Marcel works as assistant executive director for the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics and as business director for the Erasmus Centre for Future Energy Business. Besides working with these two research centres, Marcel is involved in several nationally and EU funded research projects. He also coaches students in writing their master thesis Business Information Management. Finally, Marcel is member of the executive board and treasurer in the department of Technology & Operations Management (TOM).
Marcel likes to initiate and develop innovative ideas and projects on the edge of science and practice, which combine people, technology, knowledge and innovation. Marcel can be characterized as analytical, ambitious, creative, social, loyal, team-player, result and market driven, multitasker, optimist, networker. Linking the academic world with the business world gives him a lot of energy.
In 2010 he finished his dissertation, titled "Business Agility and Information Technology in Service Organizations"?. The dissertation analyses how organizations can become more agile and how Information Technology can support organizational agility. A spin off "agility scorecard" is under development.
During the years Marcel has worked for a wide range of clients such as Microsoft, BMW, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Rabobank, NN, KPN, Delta Lloyd, TNT, Port of Rotterdam, Royal Floraholland, Vivat. He also has been involved in various nationally and EU funded research projects. His specialities include development of innovative (research and consulting) projects and programs, projectmanagement, consulting.
Marcel lives in Rotterdam, is married, and proud father of two sons. His spare time is spent on family and friends, sports, travel and photography.
Marcel can be contacted via email ([][]).
Article (5)
Academic (3)
Liu, L., Daniels, H., Oosterhout, M., & van Dalen, J. (2013). Business Intelligence for Improving Supply Chain Risk Management. International Journal in Advanced Logistics, 2(2), 18-29.
van Heck, E., Baalen, P., Meulen, D., & Oosterhout, M. (2012). Achieving High Performance in a Mobile and Green Workplace: Lessons from Microsoft Netherlands. MIS Quarterly Executive, 11(4), 175-188.
Oosterhout, M., Waarts, E., & van Hillegersberg, J. (2006). Change factors requiring agility and implications for IT. European Journal of Information Systems, 15(2), 132-145.
Professional (2)
van Hillegersberg, J., Oosterhout, M., Valkenier, R., & Waarts, E. (2005). Where Do You Need To Be Agile? Unknown.
Hoogeweegen, MR., & Oosterhout, M. (1998). Modularisatie van dienst en proces. Bedrijfskundig Vakblad, 10(6), 4-11.
Book (2)
Academic (2)
Oosterhout, M. (2014). Business Agility and Information Technology in Service Organizations. Scholars' Press.
Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & van Heck, E. (2000). Dynamics in setting up an EDI Community - Experiences from the port of Rotterdam. Uitgeverij Eburon.
Book editing (1)
Academic (1)
Baalen, P., & Oosterhout, M. (2009). IOS Adoption and Implementation in Global Port Communities. Now Publishers.
Chapter (7)
Academic (7)
Arendt, F., Hintsa, J., Meyer-Larsen, N., Muller, R., Oosterhout, M., Veenstra, A., Urciouli, L., & Zuidwijk, R. (2011). Impact of Supply Chain Visibility and Security on International Container Transport. In T. Blecker (Ed.), Maritime Logistics in the Global Economy Josef Eul Verlag GmbH.
Zuidwijk, R., Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., & van Nunen, JAEE. (2009). Port IT Capabilities: Toward a PCS Strategy. In R. A. Zuidwijk, P. J. van Baalen, & J. A. E. E. van Nunen (Eds.), Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems: Capabilities to Service Global Supply Chains (pp. 73-92). Now Publishers.
Oosterhout, M., Koenen, E., & van Heck, E. (2009). The adoption of Grid Technology and Its Perceived Impact on Agility. Empirical Evidence from a Business Experiment with Small and Medium Enterprises in the Netherlands. In P. H. M. Vervest, D. W. Liere, & L. Zheng (Eds.), The Network Experience. New Value from Smart Business Networks (pp. 285-300). Springer-Verlag.
Oosterhout, M., van Heck, E., Waarts, E., & van Hillegersberg, J. (2008). Business agility: Need, readiness and implications for Smart Business Networks. In P. H. M. Vervest, E. van Heck, & K. Preiss (Eds.), Smart Business Networks 2006 Conference Proceedings (pp. 157-180). Smart Business Networks.
Moonen, JM., Oosterhout, M., & van Nunen, JAEE. (2007). ICT in Logistieke Ketens. In T. M. A. Bemelmans, M. van Keulen, R. J. Kusters, & M. Looijen (Eds.), ICT Zakboek (pp. 143-149). Reed Business Information.
Oosterhout, M., Waarts, E., van Heck, E., & van Hillegersberg, J. (2006). Business agility: need, readiness and alignment with IT-strategies. In K. C. Desouza (Ed.), Agile Information Systems: Conceptualization, Construction and Management (pp. 52-69). Butterworth-Heinemann.
van Hillegersberg, J., Tseng, JCM., Zuidwijk, R., Oosterhout, M., & van Nunen, JAEE. (2003). Hub to higher performance? An internet hub for the VOS logistics supply chain. In T. Verduijn, & B. van Loo (Eds.), Intelligent Logistic Concepts: improving your supply chain with collaboration and ICT (pp. 45-76). Uitgeverij Eburon.
Conference proceeding (10)
Academic (9)
Bagheri, S., Brandt, T., Sheombar, H., & Oosterhout, M. (2021). Value creation through urban data platform: A Conceptual Framework. In Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 2464-2473)
Bagheri, S., Brandt, T., Sheombar, H., & van Oosterhout, M. (2021). Value creation through urban data platforms: A conceptual framework. In T. X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2021 (pp. 2464-2473). Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities.
Veenstra, A., Zuidwijk, R., & Oosterhout, M. (2010). Benefit analysis of visibility in global logistics chains. In Conference Proceedings of 2010 Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economics International Association of Maritime Economists.
Srour, FJ., Oosterhout, M., Zuidwijk, R., & Baalen, P. (2008). Port Community System Implementation: Lessons Learned from International Scan. In Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Washington DC
Oosterhout, M., Veenstra, A., Meijer, MAG., Popal, NA., & van den Berg, J. (2007). Visibility platforms for enhancing supply chain security: a case study in the port of Rotterdam. In J. F. A. Witlox, & C. J. Ruijgrok (Eds.), vervoerslogistieke werkdagen 2007 (pp. 80-102)
Oosterhout, M., & van Heck, E. (2007). Customer centric IS and the role of agility in public organizations An empirical study in the Netherlands. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on e-Business (WEB-2007)
Oosterhout, M., Veenstra, A., Meijer, MAG., Popal, NA., & van den Berg, J. (2007). Visibility platforms for enhancing supply chain security: a case study in the port of Rotterdam. In International Symposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection
Oosterhout, M., Waarts, E., & van Hillegersberg, J. (2005). Assessing business agility: A Multi-Industry Study in The Netherlands. In Baskerville, R, & Mathiassen, L (Eds.), Business Agility and Information Technology Diffusion (pp. 275-294). Springer-Verlag.
van Hillegersberg, J., Tseng, JCM., Zuidwijk, R., Oosterhout, M., & van Nunen, JAEE. (2003). Hub to higher performance? An internet hub for the VOS logistics supply chain. In R. Jardim-Concalves, J. Cha, & A. Steiger-Garcao (Eds.), Concurrent Engineering: Enhanced interoperable systems (pp. 435-443). A.A. Balkema Publishers.
Professional (1)
Oosterhout, M., van Heck, E., Koenen, E., Vollaard, H., Emmen, A., Meijer, G., Den Ouden, JC., & Perdeck, M. (2007). Development of a Business Model for Grid networked businesses: experiences from Beingrid DRS pilot. In e-Challenges Conference 2007
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
Oosterhout, M. (2010). Business agility and information technology in service organizations. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Report (15)
Academic (6)
Kaymak, U., Tseng, JCM., de Kort, B., & Oosterhout, M. (2001). Collaborative e-business scenarios. (GigaPort Virtuele Haven T2.D5 ed.) GigaPort Virtuele Haven Vol. T2.D5
Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & van Heck, E. (1999). EDI for In-land Transport. (ERASM Management Report Series 22-1999 ed.) RSM extern. ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 22-1999
Oosterhout, M., Schansman, D., Waarts, E., & Baalen, P. (1999). Marktonderzoek Virtueel Kenniscentrum. Kennisbehoeften van het MKB in de regio Rotterdam. Erasm Business Suport Centre bv. EBCS rapport
Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & van Heck, E. (1999). The Start-up of an EDI-Community: Experiences from the Port of Rotterdam. Erasm Business Support Centre bv. EBSC rapport
Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & Oranje, FH. (1999). Requirements Analysis for Electronic Commerce in logistic processes of veterinarian goods. (EBSC BV Report - ed.) EBSC BV Report Vol. -
Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, DS., & van Heck, E. (1999). Dynamics in the Start-Up of an EDI community: Experiences from the port of Rotterdam. ERASM.
Professional (9)
Zuidwijk, R., Veenstra, A., van Dalen, J., & Oosterhout, M. (2009). INTEGRITY benefits analysis and measurement plan, Deliverable 6.1. INTEGRITY consortium.
Oosterhout, M., Veenstra, A., & Zuidwijk, R. (2009). INTEGRITY common evaluation criteria, Deliverable 6.2. INTEGRITY consortium.
Baalen, P., van Heck, E., Oosterhout, M., & Go, FM. (2009). Worlds of Work - Results from the New Worlds of Work Research Report 2008. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
van der Meulen, D., Vermeer, W., Oosterhout, M., & Baalen, P. (2009). Essent @nders werken results survey. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Pau, LFJM., Zuidwijk, R., Chen, H., van de Coterlet, PM., & Oosterhout, M. (2004). Introduction of 3rd generation wireless services at the Port of Rotterdam and its business partners. Contract Final report.
van Hillegersberg, J., Oosterhout, M., Vervest, P., & Waarts, E. (2004). Agile business: the competitive weapon: business agility in the Netherlands. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Veenstra, A., Vleugel, JM., & Oosterhout, M. (2003). POET Work Package 4: actual case studies - overview of cases. Rand Europe.
Veenstra, A., Holland, C., Oosterhout, M., Bilderbeek, R., Bekkers, R., & Vermaas, K. (2003). Glasimpuls voor Rotterdam. OBR.
Oosterhout, M., & Beije, PR. (1997). Mister MKB IT-gids : 60 cases. Kluwer Bedrijfsinformatie.
Teaching case (2)
Academic (2)
Bagheri, S., & van Oosterhout, M., (2022). Toward an Energy Transition in Rotterdam: Smart Thermal Grid Initiatives, No. 922-0010-1, 11 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 922-0010-1
Bagheri, S., Brandt, T., & van Oosterhout, M., (2021). Digital City Rotterdam: Open Urban Platform, 14 p., RSM Case Development Centre
- ERIM Impact Award (2010)
BIM Research Methods
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- Code: BM06BIM
- Level: Master
BIM Master Thesis
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Level: Master
BIM Thesis Clinic
- Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023
- Code: BMRM1BIM
- Level: Master
Past courses
BIM Research Methods I - Old style
- Study year: 2019/2020, 2018/2019
- Code: BM05BIM
- ECTS: 2