Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

These are difficult times for so many in our community, and we want to you to know that you there are good support networks here at RSM and EUR to help. We are here to support everyone in our community affected by the is war and encourage you to reach out for help if needed.

Bsc and Masters Students

  • RSM’s student advisers –first point of contact for personal circumstances affecting student studies. They can help you with all study related issues and problems and special regulations from the Examination Board (exemption from BSA requirements etc.) 
  • EUR student counsellors –advice on a broad range of questions and financial problems. They can help with acute financial difficulties and also possible tuition fee payment arrangements for the current academic year. 
  • EUR student psychologists –support with stress and mental health issues. An extra consultation hour with the student psychologists has been set up especially for all students directly involved in the Ukraine war who suffer from psychological complaints as a result. They can schedule an appointment here.  

Fulltime MBA and Executive MBA

Students who are enrolled in our fulltime MBA or Executive MBA programmes should contact their programme manager.

For Employees at EUR

  • EUR Open Up – psychological support for EUR employees 

EUR has created a helpful page to assist student who are being impacted by the war. On this page you will find:

Information for students

  • Study and education
  • Financial issues
  • Mental support
  • Residence permit, asylum and travel

Information for employees

  • Cooperation with Russia and Belarus
  • Residence permit, asylum and travel

Read the Frequently Asked Questions here

Donate through Giro 555

Giro555 is a national campaign to collect money for aid and assistance for exceptional disasters.  . During and after a campaign, Giro555 keeps the Dutch public constantly informed about the disaster, the relief efforts and the use of the donated money.

Giro555 is an initiative of 11 collaborating aid organizations: CARE Nederland, Cordaid Mensen in Nood, ICCO & Kerk in Actie, Dutch Red Cross, Oxfam Novib, Plan International Nederland, Save the Children, Refugee Foundation, Terre des Hommes, UNICEF Netherlands and World vision.

Learn more here about donating through Giro 555 - (website is in Dutch)

otterdam School of Management stands in solidarity with Ukraine

‘We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, in particular with students and staff in educational institutions. Like the Universities of the Netherlands, we also “embrace those in the academic communities in Russia who are speaking out against the invasion while courageously continuing to dedicate themselves to peace, dialogue and open cooperation”. If you are directly affected, know that we are thinking of you and hope that you and your loved ones remain safe.  ‘

Read the full statement here

Erasmus University Rotterdam condemns Russian invasion of Ukraine

The Dutch universities are committed to supporting students and staff who are directly or indirectly affected by this. We see that there is uncertainty among Ukrainian and Russian staff and students in the Netherlands. We are doing our utmost to help them as best we can. In addition, the universities will look into the possibilities of offering assistance to academics in Ukraine. It is our responsibility as universities to contribute to a better world through research and education and to work for peace, respect and (academic) freedom. 

Read the full statement here

Dutch knowledge institutions suspend partnerships with Russia and Belarus

The universities, university medical centers, universities of applied sciences, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Dutch Research Council have decided to suspend all formal and institutional partnerships with educational and knowledge institutions in the Russian Federation and Belarus immediately until further notice. The statement outlines

  • What the suspension of these partnerships mean for students, staff and organisations
  • Help for Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian students and staff
  • Cooperation with Russian and Belarusian students, teaching staff and researchers

Read the full statement here