijs, L. (2018). Een succesverhaal uit China: over burgerparticipatie en leenfietsen. Web publication/site, De Dikke

  • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2017). Vrijwilligers maken de waarde. Web publication/site, Sportknowhow XL.

  • Dury, S., & Meijs, L. (2017). Het BuurtPensioen in Brussel: buren helpen elkaar in ruil voor uren en gezelligheid. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2016). Wat leiders kunnen leren van vrijwilligerswerk. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • van Harten, M., & Meijs, L. (2016). Filantropie: banken vergeten hun maatschappelijke krediet. Web publication/site, Socaile Vraagstukken.

  • Meijs, L. (2015). Eigenwijze filantropen zijn van toegevoegde waarde. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Roza, L., & Meijs, L. (2015). Durf eisen te stellen aan vrijwilligerswerk van bedrijven. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L. (2014). Familie-vakantie-vrijwilligerswerk. Web publication/site, PCOB.

  • Meijs, L. (2014). Oranje Boven. Web publication/site, PCOB.

  • Meijs, L. (2014). Vrijwilligerswerk. Web publication/site, PCOB.

  • Meijs, L. (2011). Nederlanders willen vrijwilligerswerk doen onder werktijd. Web publication/site

  • Meijs, L. (2011). De populariteit vanvrijwilligerswerk onder jonge mensen groeit enorm..... Web publication/site

Professional (29)
  • De Rond, J., Meijs, L., & Geers, I. (2022). Corona onderzoek: Lokaal gemeenschapsleven is veerkrachtig. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L., Hoedemakers, J., & van Overbeeke, P. (2021). We hebben weer hofnarren nodig om tegenkracht te bieden.. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Kwee, M., Heitbrink, E., Meijs, L., & 'S Jongers, T. (2020). circulaire economie kan alleen van iedereen zijn. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L., & 'S Jongers, T. (2020). Zo bestuur je vrijwilligersorganisaties. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L. (2020). Professionaliteit is afhankelijk van bekwaamheid. Web publication/site, De Dikke

  • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2019). Beroepskrachten en vrijwilligers: communicerende vaten?. Web publication/site, sportknowhowXL.

  • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2019). De vereniging als een vrijwilligersmagneet. Web publication/site, sportknowhowXL.

  • Meijs, L. (2019). Leiding geven aan vrijwilligers. Web publication/site, BNR.

  • Meijs, L. (2019). Challenges in civic engagement. Web publication/site, Nederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligerswerk.

  • Meijs, L. (2019). Vrijwilligersmanagement 3.0: Het glas is driekwart vol, maar kan voller. Web publication/site, Nederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligerswerk.

  • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2018). De sportvereniging is nodig om goed burgerschap te oefenen. (blog).. Web publication/site, sportknowhowXL.

  • Meijs, L., van Overbeeke, P., & Simons, FJ. (2018). Benader de ‘nu-niet-vrijwilliger’ als een fruitmachine.. Web publication/site, sportknowhowXL.

  • Meijs, L., & 'S Jongers, T. (2018). Tips voor het nieuwe vrijwilligerswerk. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L. (2018). Wetenschap dichterbij: ruim baan voor jonge, bevlogen studenten!. Web publication/site, De Dikke

  • 'S Jongers, T., & Meijs, L. (2018). Tips voor vrijwilligers die goed en prettig willen besturen. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L. (2018). Een bedreiging voor de vrijwillige energie in de sport?. Web publication/site, sportknowhowXL.

  • Meijs, L., Maas, S., & Roza, L. (2016). Meer aandacht voor verdelen, minder voor verdienen. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • van Staveren, I., & Meijs, L. (2015). Crowdfunding kan burgers binden mits de overhead ruimte laat. Web publication/site

  • Meijs, L., & van Vliet, LM. (2014). Wmo 2015: sublieme kans voor partnerschap tussen gemeenten en bedrijven. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • van der Roest, JW., van Bottenburg, M., & Meijs, L. (2014). De sport groeit, maar lidmaatschap is van minder betekenis. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Drenth, B., Meijs, L., & van Vliet, LM. (2014). Amsterdamse vangnetorganisaties kunnen op eigen benen staan. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L., Roza, L., & Metz, JW. (2013). Verplichten is slecht voor individuele waarde vrijwilligerswerk. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L., Metz, JW., & Roza, L. (2013). Wie profiteert van de kostenbesparing?. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L., Roza, L., & Metz, JW. (2013). Beroepskrachten vervangen door vrijwilligers?. Web publication/site, .

  • Meijs, L., Roza, L., & Metz, JW. (2013). Vrijwilligerswerk geeft sociale sector legitimiteit. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L. (2012). Handen af van vrijwilligers. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Meijs, L., Baren, E., Hoogervorst, N., Metz, JW., & Roza, L. (2012). Pedagogische civil society: het verkeerde concept. Web publication/site, .

  • Meijs, L. (2012). Van de koeien en het gras. De meent van het vrijwilligerswerk. Web publication/site, bureau de helling.

  • Meijs, L. (2011). Kamercommissie hoort belanghebbenden over Geefwet: "Er blijft nog veel onbesproken".. Web publication/site


Learning by Doing: consulting social entrepreneurs

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: B3MIN1020
  • Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

International Management/CEMS cohort 2022-2023

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023
  • Code: BM-IMCEMS2223
  • Level: Master

International Management/CEMS cohort 2024-2025

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
  • Code: BM-IMCEMS2324
  • Level: Master

Managing NGOs

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
  • Code: BMME037
  • Level: Master, Master, Master, Master

MiM Master Thesis

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023
  • Code: BMMTMIM
  • ECTS: 16 Level: Master


  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: BT2117

Career Skills: Managing & Valuing Volunteers

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: FEB13911

Past courses

Final project

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BMA4002
  • ECTS: 20

GBS Company-based Research Project

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
  • Code: BMBPGBS
  • Level: Master

IM Research clinic

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BM-IM-RC
  • Level: Master

International Management/CEMS cohort 2021-2022

  • Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: BM-IMCEMS2122
  • Level: Master

Non Profit Management

  • Study year: 2021/2022, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BMA2112

IM Research clinic

  • Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BM-IMRC
  • Level: Master

Inclusive and Emergent Leadership

  • Study year: 2020/2021
  • Code: BKBMIN052
  • Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

Learning by doing: consulting to social entrepreneurs

  • Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016, 2014/2015
  • Code: BKBMIN020
  • Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3

Internationaal Project

  • Study year: 2018/2019, 2017/2018
  • Code: BMA2102
  • ECTS: 5

Introduction to Business

  • Study year: 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016, 2014/2015
  • Code: BAP064
  • ECTS: 5 Level: Bachelor 1, Bachelor 1

Managing NGO's

  • Study year: 2014/2015
  • Code: RSMME034
  • ECTS: 6 Level: Master


  • Study year: 2014/2015
  • Code: BKB002
  • ECTS: 3 Level: Bachelor 1

Featured in the news

Featured in the media

  • Wanted: volunteer at the boucy castle or to hand out candy on...

    Lucas Meijs is quoted in this article in the NRC. Behind a paywall.

  • Church is looking for a volunteer: The 'oil of ecclesiastical Netherlands' is in danger of drying up

    Prof. Lucas Meijs is quoted in this article about the declining number of church volunteers.

  • Vrijwilligerswerk op sterven na dood? Absoluut niet

    Volunteer work on the verge of death? Absolutely not There are also concerns in the church about whether there will be enough volunteers to keep the church running. Professor Lucas Meijs is optimistic: 'People continue to need…

  • Today's volunteers want to help, but not be stuck

    Churches are largely dependent on volunteers, and that group is shrinking. Should they be seriously concerned? RSM's Professor of Volunteerism Lucas Meijs doesn't think so: 'People continue to need collective structures.' …

  • Volunteer work on the verge of death? Absolutely not

    There are concerns in the Protestant Church about whether there will be enough volunteers to keep the church running. RSM Prof. Lucas Meijs is quoted as being optimistic: 'People continue to need collective structures.' …

  • 'Church balance on the verge of death? Certainly not!'

    RSM Prof. Lucas Meijs is referenced in this article about the 50th annual fundraising Kerkbalans campaign for the protestant Church in the Netherlands.

  • Actie Kerkbalans is kerkopbouw'

    Print edition: RSM Prof Lucas Meijs is quoted on volunteering in this article which begins: Utrecht: The Kerkbalans fundraising campaign is actually a form of "church building". This was said by Hans van den Hende, chairman of…

  • Kerkbalans campaign volunteers receive a medal of honor

    RSM Prof. Lucas Meijs is quoted in this article about special volunteer medals given out during the 50th annual Church Balance fundraising campaign.

  • Bishop Hans van den Hende: 'Kerkbalans Action is church building'

    RSM Prof. Lucas Meijs is quoted on volunteering efforts in this article about the annual Kerkbalans fundraising campaign.

  • This way you really convert all those good intentions for this new year into an improved version of yourself

    RSM Prof. Lucas Meijs is quoted in this article about breaking through old ingrained patterns that stand in the way of a new lifestyle. IN Dutch.

  • This way you really convert all those good intentions for this new year into an improved version of yourself

    (In Dutch) Lucas Meijs is quoted in this piece that describes how January is the time when many people try to improve their lifestyle, but good intentions alone do not guarantee success. A practical guide for breaking old,…

  • Millions in donations for disaster across borders | Scraped from other media

    Professor Lucas Meijs quoted in article (scraped from

  • How Moral Goodness Drives Unethical Behavior: Empirical Evidence for the NGO Halo Effect

    Research paper co-authored by Prof. Lucas Meijs examines the NGO halo effect, a conceptual framework that proposes three mechanisms to explain how NGO moral goodness can lead to NGO unethical behavior, …

  • Voluntary work plays an important role in vital aging

    Unlocking the Vitality of the Elderly Through Voluntary Work

  • Volunteering can boost your career – here's how

    How Volunteering Can Boost Your Career and Open New Doors

  • Rethinking Volunteering as a Natural Resource: A Conceptual Typology

    Prof. Lucas Meijs and PhD candidiate Philine van Overbeeke co-authored this article that explores volunteering: it can be understood as a human-made, renewable resource that can be grown and recycled, and whose continuation and…

  • Rethinking Volunteering as a Natural Resource: A Conceptual Typology

    Breaking the concept of volunteering into three categories: traditional, third party, and spontaneous, and how thy manifest and serve different purposes. Written by Stephanie Koolen-Maas, Lucas Meijs and Philine van Overbeeke, …

  • Civil society and (re)embedding volunteering

    Prof. Lucas Meijs and post-doc researcher Stephanie Koolen Maas co-authored Chapter 12 in the book: A Research Agenda for Civil Society. They explore the stimulating, encouraging and facilitating of volunteering. …

  • A Research Agenda for Civil Society:

    Chapter 12: Civil society and (re)embedding volunteering, written by Prof. Lucas Meijs and PhD candidate Stephanie Koolen-Maas.

  • Geld? Geef eens aandacht weg

    In this article, Lucas Meijs, professor of Philanthropy at RSM, discusses the issue of donating time instead of money.

  • Vrijwilligerswerk onder druk door de vele regels

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM, is quoted in this article about laws regarding volunteering and the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register.

  • Cross-Border Philanthropy in the Islamic World: From Europe to North Africa and the Middle East (MENA)

    Post-doc researcher Malika Ouacha and Prof. Lucas Meijs guest-edited this special issue of the Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society.

  • Cross-Border Philanthropy in the Islamic World: From Europe to North Africa and the Middle East (MENA)

    Prof. Lucas Meijs and PhD candidate Malika Ouacha are guest editors for this issue of the Journal of Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society.

  • Volunteering empowers society as a whole and each one of us as individuals

    This article quotes Lucas Meijs, Professor of Strategic Philanthropy and Volunteering at RSM.

  • You Shall (Not) Pass: Strategies for Third-Party Gatekeepers to Enhance Volunteer Inclusion

    PhD candidate Philine S. M. van Overbeeke, Post-doc researcher Stephanie A. Koolen-Maas, and Prof. Lucas Meijs co-authored this article about volunteer exclusion in volunteer management.

  • You Shall (Not) Pass: Strategies for Third-Party Gatekeepers to Enhance Volunteer Inclusion

    Volunteering as a mechanism contributing to societal inclusion has a flip side in the form of volunteer exclusion that derives from the failure to seek, recruit, and place potential volunteers - and that's a predictor of having no…

  • Met professionals bij sportverenigingen valt veel te winnen

    Professionalizing sports associations is seen as an important task to make sports clubs future-proof. This often refers to paid trainers or other external workers who take on certain tasks. According to Jan Raateland, advocate of…

  • We hebben weer hofnars nodig om tegenkracht te bieden

    Article about how a reintroduction of a court jester could be useful to hold up a mirror against the powerful people in The Netherlands. The article goes about actively summoning opposing forces to get control again and don't let…

  • The right-hand missing problem

    Article about the first ERNOP Science and Society Seminar on Sustaining Voluntary Energy by Professor Lucas Meys from the RSM. When incorporating the learnings and conclusions from the fruitful discussion after the webinar, you…

  • ERNOP seminar series aims to bridge gap between study and practice in philanthropy

    The European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP) has launched an event series aiming to bridge the academic-practice divide in philanthropy. Comprised of monthly seminars beginning Tuesday, 23 March, the events will cover a…

  • ‘Meer vrijwilligers? Maak het ze minder moeilijk’

    The campaign"People Make Den Haag 'yields more volunteers in The Hague. Recruiting people for voluntary work is very tricky according to Lucas Meijs, professor of voluntary work at the RSM. However, that does not imply that the…

  • ‘Meer vrijwilligers? Maak het ze minder moeilijk’

    The campaign"People Make Den Haag 'yields more volunteers in The Hague. Recruiting people for voluntary work is very tricky according to Lucas Meijs, professor of voluntary work at the RSM. However, that does not imply that the…

  • ERNOP lanceert seminarserie voor discussie over Europese filantropieonderzoeken

    ERNOP launches seminar series about the discussion of the European philantrophy. The first seminar will be given on March 23, 2021 by Lucas Meijs, professor of Strategic Philanthropy and Voluntary Service at the RSM. …

  • Nationaal Jaar Vrijwillige Inzet Huizen geopend

    Mayor Niek Meijer digitally opened the National Year of Voluntary Deployment in Huizen yesterday in the presence of alderman Maarten Hoelscher and many volunteers. He did this during a webinar by Lucas Meijs, professor of…


    An article providing three webinars of Lucas Meijs, Professor Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses at the RSM. He covers three topics: How are you prepared for big, unexpected events? How do you make your volunteering…

  • Bijna de helft van de Nederlanders doet vrijwilligerswerk

    Article about the voluntary life of Dutch inhabitants. Almost half of the Dutch population does voluntary work. Lucas C.P.M. Meijs is professor of Strategic Philanthropy and Volunteering at the RSM, he explains how this comes. …

  • Circulaire economie kan alleen van iedereen zijn

    An article about how a circular economy can only be achieved if everyone cooperates. This is a huge challenge for policymakers. A circular economy is an economy in which waste is reused for the production of new goods. The…

  • Circulaire economie kan alleen van iedereen zijn

    An article about how a circular economy can only be achieved if everyone cooperates. This is a huge challenge for policymakers. A circular economy is an economy in which waste is reused for the production of new goods. The…

  • Fondsenwerving: olifanten krijgen aandacht, mieren doen het werk

    Article written by Lucas C.P.M. Meijs, professor of Strategic Philanthropy and Volunteering at RSM, Erasmus University. The article is about the difference in fundraising for bigger or smaller organizations. In fundraising, a…

  • Vrijwillige energie in crisistijd

    This article summarizes the acquired knowledge in a report about the three webinars in which Lucas Meijs, Professor Strategic Philanthropy / Volunteering, shared his expertise with volunteers, professionals and other interested…

  • Webinar met hoogleraar vrijwilligerswerk Lucas Meijs

    On 26 November from 19:00 to 20:30, Middelburg / Walcheren volunteer organizations can have a live online conversation with professor Lucas C.P.M. Meijs, professor of Strategic Philanthropy and Volunteering at RSM, Erasmus…

  • Prof. Lucas Meijs: Impact is niet hetzelfde als resultaat...

    Civil society organizations often want to have "impact", which means that change is brought about. However, that should not always be the end goal. Prof. Lucas Meijs (Erasmus) wrote this on 13 October on the website of the Good…

  • Tweede webinar met hoogleraar vrijwilligerswerk Lucas Meijs

    Volunteer organizations from Walcheren can have a live online conversation with Professor of Volunteering Lucas Meijs of the RSM, Erasmus University on 27 October from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. The conversation is about how, as a…

  • One third of those in need didn’t get enough help during lockdown

    An article adressing the inadequate assistance from volunteers during the corona lockdown, researched by the RSM. Prof. Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy…

  • Coronacrisis maakt Almeloërs hulpvaardig

    This article reports about how the population of the Dutch city Almelo increased their volunteer work during Corona lockdown. Even though this city had an outbreak of solidarity, research of the RSM concluded that there was…

  • Opnieuw grootschalige fraude bij examens in Rotterdam

    Students of the RSM will be possibly removed from their bachelor International Business Administration. They have shared answers of exams with each other during an online exam. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic the exam had to…

  • Grote chatgroep voor spiekende RSM-studenten was maand lang actief

    Students of the RSM will be possibly removed from their bachelor International Business Administration. They have shared answers of exams with each other during an online exam. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic the exam had to…

  • Van friettrucks tot superheldenboxen

    An article that discusses how the covid-19 crisis has boosted volunteering initiatives, mentioning Lucas Meijs.

  • Zo bestuur je vrijwilligersorganisaties

    An article written by Lucas Meijs of RSM how volunteering services can maintain the upswing of volunteering that emerge during the corona crisis.

  • Waardering als beloning

    Volunteering is currently very popular. Lucas Meijs of RSM participates in a conversation with two other experts about the changes in the world and their effects on the voluntary deployment of people. "Individualization has hardly…

  • Zo bied je het beste corona-hulp aan aan je buren

    Lucas Meijs of RSM has commented on an article regarding the 'helping' culture that has emerged during the corona crisis. It has been found that more people are offering help than asking for help - Lucas has commented on this…

  • Waardering als beloning

    Raboband article about the popularity of volunteering. Volunteering is just as popular as it used to be. People do state different demands on the voluntary work they do. The article is a conversation with three experts about the…

  • What this crisis is showing us:there are a lot of willing volunteers in the Netherlands

    Lucas Meijs of RSM has ben interviewed regarding the outburst of volunteers in The Netherlands, especially in the midst of the corona crisis.

  • Landelijk platform voor alle Coronahulp gelanceerd

    In order to alleviate the social consequences of the corona crisis, a large group of people has now emerged who offer their help through all kinds of channels, media and local initiatives. However, the requests for help have been…

  • Antenne December 2019

    A magazine article that focusses' on Lucas Meijs' new research, regarding the inclusion and exclusion of volunteering. Central question: which people are not asked, but also, which people do not sign up and how is that possible? …

  • Vuurwerkclubs als alternatief voor particulier afsteken, net als op Malta

  • Songfestival, prijs voor iedereen?

  • Hoe activistisch is de aanschaf van een duur Patagonia-jack?

  • Studenten onderzoeken hoe stichting draagvlak voor sluis kan vergroten

    Arie den Boer, alumni of the Rotterdam School of Management, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses a research done by students from the Erasmus University on the legitimacy of the reopening of the lock on the Dam…

  • Studenten pleiten voor platform over sluis in Alblasserdam

    Arie den Boer, alumni of the Rotterdam School of Management, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses a research done by students from the Erasmus University on the legitimacy of the reopening of the lock on the Dam…


    Lucas Meijs, professor Strategic Philanthropy at the Rotterdam School of Management, has been mentioned in an article. The article discusses the role of philantrophy on the market and the government. Lucas Meijs states finds that…

  • Jongeren vrijwillig aan de slag laten gaan bij zorgen welzijnsorganisaties? Verbindingen leggen en relaties bouwen.

    Lucas Meijs, professor Strategic Philanthropy and Volunteering, has been mentioned in the article 'Jongeren vrijwillig aan de slag laten gaan bij zorgen welzijnsorganisaties? Verbindingen leggen en relaties bouwen'. The article is…

  • Hoe gaan we om met vrijwillige energie?

    Lucas Meijs and Philine van Overbeeke of RSM interviewed 450 volunteer managers about what they considered important in their work. For this research they have divided volunteer organisations into four categories based on two…

  • Kerkganger vaak actief als vrijwilliger

    Dutch people who regularly attend church are more socially active than non-churchgoers, according to a new report from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Lucas Meijs of RSM has commented on this statement, claiming that "this…

  • “Iets doen zit er bij ons echt ingebakken”

    Lucas Meijs has been mentioned in an article regarding the volunteering mentality of the Dutch. He states that the Dutch are "used to doing things for themselves".

  • 海洋文化与法律学院举办志愿者专题讲座

    Lucas Meijs of RSM was a guest lecturer at the Shanghai Ocean University-Marine Culture and Law College, discussing how volunteers can create more value than employees.

  • Hoe kan Rotterdam grote filantropen in de tang houden?

    An article by Lucas Meijs of RSM discussed philanthropy in Rotterdam.

  • Waarom millennials met vrijwilligerswerk stoppen

    An article discussing Timo Vugts's thesis regarding millennials and volunteering. His thesis coach was Lucas Meijs. Attracting Millennials as volunteers is not easy, but retaining them is even more complicated. For his thesis,…

  • Pleidooi voor doordachter werknemers-vrijwilligerswerk

    How do companies facilitate their employees in doing volunteer work? And what can companies do to ensure that employee volunteering actually brings benefits to everyone? Stella Robeer focuses on these questions, under guidance of…

  • De opkomst van de flexvrijwilliger

    An article that discusses the upswing of flex-volunteers. Lucas Meijs of RSM comments on volunteering, stating that "research shows that people with a busy life want to do voluntary work, so having little time does not have to be…

  • Tipping tractors in het vrijwilligerswerk

    An article that discusses the 'fainting goats' issue that may often occur. Board members are often honoured to be a board member, but when asked to chair a meeting, represent the club anywhere, present or understand how the annual…


    A radio interview with Lucas Meijs of RSM regarding leadership amongst volunteers.

  • Verdringing werk of niet?

    An article regarding Lucas Meijs' new research into possible displacement of working forces by volunteers.

  • De civil society in het sportdomein laat zich niet vangen in een dictaat van de overheid

    An article in which Lucas Meijs of RSM is mentioned.


    An article in Q Magazine with Lucas Meijs of RSM regarding strategic philanthropy.

  • De vereniging als een vrijwilligersmagneet

    An article written by Lucas Meijs and Philine van Overbeeke of RSM. The article discusses how sports club may find volunteers more easily.

  • Terugblik symposium 20 november

    An article that discusses the symposium on November 20th in which Lucas Meijs of RSM was a guest speaker.

  • Je kan alles vragen over goede doelen!

    Lucas Meijs of RSM was featured on the BNR radio during which the public could ask any question regarding charities or volunteer work.

  • Beste vrijwilligers van Middelburg

    A column written bij Lucas Meijs of RSM regarding the upswing of volunteer work.

  • Wat is er mis met parttime werken?! - deel 3

    Lucas Meijs of RSM has been featured in a radio podcast discussing part time work.

  • Nieuwe scriptie: Kunst als vehikel voor een circulaire samenleving

    An article regarding MSc student Ulrike Hahn's thesis, researching into "The Art of Circular Economy: Participatory Art for Sensemaking and Planning of the Circular Economy Community".

  • Manager, waag je dichter bij het vuur van non-profits

    An article that discusses the increasing integration between the business and non-profit sector, mentioning Lonneke Roza and Lucas Meijs of RSM. "In the case of non-profits, you have to think of foundations, associations and…

  • De sportvereniging is nodig om goed burgerschap te oefenen

    An article written by Lucas Meijs of RSM, and Philine van Overbeeke, Junior Researcher at the Business-Society Management Department at RSM. The article discusses the importance of sports clubs, and the importance of sports in…

  • Alarmfase rood voor sportclubs

    Many sportclubs in The Netherlands are in danger because they cannot find any board members. The 'Koninklijke Nederlandse Hockeybond' (KNHB) has contacted Lucas Meijs of RSM, specialised in volunteer work. He will hold a webinar…

  • Tipping tractors in het vrijwilligerswerk

    An article written by Lucas Meijs, Philine van Overbeeke and Frans-Joseph Simons. The article discusses volunteerability, which may be defined as the employability of volunteering. Volunteerability has three components to it:…

  • BNR Nieuwsradio

    In BNR's news radio the topic of philanthropy was discussed, in which Lucas Meijs of RSM was mentioned.

  • Benader de ‘nu-niet-vrijwilliger’ als een fruitmachine

    An article written by Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM, Philine van Overbeeke and Frans-Joseph Simons, both researchers at RSM. The article…

  • Een succesverhaal uit China

    Lucas Meijs of RSM is on a study trip in Shanghai, a city in which the shared bike GPS system came up last year. What seemed like a nice way to share bicycles, resulted in a big protest from non-users. According to Meijs, a…

  • Wetenschap dichterbij: ruim baan voor jonge, bevlogen studenten!

    Lucas Meijs has written his seventh article for De Dikke Blauwe.

  • Dutch Days @ ISTR: unieke Nederlandse plug-in op wereldcongres

    The Congress of the International Society for Third Sector Research will take place From July 10 - 13 this summer. Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM…

  • Tipping tractors in het vrijwilligerswerk

    An article co-written by Lucas Meijs of RSM, discussing how sports clubs have a big advantage with regard to volunteering compared to other organizations.

  • Fluitend naar je vrijwilligerswerk

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM, has written an extensive article in magazine Vandaag. The article discusses that volunteering is doing well in…

  • De vrijwilliger rukt op

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM, has been mentioned in an extensive article regarding volunteering.

  • Temper stapt in vrijwilligerswerk: 'Aanspreken jongeren is flinke klus'

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM, has commented in an article regarding volunteering. He believes that it is quite a job to encourage young people…

  • De vrijwilliger rukt op

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM, has been mentioned in an extensive article regarding volunteering.

  • Als een vrijwilliger aangeeft dat hij om 9.15 beginnen kan…

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM, has written an article for VrijwilligWageningen. He has written about volunteering, and states that volunteering…

  • ‘Boards from Hell’: wat te doen bij slecht bestuur?

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM, has co-written an article discussing how one can try and find solutions if a board from a sports club does not…

  • Tips voor vrijwilligers die goed en prettig willen besturen

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM has written an article that gives tips and tricks to volunteers that wish to keep administrations as pleasant as…

  • Een bedreiging voor de vrijwillige energie in de sport?

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM, has written an article regarding voluntary work in sport.

  • Vrijwilligers hebben het over 'mijn' TT

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM gives his opinion on the need for volunteers by organizations.

  • Vrijwilligers hebben het over 'mijn' TT

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses and Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at RSM gives his opinion on the need for volunteers by organizations.

  • Folder 'Behapbaar Besturen'

    In 2017 PEP collaborated with Lucas Meijs of RSM to conduct research into innovative management. Governing is a profession in its own right, and society benefits when management is done in such a way that it is pleasant for…

  • Meijs en Venema adviseren kabinet ‘filantropisering door privatisering’

    A discussion on the advice RSM Professor Lucas Meijs and Edwin Venema, editor-in-chief of opinion platform De Dikke Blauwe have given to the government. They argue that when companies that have a state interest are auctioned or…

  • Ondernemingen roepen met klem op tot actie voor mensen met een afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt

    Companies united in the Board of Inspiration of the Social Enterprise Quality label are calling on the Dutch business community to help the group of people distanced from the labour market. Lucas Meijs of RSM is a member of this…

  • Vrijwilligers maken waarde!

    Volunteering in sports has historically been an important method to keep the costs low for all members. In the last few years, in addition to volunteer-saved costs, the idea of ​​volunteer-added-value has been gaining traction. A…

  • ‘Transitie vraagt leiderschap’

    The Netherlands was the first country in Europe to launch a National Environmental Policy Plan almost thirty years ago. Since then, the country has fallen far behind when it comes to sustainability. With the recently presented…

  • Afscheid van de dorpsuitvaart

    Funeral societies are important in villages in the Northeastern provinces of the Netherlands, but their best days appear to be over. Lucas Meijs of RSM admits that he wasn't aware of the existence of such funeral societies, but…

  • FIN-leden zwaaien directeur Suzette de Boer uit

    Former director Suzette de Boer is leaving her post at FIN capital funds today. On 1 October she resigned after seven years to take a sabbatical; this afternoon she will be waved off by members at the reception of the FIN-Autumn…

  • Het Oprichters-syndroom als remmende factor

    This opinion article on innovation in organisations references RSM's Lucas Meijs' description of organisational growth and the supervisory model of board involvement.

  • ‘Ook ngo’s maken misbruik van vrijwilligers’

    Doing good often involves volunteers, thus strengthening their social support and leaving more money for the actual goal itself. But what if professional work is done by unpaid forces? The Rotterdam section of the Dutch Refugee…

  • Onderzoek Erasmus naar brede praktijk vrijwilligersmanagement

    Lucas Meijs of RSM and Jeff Brudney of University of North Carolina, Wilmington plan to portray the multifaceted practice of volunteer management as an enrichment of the unambiguous theory. The researchers are therefore looking…

  • Maatschappelijke diensttijd: 'Sympathiek, maar kroegbaan is leuker en verdient beter'

    Working in a nursing home or at the police after graduation: in the coming years, the cabinet will spend 250 million euros on developing a social service programme for young people. Lucas Meijs of RSM is enthusiastic: "Because…

  • Feest bij 40-jarig jubileum SWO Spijkenisse

    Today, the Foundation for Elderly Welfare celebrates its 40th anniversary. In honour of this special day, various activities were organized at the Zadkine College at the Sportlaan. Lucas Meijs of RSM held a lecture the future of…

  • Centre for Sustainability

    By 2050 the world population will grow to around 9 billion inhabitants. In the coming years, we face many challenges. How are we going to provide those 9 billion people with enough food? How do we solve the shortage of all kinds…

  • De deelfiets is niet dé oplossing

    The situation is getting out of hand in the Dutch cycling country: around the train stations of the big cities, the bike racks are overflowing. Is bike-sharing a solution, or will it only bring problems? RSM's Lucas Meijs is…

  • De deelfiets is het ook niet helemaal

    The situation is getting out of hand in the Dutch cycling country. The bike racks are spilling over around the stations of the big cities. Is bike-sharing a solution? Or will it only create problems? Lucas Meijs is referenced on…

  • Lucas Meijs over Present

    Lucas Meijs is interviewed about the philanthropic organisation Stichting Present Nederland for their Youtube channel.

  • Het BuurtPensioen in Brussel: buren helpen elkaar in ruil voor uren en gezelligheid

    In the Brussels Neighbourhood Pension, the hours volunteers spend are equated against a savings account to help their fellows. The saved hours can be exchanged for help for themselves or for someone else who can not do anything…

  • De waarde van vrijwillige inzet

    Voluntary work makes a valuable contribution to our society. You do not have to explain the volunteers themselves, who notice it daily. But there are also ways to convince criticists. And more importantly: to penetrate policy…

  • Young Impact Celebration: impact van jongeren in spotlights

    On May 30th, the Celebration takes place of Young Impact, an initiative based on WE Day, a move that has now activated more than two million young people to social and active world citizens. Young Impact has now contributed more…

  • Medewerkervrijwilligerswerk: Wat is het effect?

    In the studio two top experts in this area discuss volunteering Lucas Meijs, Professor of Strategic Philanthropy at Erasmus University and Dr. Lonneke Roza of Erasmus University, expert in the field of employee involvement through…

  • Hoogleraar Lucas Meijs vertelt over trends in vrijwilligerswerk

    Lucas Meijs, Professor of Erasmus University, will give a lecture on trends in voluntary work. Volunteers are the indispensable 'glue' of our society. The lecture will be given in Cardia, Onderwatershof on Van Vredenburchweg 26 in…

  • Business school RSM hosting open day for professionals

    This Saturday RSM, according to the Financial Times one of Europe’s top 10 business schools, is organising an open day for professionals aimed at helping them gain insight in how they can further develop their business skills. On…

  • Vrijwilligers helpen bij taal en integratie

    Learning Dutch and integration is too difficult for many people in today's integration policy. This was revealed at the end of January by a report from the Court of Auditors. Various voluntary organizations help foreigners to…

  • "Big society is een uniek experiment"

    Big society is a unique experiment on what happens if people are in control of social development and is led by Lucas Meijs.

  • Business school RSM organiseert open dag voor professionals

    This Saturday RSM, according to the Financial Times one of Europe’s top 10 business schools, is organising an open day for professionals aimed at helping them gain insight in how they can further develop their business skills. On…

  • Verdeelmodel

    Lucas Meijs, introduced the notion of the 'distribution model' during the Texelfondspodium. This aims to better distribute the money that we earn.

  • Geen oplossingen, wel veel lastige vragen

    Lucas Meijs, introduced the notion of the 'distribution model' during the Texelfondspodium. This aims to better distribute the money that we earn.

  • BNR gemist Lucas Meijs

    A radio interview with Lucas Meijs, where he explains the decreasing number of donators to environmental organizations.

  • De waarde van vrijwillige inzet

    Volunteering provides a valuable contribution to our society. This helps to convince critics, and more importantly, to reach decision makers and (potential) sponsors of the value of volunteering and to emphasize that this value is…

  • De waarde van vrijwillige inzet

    Voluntary work makes a valuable contribution to our society. You do not need to explain this to the volunteers themselves, they notice it daily. But there are also ways to convince the critics. And more importantly: to penetrate…

  • Werkconferentie geïnspireerd door bekroond PitZtop-concept

    More than a hundred representatives from science, politics, government, civil society, business and new Dutch, took part in the March 27 mini workconference 'incubator for local residents and newcomers' in Humanity House in The…

  • Meer civil society in de zorg doet pijn

    Care is becoming dominated by private care market and civil society. Partially because of the retreating government, but mostly because the public wants it better than its neighbours, including the care he receives. That is a…

  • Meer civil society in de zorg doet pijn

    Care is becoming dominated by private care market and civil society. Partially because of the retreating government, but mostly because the public wants it better than its neighbours, including the care he receives. That is a…

  • Meer civil society in de zorg gaat pijn doen maar dat is onvermijdelijk

    Care is becoming dominated by private care market and civil society. Partially because of the retreating government, but mostly because the public wants it better than its neighbours, including the care he receives. That is a…

  • Erasmus Impact Centre: maak impact ANBI-voorwaarde

    Social impact should be part of the requirements to become an ANBI. Lucas Meijs of the RSM is investigating volunteering. He points out that someone can easily demotivate intrinsic motivation if you're just going to manage based…

  • Vrijwilligerswerk: je doet het niet alleen voor een ander

    Almost half of the Dutch people committed weekly to serve another. Not crazy, says Lucas Meijs, Professor of Volunteering at the Erasmus University. However, it is not totally without self interest. "Most people go to work every…

  • Betaalde student verdringt 'oude' collectant

    Lucas Meijs comments on the fact that many volunteer collectors are being replaced by paid students. He states he would not be likely to donate money to them, especially if they are disguised as unpaid volunteers. …

  • Verdringing door vrijwilligers hoog risico bij dienstverlening overheid en markt

    Displacement of paid work with unpaid volunteers and so cheap labor, is a hot topic. Researchers Lucas Meijs, Kirsten Parren and French-Joseph Simons do not give a definitive answer, but an understanding of the issue of…

  • Oudere vrijwilligers leveren jaarlijks 5,3 miljard euro op

    55 year olds and above, give society a lot of money, for example, by volunteering. This emerges from a study by the Scientific Bureau of 50PLUS. Almost half of volunteering is done by people over 55 years. Suppose the hours worked…

  • Verdringing door of uitwisselbaarheid met vrijwilligerswerk

    55 year olds and above, give society a lot of money, for example, by volunteering. This emerges from a study by the Scientific Bureau of 50PLUS. Almost half of volunteering is done by people over 55 years. Suppose the hours worked…

  • Verenigingen kunnen meer werk maken van gehandicaptensport

    Kirsten Parren calls herself a sports fan, but says that disabled sports was for long not her thing. A thesis on that topic changed all that. Parren visited several sports associations that offer their successfully managed to…

  • Andere aanpak nodig om vrijwilliger te trekken

    Volunteering needs to change: shorter, different kind of jobs, different name. This new approach is necessary for young people, who are desperately needed, to be interested. In Loosduinen the trial begins. It is envisaged that…

  • Versier de stad: rond je projecten netjes af!

    Lucas Meijs, Erasmus University Rotterdam, gave a brief explanation of the research into the effects of 21 years Beautiful as well as in 's-Hertogenbosch. He emphasized two things; almost everything that has been achieved in…

  • 4. Vrijwilligerswerk vernieuwen

    Volunteering needs to change: shorter, different kind of jobs, different name. This new approach is necessary for young people, who are desperately needed, to be interested. In Loosduinen the trial begins. It is envisaged that…

  • Inspirerende How to do good-tour komt ook in Nederland

    It started with the composition of a book and culminated in a sold-out world tour: How to do good. 2017 'How to do good "Speaker Tour begins on January 30 in Oslo and ends on May 8 in New York. An impressive list of speakers from…

  • De vrijwilliger wil helpen, maar het moet ook iets opleveren

    Volunteer numbers decline throughout the western world. In Australia, a multidisciplinary team, including Lucas Meijs, investigated what motivates people to volunteer.

  • Factchecking: Rutte prijst goed doend Nederland in Buitenhof

    'The Netherlands has the largest number of volunteers in the world after Denmark and we give the most to charity.' as stated by Mark Rutte in the discussion program Buitenhof on Sunday, January 15th. However, according to Lucas…

  • Lucas Meijs

    2017 will be an exciting year for the elite in the Netherlands. Not only will the election be featured by the 'We want to be Heard'-Motion, but probably many more sectors, including the (professional) sports. Sports in the…

  • 'Man vermomt nepstichting als goed doel en steelt miljoenen'

    Hundreds of thousands of animal lovers filled the pockets of Harry F. They thought they were helping animals to a better life by donating to the foundation. Unfortunately, Harry F. was stealing all the money. Lucas Meijs…

  • Vrijwilligerswerk zou niet ‘cool’ zijn

    Volunteer numbers decline throughout the western world. In Australia, a multidisciplinary team, including Lucas Meijs, investigated what motivates people to volunteer.

  • Doelgericht Doneren

    Dutch entrepreneurs are generally big donors, according to research. However, they would rather not just write a cheque. The entrepreneurial philanthropy wants to know where his money goes. 'Their entrepreneurial spirit keeps…

  • Gratis Goud Compilatie: 5 vragen aan 9 cracks

    During the Free Gold Festival in Deventer on December 7th, 2016, nine people were asked four key questions 1 and vanity question. Lucas Meijs, is one of the people being interviewed.


    CEOs and entrepreneurs, what do they do for charity, how genuine is it, and is philanthropy something especially particularly for the young CEO? This is what two entrepreneurs debate about with with Professor Lucas Meijs. …

  • Volunteer researchers recognised

    Associate Professor Lockstone-Binney and Associate Professor Holmes collaborate on a larger project led by Associate Professor Holmes and funded by the highly competitive Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Projects Scheme.…

  • Why don’t more people volunteer? Misconceptions don’t help

    Volunteers in Australia are essential to the provision of a range of services. This includes emergency services, hospitals and schools and cultural life of many communities. Yet Western countries – including Australia – have…

  • Handvatten krachtig besturen

    PEP the Hague organized "Governing in the least amount hours", the first in a series of meetings for directors. After a brief survey, governing turned out to require a lot of leisure time of most board members. According to one of…

  • Mini-symposium SAMEN-WERKEN

    Volunteers are indispensable in our society. That is the mini-symposium WORKING TOGETHER organized by the Consultative Council of Churches in Zoetermeer in collaboration with CU / SGP and CDA. Lucas Meijs is mentioned as one of…

  • Stichting Vrijwilligerswerk Waddinxveen blikt met lezing terug op tien jaar

    As part of its tenth anniversary, the Foundation for Volunteering Waddinxveen organized a lecture by Professor Lucas Meijs about 'Waddinxveen, back to the future' Tuesday, October 11th. …

  • Chinese lessen voor vrijwilligerswerk

    In the Netherlands and China citizens' trust that the government wants the best for 'normal' citizens. Therefore, in both countries the government must firmly interfere in the private sphere of volunteers. But because we…

  • Vrijwilligersbeleid gaat meer op dat van China lijken

    Lucas Meijs traveled to China to talk about volunteering. He was taught thing about the Netherlands while he was in China, in astonishment China. Should we be worried about the Dutch volunteer work? …

  • De vrijwilliger in de 'doe-democratie'

    Volunteering motivates employees and contributes to the company's image according to a study conducted by Lucas Meijs. But volunteering has value only if it is sustainable: it is better not to organize random activities. An…

  • Stichting Vrijwilligerswerk Waddinxveen 10 jaar…

    Lucas Meijs will give a presentation in honour of the 10 year existence of the Volunteering Foundation of Waddinxveen. He will discuss the current developments n Volunteering, the meaning of volunteering and the meaning of…

  • Je doet het er niet even bij

    Volunteering motivates employees and contributes to the company's image according to a study conducted by Lucas Meijs. But volunteering has value only if it is sustainable: it is better not to organize random activities. …

  • Thinking collision charity professor and China expert

    Lucas Meijs spoke at a seminar in Shanghai regarding volunteer service regulations and modification suggestions.

  • Vrijwilligerswerk op hoger niveau

    Research conducted by Evenementenbureau Zinnige Zaken, de Nuon Foundation and Erasmus University, will study how to increase volunteers involvement. The research is led by Lucas Meijs.

  • Wat leiders kunnen leren van vrijwilligerswerk

    Effective leaders need certain skills that can be developed though the civil society and engaging in volunteer work. The understanding of a company's 'zen' is essential.

  • Zinnige Zaken: Vrijwilligerswerk verzakelijken

    Research conducted by Evenementenbureau Zinnige Zaken, de Nuon Foundation and Erasmus University, will study how to increase volunteers involvement. The research is led by Lucas Meijs.

  • Je doet het er niet even bij

    Research conducted by Evenementenbureau Zinnige Zaken, de Nuon Foundation and Erasmus University, will study how to increase volunteers involvement. The reseach is led by Lucas Meijs.

  • BN'ers en goede doelen: Filantropie of boost voor imago

    Many celebrities are and want to be associated with charities. This article analyses whether this relationship is good or bad. Lucas Meijs is quoted stating volunteer work is good for everybody, so both profit from the…

  • Hoogleraar: “Jeugd zit niet op de kloteklussen te wachten”

    An interview with professor Lucas Meijs on volunteer work, its exact meaning and who is mostly involved. Here, a focus is on the question why young adults are least involved in volunteer work.

  • Van Oranje boven tot gezellige buurtvereniging

    After the Kingsday festivities, the Oranje association continues working on many volunteer activities. Lucas Meijs expresses not to be surprised as many of these organizations are irreplaceable and necessary. …

  • Vrijwilligers genoeg, maar niet in de zorg en in besturen

    Almost half of the Dutch population engages in volunteering at least once a year. However, there is still a lack of volunteers in healthcare and boards, according to Lucas Meijs.

  • Pilot Sportclub als Buurthuis van de Toekomst van start

    The program Sportclub as community center has recently started. The Sportbank cooperated with Lucas Meijs to set up several tools to measure the progress as community center.

  • Eerste MaS-ster Schaersvoorde voor Ruben Hieltjes uit H3B

    From March onwards, a MaS-Star will be awarded every month to a student form the Christian College Schaersvoorde (CCS) for exceptional volunteering. Lucas Meijs is quoted regarding the three ways volunteering is important for…

  • Sportclub die zich openstelt kan problemen in de wijk oplossen

    The program Sportclub as community center has recently started. The Sportbank cooperated with Lucas Meijs to set up several tools to measure the progress as community center.

  • 'Was wel even wennen, maar het is de top'

    The generation gap seems an unavoidable, and yet an increasing number of projects are popping up of young people trying to involve the older generations into the changing society. Lucas Meijs is quoted stating people seem to want…

  • Vrijwilligers kopen het recht om grillig te zijn

    Many companies are not sure what they can ask volunteers to do and what they cannot. Here, Lucas Meijs tries to help answer some of these questions with findings from his research.

  • Word je een beter mens van vrijwilligerswerk?

    Almost half of the Dutch engaged in volunteer work at least once last year, according to a study by the Central Bureau of Statistics. In Office M, reporter Marcel Dekker and Lucas Meijs asked what people like to do and what…

  • Een land zonder vrijwilligers?

    Who performs more volunteer work, men or women?An TV clip interview with professor Lucas Meijs on the statistics of volunteer work answer several of these questions.

  • Met vrijwilligers naar een sterkere club

    Joppe Ter Meer and Lucas Meijs draw the picture of current developments in society and volunteer work. Hereby, they give ten tips to effectively improve the involvement of club members and stimulate volunteer work. …

  • Filantropie: banken vergeten hun maatschappelijke krediet

    Society Impact ‘Philantropization and privatisation’, published a study in co-operation with Lucas Meijs and Sander Fleuren. The study focuses on the development of philanthropy and privatization and drawing up an example where…


    Society Impact ‘Philantropization and privatisation’, published a study in co-operation with Lucas Meijs and Sander Fleuren. The study focuses on the development of philanthropy and privatization and drawing up an example where…

  • Ongemak wordt toegevoegde waarde

    More proof to get out of your comfort zone. Lucas Meijs is interviewed on the effectiveness of Rotary. He is quoted stating that something unexpected needs to happen and one should invest in their membership. …

  • Filantropie: banken vergeten hun maatschappelijke krediet

    An article reflecting on the rich history of philanthropy of banks. Especially, in a time where banks try to win credit in society, one should consider and learn from the past.

  • Een succesverhaal uit China: over burgerparticipatie en leenfietsen

    An article written by Lucas Meijs of RSM. The article discusses his trip to Shanghai, China, where the GPS shared bike system came up last year. He discusses the implications of such a system in the article. …