Located in the mountainous region of Minas Gerais in Brazil, Andradas has the ideal environment for growing coffee. The community's high-quality coffee hadn’t had the chance to reach the outside world on a large scale when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. In a bid to improve the life of the farmers and their families, the people of Andradas are working to bring out the coffee flavour map - a tool to showcase the quality of their coffee and the stories behind them. What are the potentials of the coffee flavour map? How should the local community leverage these potentials to gain prosperity and well-being?

Farmers of Andradas

This teaching case was developed by Professor Stefano Puntoni in collaboration with the RSM Case Development Centre and the following people in connection with the Andradas Coffee Flavour Map project: Rafael Alberto Souza e Silva, Rosana Fraga, Bruno Sasseron, Eduardo Sampaio, Mariana Del Guerra, Rafael Tonon, Ari Da Silva and the farmers of Andradas.

The case provides unique materials for discussing a number of important topics, such as sustainability, building brands, agriculture and the coffee industry. Please click here to download the executive summary. Please click here to get access to the case, teaching note, and to gain access to all the supporting materials. 

Erasmus University faculty and staff can request free copies and the access code to protected materials via cdc@rsm.nl. Copyright © 2021 RSM Case Development Centre, Erasmus University. Please address all correspondence to cdc@rsm.nl.