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Faculty council

The Faculty Council of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is an elected body that represents the interests of the RSM Community; employees (academic staff, administrative staff, PhD candidates), and students (bachelor and master). This Council advises the RSM Management Team on all issues pertaining to RSM’s educational and research activities, as well as its role in society at large.

The Faculty Council has selected a number of issues that are considered as deserving special attention. These focal issues include the quality of educational programmes and exams, diversity of gender and ethnicity, internal collaboration and cohesion, transparency and inclusiveness of hiring and promotion, sustainability, and facilitating the living conditions of international community members. For information about past and current issues, please visit our news page.

RSM’s Faculty Council formally convenes around ten times a year with the Vice Dean and the Director of Operations. These meetings are in principle public and can be attended by any interested RSM Community member (schedule: see right side bar on this page). Twice a year, the Council meets with the Dean.

The Faculty Council is permanently open to issues that are of general interest to the RSM Community. Students and employees are encouraged to flag relevant suggestions, incidents, and other events that can contribute to prioritizing issues and providing well-informed advice to the Management Team.

Please feel free to contact the RSM Faculty Council via e-mail: Alternatively, you may reach any Council member directly. The Faculty Council asks to hear from you!

Role & Mission

The Faculty Council of Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University, named hereafter ‘Faculty Council’, represents the general interests of the RSM Community. This Community consists of academic, managerial, and support staff, as well as students and alumni. The Faculty Council strives for creating a working environment in which staff and students consider it a privilege to be part of the RSM Community. Such an environment is realised through excellence in research and teaching, as well as good relationships with external stakeholders. While the pursuit of the above mission may relate to any relevant topic, the Faculty council has prioritised a number of issues, which will be pursued with special attention. These focal issues, not listed in order of importance, are: 

  • Finding and implementing solutions to the tension between increased scale and high quality of education, for example by stimulating interaction and student involvement through using more work groups, inviting more guest speakers, increasing the number of courses offered, using webcasts for some lectures, or other initiatives.
  • Promoting cooperation with business and government in order to increase visibility and second and third money streams.
  • Increasing the quality and academic impact of our research, e.g., by further stimulating and increasing possibilities to collaborate and exchange with the best and most renowned international researchers.
  • Enhancing the visibility and accessibility of the Faculty Council to both students and staff, e.g. by mentioning it during introductory lectures and/or by engaging in more dialogue with other representative bodies (such as student associations or EUROPA).
  • Enhancing the school facilities in order to develop a more inspiring working and studying environment, for example in the form of a newspaper lounge, television screens, and a more attractive restaurant. 
  • Supporting the internationalisation of RSM by promoting cooperation with other leading business schools and creating infrastructure and processes to welcome international students and staff.


Richard Brunnquell de Stachelski



Birgul Arslan

Representative for academic faculty


Jessie Lee

Representative for Professional Services

Jason Roos

Representative for academic faculty

Taslim Alade

Representative for academic faculty

Karthik Rapaka

Representative for PhD students

Cecile Ostenheden

Representative for students


Susanne Athmer


Patrick de Koning

Representative for students

Jakob Bertram

Representative for students 

Amalia Capmari

Representative for students

Sara Tieman

Representative for students 

Meeting schedule 2024-2025

September 26th 2024 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes 

October 15th 2024 - T9-67
Agenda | Minutes 

November 21st 2024 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes 

19th of December 2024, 10:30 12:00 (T3-42)

23rd of January 2025, 10:30 12:00 (T3-42)

20th of February 2025, 10:30 12:00 (T9-67)

20th of March 2025, 10:30 12:00 (T3-42)

17th of April 2025, 10:30 12:00 (T9-67)

20th of May 2025, 10:30 12:00 (T3-42)

19th of June 2025, 10:30 12:00 (T9-67)

Note attendance is limited to availability of seats in the designated room.

Meeting schedule 2023-2024

September 12th 2023 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes 

October 10th 2023 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes

November 16th 2023 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes

December 21st 2023 - T9-67
Agenda | Minutes                                                                                                                                                                     

January 18th 2024 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes

February 15th 2024 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes

March 21st 2024 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes

April 25th 2024  - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes 

May 23rd 2024 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes

June 20th 2024 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes 

July 11th 2024 - T3-42
Agenda | Minutes 

The public meetings take place from 10:30 - 12:00 hours unless announced otherwise. Note that the FC has (closed) internal meetings from 09:00 to 10:30 hours. 

Would you like to be part of the next Faculty council?

Previous faculty members

See the work of the previous faculty councils

Contact e-mail Faculty Council