Inga Hoever is an Associate Professor in the Department of Organisation and Personnel Management of Rotterdam School of Management. Her research focuses on questions related to teams and workplace creativity. She is particularly interested in how individual employees and team members relate to each other through processes like perspective taking, feedback, and information elaboration and how these processes help employees realize the potential of the diversity present among their co-workers or team members.
Article (14)
Academic (12)
Betancourt, NE., Hoever, I., & Wezel, F. C. (2024). Atypicality and Accountability: Evidence from Five Experiments. Organization Science. Advance online publication.
Rishani, M., Schouten, ME., & Hoever, I. (2024). Navigating Multiple Team Membership: A Review and Redirection of its Influence on Effectiveness Outcomes. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 18(1), Article e12899.
Hoever, I., Betancourt, NE., Chen, G., & Zhou, J. (2023). How others light the creative spark: Low power accentuates the benefits of diversity for individual inspiration and creativity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 176, Article 104248.
Hoever, I., & Zhou, J. (2023). Understanding the dynamic interplay between actor and context for creativity: Progress and Desirable Directions. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 10, 109-135.
Vongswasdi, P., Leroy, H., Shemla, M., Hoever, I., & Khattab, J. (2023). Influencing diversity beliefs through a personal testimonial, promotion-focused approach. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(1), 1-18.
Leroy, H., Buengeler, C., Veestraeten, M., Shemla, M., & J. Hoever, I. (2022). Fostering Team Creativity Through Team-Focused Inclusion: The Role of Leader Harvesting the Benefits of Diversity and Cultivating Value-In-Diversity Beliefs. Group and Organization Management, 47(4), 798-839.
Leroy, H., Hoever, I., Vangronsvelt, K., & Van den Broeck, A. (2021). How team averages in authentic living and perspective-taking personalities relate to team information elaboration and team performance: Authenticity, perspective taking, team information elaboration, and team performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(3), 364-376.
Hoever, I., Zhou, J., & Knippenberg, D. (2018). Different strokes for different teams: The contingent effects of positive and negative feedback on the creativity of informationally homogeneous and diverse teams. Academy of Management Journal, 61(6), 2159-2181.,
Zhou, J., & Hoever, I. (2014). Research on Workplace Creativity: A Review and Redirection. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1(1), 333-359.
Hoever, I., van Knippenberg, D., Ginkel, W., & Barkema, H. (2012). Fostering team creativity: Perspective taking as key to unlocking diversity¿s potential. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(5), 982-996.
Richter, T., Zwaan, R., & Hoever, I. (2009). Acquiring experiential traces in word-referent learning. Memory & Cognition, 87, 1187-1196.
Schroeder, S., Richter, T., & Hoever, I. (2008). Getting a picture that is both accurate and stable: Situation models and epistemic validation. Journal of Memory and Language, 59(3), 237-255.
Professional (2)
Hoever, I., Leroy, H., & Shemla, M. (2021). Walking the tightrope of inclusion versus exclusion in the workplace: A leadership lens. RSM Discovery.
Hoever, I., van Knippenberg, D., Ginkel, W., & Barkema, H. (2013). How to boost creativity within diverse teams. RSM Insight, 14(2), 18-19.
Chapter (4)
Academic (4)
van Knippenberg, D., & Hoever, I. J. (2023). Diversity and creativity in organizations. In R. Reiter-Palmon, & S. Hunter (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Creativity: Individual and Group Level Influences (2 ed., pp. 291-302). Elsevier.
Hoever, I., & Zhou, J. (2021). Team creativity and innovation. In Handbook of Research on Creativity and Innovation
Hoever, I. J., & van Knippenberg, D. (2020). How diversity promotes team creativity: Two bumpy roads to collective inspiration. In Creative Success in Teams (pp. 81-99). Elsevier Inc..
van Knippenberg, D., & Hoever, I. (2017). Team diversity and team creativity: A categorization-elaboration perspective. In R. Reiter-Palmon (Ed.), Team creativity Oxford University Press.
Conference proceeding (3)
Academic (3)
Rishani, M., Hoever, I., van Dierendonck, D., & Anantha Ramakrishnan, P. (2023). Multiple Team Membership (MTM) and the Future of Work: How MTM Experiences Affect Knowledge Workers. In Academy of Management Proceedings
Rishani, M., Hoever, I., & van Dierendonck, D. (2022). Team Asynchronicity: A Costly Remedy to Facilitate Team Members’ Multi-teaming. In Academy of Management Proceedings Academy of Management.
Rishani, M., Hoever, I., & van Dierendonck, D. (2020). Multi-Teaming: An Opportunity or a Threat for Team Creativity? A Temporal & Informational Exploration. In 80th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (1 ed., Vol. 2020)
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
Hoever, I. (2012). Diversity and creativity: in search of synergy. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Paper (3)
Academic (3)
Betancourt, N., Hoever, I., Kuilman, J., & Wezel, F. C. (2013). Evaluating negative evaluation: An experimental investigation of category spanning. 1199-1204. Paper presented at 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2013, Orlando, United States.
Calvard, T. S., & Hoever, I. (2012). Differentiating differences: Conceptualizing team diversity using continuous dimensions. 911-916. Paper presented at 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2012, Boston, United States.
Hoever, I. J., Van Knippenberg, D., Van Ginkel, W. P., & Barkema, H. G. (2010). Fostering team creativity: Perspective taking as key to unlocking diversity's potential. Paper presented at 70th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - Dare to Care: Passion and Compassion in Management Practice and Research, AOM 2010, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Web publication/site (1)
Professional (1)
Heese, C., Grgic, J. M., Hoever, I., Shemla, M., Buengeler, C., & Leroy, H. (2023). Wie Führungskräfte effektiv Inklusion und Kreativität in diversen Teams fördern können. Web publication/site, PERSONALquarterly.
Additional activities (4)
Journal of Applied Psychology (Journal)Inga Hoever (Member of editorial board)01 Jan 2024
Activity: Editorial work > Publication Peer-review (Academic)
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (Journal)Inga Hoever (Editor)01 Jul 2021 - 01 Apr 2024
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
Journal of Applied Psychology (Journal)Inga Hoever (Member of editorial board)01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2022
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
Academy of Management Journal (Journal)Inga Hoever (Member of editorial board)02 Aug 2016
Activity: Editorial work (Academic)
Leading People, Teams, and Organisations for Excellence
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
- Code: B3MIN1004
- Level: Bachelor, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
POC Master Thesis
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
- Level: Master
Past courses
HRM Master Thesis
- Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Level: Master
Business Management
- Study year: 2021/2022
- Code: B3MIN1054
- Level: Bachelor 3
OCC Master Thesis
- Study year: 2021/2022, 2020/2021
- Level: Master
Psychology & Business
- Study year: 2021/2022, 2019/2020
- Code: BM25MIM
- ECTS: 4 Level: Master
HRM-OCC Master Thesis
- Study year: 2020/2021
- ECTS: 16 Level: Master
Leading People, Teams, and Organisations for Excellence
- Study year: 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018
- Code: BKBMIN004
Cross Cultural Management
- Study year: 2019/2020
- Code: BAB23
- Level: Bachelor 2, Bachelor 2
Managerial and group decision making
- Study year: 2019/2020
- Code: BMME045
- ECTS: 6 Level: Master, Master, Master, Master, Master
Organisational behaviour
- Study year: 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BM08MIM
- ECTS: 2 Level: Master
Human Resource Management
- Study year: 2016/2017, 2015/2016
- Code: BAD11
- ECTS: 5 Level: Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3, Pre-master