Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo
  • Date

    Friday, 17 November 2017

  • Time

    15:00 - 21:30 (GMT +01:00)

  • Location


How to create a successful exit strategy as a private equity investor

On Friday 17 and Saturday 18 November, RSM's fulltime MBA students will be hosting the 8th edition of the annual RSM Private Equity Competition. It brings the finest finance talents from over 15 leading business schools worldwide to Amsterdam with the aim to connect them with business professionals and academia in an exciting environment. As every year, the participants will evaluate and present a challenging investment case developed by RSM, providing them with the unique opportunity to develop valuable skills. The presentations will be evaluated by a jury of experts in Finance and Private Equity. The winning team will receive a cash price of 5,000 Euro.

Next to the actual competition, the RSM team is also hosting two networking events, to which alumni are cordially invited. You can register for symposium and/or the dinner individually or choose for a combination ticket for both events.

Symposium: How to create a successful exit strategy as a private equity investor

ABN AMRO Head Office, Auditorium, ground floor, Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, Amsterdam

14:30 Registration & refreshments
15:00 Opening by Arjen Mulder, professor of Corporate Finance, RSM
15:15 Expert speakers topics and speakers include:

  • Preparing a successful exit strategy: the importance of restructuring by Barbara Stam, Head of Financial Restructuring & Recovery/International Clients

  • How to return your capital as a private equity investor: pros and cons of different exit strategies, Gert Jan van der Hoeven, Managing Partner, H2 Equity Partners

  • How to minimise company risk in an exit strategy: the business reality, Machteld Groeneveld, Director Corporate Strategy, CMIS Group

17:00 Closure by Annemarie Jorritsma
18:00 Reception

Private Equity Case Competition networking dinner

Please note the change of location for the dinner, this takes place from 19:00 hrs. onwards at the Crowne Plaza Amsterdam, Broadway room, George Gershwinlaan 101, Amsterdam.