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Assistant Professor
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

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Kathrin Borner (PhD) is Assistant Professor in Innovation Management at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. She is visiting scholar at MIT Sloan for which she received the KNAW Van der Gaag grant in 2024. Her research has been published among others in the leading journal Research Policy and won the Best Student Paper Award at the World Open Innovation Conference in 2022.

Kathrin is a qualitative researcher interested in how people innovate. She loves going into the field to learn from managers, users or other innovators. For her PhD she conducted four years of fieldwork using ethnographic methods.


Academic (2)
  • Borner, K., Berends, H., Deken, F., & Feldberg, F. (2023). Another pathway to complementarity: How users and intermediaries identify and create new combinations in innovation ecosystems. Research Policy, 52(7), Article 104788.

  • Eijdenberg, E. L., & Borner, K. (2017). The performance of subsistence entrepreneurs in Tanzania's informal economy. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 22(1), Article 1750007.


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Kathrin Borner (Visiting researcher)
    01 Mar 2024 - 01 May 2024

    Activity: Visit other > Visiting an external academic institution (Academic)