I am an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. I hold a PhD from the Jönköping International Business School (Sweden). During my PhD studies I have spent one semester at the Carlson School of Management (University of Minnesota) as a visiting PhD student.
My research primarily focuses on firms with concentrated ownership, such as new ventures and family firms, examining how owners’ preferences, motivations, and experiences influence the strategies and outcomes of these firms.
At RSM, I teach courses and modules in Entrepreneurship and Family Business across different levels.
Highlighted (2)
Criaco, G., Naldi, L., & Zahra, S. A. (2022). Founders’ Prior Shared International Experience, Time to First Foreign Market Entry, and New Venture Performance. Journal of Management, 48(8), 2349-2381.
Criaco, G., van Oosterhout, J., & Nordqvist, M. (2021). Is blood always thicker than water? Family firm parents, kinship ties, and the survival of spawns. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(6), Article 106161.,,
Article (12)
Academic (11)
Zahra, S. A., Criaco, G., Petricevic , O., & Hashai , N. (2024). Conceptualizing international new ventures as the nexus of entrepreneurship and international business. Journal of International Business Studies.
Criaco, G., & Naldi, L. (2024). A chip off the old block: Founders' prior experience and the geographic diversification of export sales in international new ventures. Journal of Business Venturing, 39(1), Article 106343.
Criaco, G., Naldi, L., & Zahra, S. A. (2022). Founders’ Prior Shared International Experience, Time to First Foreign Market Entry, and New Venture Performance. Journal of Management, 48(8), 2349-2381.
Criaco, G., van Oosterhout, J., & Nordqvist, M. (2021). Is blood always thicker than water? Family firm parents, kinship ties, and the survival of spawns. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(6), Article 106161.,,
Naldi, L., Criaco, G., & Patel, PC. (2020). Related and unrelated industry variety and the internationalization of start-ups. Research Policy, 49(10), Article 104050.
Brieger, SA., Bäro, A., Criaco, G., & Terjesen, SA. (2020). Entrepreneurs’ age, institutions, and social value creation goals: A multi-country study. Small Business Economics, 57, 425.
Chirico, F., Criaco, G., Baù, M., Naldi, L., Gomez-Mejia, LR., & Kotlar, J. (2018). To patent or not to patent: That is the question. Intellectual property protection in family firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 44(2), 339-367.
Criaco, G., Sieger, P., Wennberg, K., Chirico, F., & Minola, T. (2017). Parents’ performance in entrepreneurship as a "double-edged sword" for the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 49(4), 841-864.
Patel, PC., Criaco, G., & Naldi, L. (2016). Geographic Diversification and the Survival of Born-Globals. Journal of Management, 44(5), 2008-2036.
Minola, T., Criaco, G., & Obschonka, M. (2016). Age, culture, and self-employment motivation. Small Business Economics, 46(2), 187-213.
Criaco, G., Minola, T., Migliorini, P., & Serarols-Tarrés, C. (2014). “To have and have not”: founders’ human capital and university start-up survival. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(4), 567-593.
Professional (1)
Criaco, G. (2018). How big should a young firm think? RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 34(2), 8-9.
Report (1)
Professional (1)
Haans, R., Criaco, G., & Jansen, J. (2020). Eindrapportage Groeidynamiek van het Nederlandse MKB. Ondernemen is vooruitzien. Jaarbericht Staat van het MKB 2020.
Additional positions (1)
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus UniversityStart date approval: 30 Oct 2022End date approval: 29 Oct 2025Place: 3062 PADescription: Teaching, supervision, and assessment at RSM BV
Additional activities (2)
Journal of International Business Studies (Journal)Giuseppe Criaco (Member of editorial board)01 Jan 2023
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
Journal of Business Venturing (Journal)Giuseppe Criaco (Member of editorial board)01 Jan 2023
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
- Code: B3MIN1015
- Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
- Code: BERMASC049
- Level: PhD
Past courses
Research Clinic
- Study year: 2023/2024
- Level: Master
Block seminar
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Code: BM-IMBS
- Level: Master
Managing the Family Business
- Study year: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017
- Code: BMME101
- Level: Master, Master, Master, Master, Master
Business Strategy Skills
- Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020
- Code: BMSM07
- ECTS: 3 Level: Master
- Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BKBMIN015
- Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
Opportunity Creation
- Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BMSE01
- ECTS: 5 Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master
Causal Inference
- Study year: 2019/2020
- Code: BERMAMC021
- Level: Master
IM Research clinic
- Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BM-IMRC
- Level: Master
Opportunity Creation
- Study year: 2017/2018, 2016/2017
- Code: BM01SE
- ECTS: 6 Level: Master
Strategic Entrepreneurship
- Study year: 2017/2018
- Code: BERMASC027
- ECTS: 5 Level: Master