Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

When you are admitted to one of the programmes at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), your personal information is used for the purpose of arranging registration, delivering educational programme, assessing student's competencies and issuing certification/diploma.

When your application for a bachelor or master programme is approved by RSM, you can complete your enrolment via Studielink. During your enrolment at the university, the following data is registered in the university's student information system: student id, first & last name, photo, gender, nationality, home address, personal e-mail address, date of birth, place and country of birth, study programme, course registration and results.

Your data is required to arrange course enrolment in the university's learning management platform, organize student groups, register attendance, assess assignments and examinations, register your results in the university's student information system, issue diploma & grade list and arrange graduation ceremony. Your transcript with grades and diploma are retained for 50 years after your graduation as required in line with the Dutch legislation.

During campus closure your plenary sessions and workshops are organized via the online meeting application Zoom. When participating in the online classes, you are asked to join with your name so the teacher can identify you. You may be asked to use your camera if the nature of the session requires it. You can use virtual backgrounds to blur your surroundings.

If your exam is taken remotely with online proctoring, the surveillance during the exam takes place via your camera and microphone instead of an invigilator who is physically present. Before taking an exam you will have to identify yourself with your university student card. When using passport or identity card, you must cover up all data except the photo and first & last name. The video recordings with activities on the computer screen and your surroundings during the examination are deleted no later than six weeks after the examination. The recordings are accessed by the remote proctors and in case of possible fraud also authorised staff members like course instructors and Examination Board.



When you visit study advisers, you may share some additional personal information to describe your personal situation. This information is registered in the university's student information system and is accessible only to RSM study advisers. All conversation between student and student adviser is strictly confidential and information provided by a student will not be shared with any third party without student’s permission.

When you participate in the events and workshops organized by the Career Centre or its corporate partners, you may share your CV through the RSM Career Portal supported by online application JobTeaser. When you create an account in the Career Portal you will be asked to agree to the terms and privacy policy of the application JobTeaser.  

The information you upload in the Career Portal is accessible only to the event organizers and RSM Career Centre administrators. 

You can update or delete your profile, uploaded CV at any time through the account settings in the Career Portal.

When you submit a request or complaint at the Examination Board, you may include additional information. Your data is registered in the university's document management system and is accessible only to RSM employees involved in the activities of the Examination Board.

For more information about your rights and RSM activities on data protection, please refer to the RSM privacy statement.