Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo
PhD Candidate (parttime programme)

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Academic (4)
  • Heeren, J., van de Vrande, V., Volberda, H., & de Waard, E. (2024). Closing the Innovation Performance Gap: Open Innovation in Military Bureaucracies. California Management Review, 66(3), 116-136.

  • The Dutch Snapshot Research Group (2023). Oncological Safety and Potential Cost Savings of Routine vs Selective Histopathological Examination After Appendectomy: Results of the Multicenter, Prospective, Cross-Sectional FANCY Study. Annals of Surgery, 277(3), E578-E584.

  • Hazen, S. J. A., Vogel, I., The Dutch Snapshot Research Group, Borstlap, W. A. A., Dekker, J. W. T., Tuynman, J. B., Tanis, P. J., & Kusters, M. (2022). Long-term stoma-related reinterventions after anterior resection for rectal cancer with or without anastomosis: population data from the Dutch snapshot study. Techniques in Coloproctology, 26(2), 99-108.

  • The Dutch Snapshot Research Group (2021). Prognostic importance of lymph node count and ratio in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy: Results from a cross-sectional study. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 124(3), 367-377.,

Internal (1)
  • Heeren, J. (2022). Management Innovation in the Military, Practice Adaptation Processes and Innovation Performance Consequences: Solving the Paradox Between Institutional Pressure, Rational Motivation and Implementation Misfit. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).