Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Evaluation Criteria

As a numerux fixus programme, IBA applicants are given selection points, which are used for ranking and selecting the top 750 applicants. The selection points are based on your grades and your motivation;
  • Grades 75%: Your average grade counts the most for the final ranking. The lower your grades, the fewer selection points you'll receive. If you do not meet the minimum grade average listed for your diploma, we advise you to apply elsewhere. Use the search tool below to find the criteria for your diploma.
  • Motivation 25%: You will answer 3 motivation questions when applying
You must also meet the minimum English and Mathematics requirements listed for your diploma type.

Please note that all admissions related information for the 2025-2026 academic year will be updated before the application season opens on 1 October. Some requirements may therefore change. 


Diploma name

  • Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore

Mathematics requirement

English language requirement

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points for an average grade of 8 or higher. 

  • If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking.

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the average of both your final school year results and national exams grades.  

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Reifezeugnis / Reifeprüfungszeugnis from an Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule (AHS)

  • Reife- und Diplomprüfungszeugnis 

Mathematics requirement

  • Reifezeugnis / Reifeprüfungszeugnis: minimum grade of 2 (gut). If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam

  • Reife- und Diplomprüfungszeugnis: you must take a mathematics exam 

English requirement

  • Minimum grade of 2 (gut)

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take an English language test

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 2 (gut) or higher or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on your final exam grades.  

Additional requirements  

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 

  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Atestat ab agul’nai syarednyai adukatsyi / Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi (Certificate of General Secondary Education) 

Mathematics requirement

English language requirement

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 8 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the results achieved in both your final year of study and the national exams. (if applicable) 

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Diploma Secundair Onderwijs, stream Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs (ASO) 

  • Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (Général)
  • Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts

Mathematics requirement

  • ASO: Economy / Mathematics profile with a minimum mathematics grade of 70%

  • CESS: 4 hours of mathematics/science with minimum grade of B
  • If you do not meet either of the requirements listed above, you must take the IBA mathematics exam. For example; if you are completing the ASO with profiles Humane Wetenschappen, Grieks/Moderne Talen, Latijn/Moderne Talen or you are completing the CESS with less than 4 hours of math/science. 

English language requirement

  • You were taught in Dutch or Flemish and you have a minimum English grade of 70% 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take an English language test. For example, if the language of instruction was French or the language of instruction was Dutch/Flemish but you do not meet the grade requirement.

Selection points 

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 70% / B or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades achieved during your final year. 

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.

  • If your school gives different letter grades for each subject (for example R/TB/B), RSM will find the average grade by using the middle grade in the range. When it´s not possible to establish where your grade falls within that range, RSM will use the middle grade as the grade that represents you. 
  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Diploma name

  • Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie (Диплома за среднo образование) - academic stream

General requirements

  • General secondary education stream with an academic profile from a Gimnazija 

Mathematics requirements

  • Minimum mathematics grade of 5 (taken up until the final year) 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirements 

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 5 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on your grades of your final year and your exam grades.

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.

  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Diploma name

  • Svjedodžba o (Državnoj) Maturi from a Gimnazija 

General requirements

  • Only general secondary education from a Gimnazija is accepted.  

Mathematics requirement

  • Mathematics Advanced/Higher level (viša), taken up until the final year and as part of your final exams, with a minimum grade of 4.

  • If you have already graduated, your mathematics grade will be calculated based on the mathematics results achieved in both your final year and the final exams. The average grade should not be lower than 4. 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam.

English language requirement

Selection points 

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a minimum Grade Average of 4 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the average of the grades achieved during your final year and your exam results.  

Additional requirements

  • You must include the diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.  

  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations

Find out how to apply


Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Diploma name

  • Apolytirion Lykeio/Απολυτήριον Λυκείου (Greek-Cypriot) from a public school

General requirements

  • only from a public school with the following specialisation: 

    • classical studies and humanities, or foreign languages and European studies
    • economic sciences
    • natural sciences/life sciences/information science/technology
  • Students attending a private, international school and follow a US or UK curriculum are referred to the corresponding countries for the requirements. 
  • Apolytirio or Lise school leaving equivalent certificates are not accepted. 

Mathematics requirement 

English language requirement 

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a minimum Grade Average of 18 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be based on your grade average as listed on your Graduation Certificate. 

Additional requirements

  • Students attending a private, international school and follow a US or UK curriculum are referred to the corresponding countries for the requirements. Apolytirion or Lise school leaving equivalent certificates are not accepted. 

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.  
  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Czech Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce obtained at a Gymnázium 

General requirements

  • Only accepted general/academic subjects obtained at a Gymnázium 

Mathematics requirement

  • Advanced mathematics (Math Seminar/Math Analysis) is taken up until the final year and as part of your final exams, with a minimum grade of 2.

  • If you do not meet the requirements listed above, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement 

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a minimum Grade Average of 2 (chvalitebny)  or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the average of the grades achieved during your final year and your national exam grades. 

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 

  • The RSM diploma statement must clearly indicate which mathematics level you are taking in the final year and if you take advanced math as an exam subject.
  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Monday, 18 December 2023

Diploma name

  • Studentereksamenbevis (STX) 

  • Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen (HF) 

Mathematics requirement

  • Minimum grade of 7 (level A or B) 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement

  • A minimum grade of 7 (level A or B) and English must be included as a final exam subject 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take an English language test 

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a minimum Grade Average of 7 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be based on the grades listed in your final certificate.

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.  
  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus and Riigieksamitunnistus 

General requirements

  • Riigieksamitunnistus with minimum score of 70% 

Mathematics requirement

English language requirement

Selection points 

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 4 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades achieved during your final year and the national exams. 

Additional requirements

  • You must include the diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 

  • Graduated applicants must provide their Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus, Hinneteleht and Riigieksamitunnistus 
  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.  

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 September 2023

Diploma name

  • European Baccalaureate 

Mathematics requirement

  • Minimum grade of 7.0 (5hrs) OR Minimum grade of 8.0 (3hrs). 
    If there has been a change in the number of mathematics hours during your final year, it should be clearly indicated on your diploma statement. Additionally, it should also be specified which mathematics exam (3 hours or 5 hours) you intend to take.  

  • If you do not meet the grade requirement, you must take a mathematics exam 

English language requirement

  • Minimum grade of 7.0 (Language 1 or 2) 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take an English language test

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 8.0/ 80% or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants

  • Your Grade Average will be based on your final grade as listed on your diploma

Additional requirements 

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 

  • If there has been a change in the number of mathematics hours during your final year, it should be clearly indicated on your diploma statement. Additionally, it should also be specified which mathematics exam (3 hours or 5 hours) you intend to take. 
  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply


Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamenbevis

Mathematics requirement

  • You must be taking the Mathematics Extended Course (pitkä oppimäärä) and completed the courses so far with a minimum average grade of 7. 

  • If you have already completed the final exams, you must have obtained a Cum Laude Approbatur (C) for the Mathematics Extended final exam (pitkän matematiikan ylioppilaskoe).  

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam. 

English language requirement

  • You must have completed your English courses with a minimum average grade of 7 so far and complete your final exam (ylioppilaskoe) with a minimum grade of Cum Laude Approbatur (C). 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take an English language test

Selection Points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 7 or higher and you complete your final exams with at least Cum Laude Approbatur (C). If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on all grades obtained so far during your high school (kurssiarvosanojen keskiarvo) 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades achieved during the final exams (ylioppilaskokeiden keskiarvo) and all grades obtained during high school (kurssiarvosanojen keskiarvo).

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.  

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education are sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Diploma name

  • Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général  

  • Diplôme du Baccalauréat Français International (BFI) 
  • Baccalauréat Général Option International (OIB) if you graduated before 2024

Mathematics requirement

For applicants in the final year of secondary school: 

  • Mathematics Specialité minimum grade 13 OR
  • Mathematics Complémentaires with a minimum grade of 14
  • (for curriculum until 2019), you must have obtained a minimum grade of 14 in Mathematics série ES or 13.5 in Mathematics série S 
  • You must have taken mathematics in both the Première and the Terminale.
  • The RSM diploma statement must clearly indicate which mathematics course you are taking in the final year (Terminale).
  • If you do not meet the minimum grade or level requirements listed above, you must take a mathematics exam.

For applicants who have graduated: 

  • Only your math grade achieved in the final exam (Relevé des notes) will be considered. The required grades are:
  • Mathematics Specialité minimum grade 13 OR 
  • Mathematics Complémentaires with a minimum grade of 14, obtained in the Terminale 
  • If you do not meet the minimum grade or level requirements listed above, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement

  • Diplôme du Baccalauréat Français International (BFI) (formerly Anglo-American/ Anglo-European language section of the OIB): with a minimum grade of 14 and a statement from your school as proof of English language competence 

  • If you do not meet requirements listed above, you must take an English language test.

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 15 or higher.

  • If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking.

For applicants in the final year of high school:

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants:  

  • Your Grade Average (Moyenne Finale) which is mentioned on your Relevé des notes

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.  

  • The RSM diploma statement must clearly indicate which mathematics course you are taking in the final year (Terminale). If the mathematics course is not indicated, RSM will assume that the applicant does not have the required course/level and a mathematics exam is required. 
  • Always provide the original bulletins with the French grading system. RSM will not use converted grades (e.g. letter grading) for the evaluation.
  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Sashualo Ganatlebis Atestati

Mathematics requirement

English language requirement 

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 8 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the results achieved in both your final year of study and the national exams.  

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.  

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply


Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Friday, 22 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur

Mathematics requirement

  • Mathematics minimum grade of 10

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam.
  • If you have already graduated, your Math grade will be calculated based on the Math results achieved in both your final year of study (Year 12) and the final exams.
  • If you have already graduated but did not take mathematics as part of your final exams, your Mathematics grade will be based on the average mathematics grade obtained in the final year (Year 12). 

English language requirement

  • English minimum grade of 10 (taken up until the final school year) 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take an English language test
  • If you have already graduated, your English grade will be calculated based on the English results achieved in both your final year of study (Year 12) and the final exams.
  • If you have already graduated but did not take English as part of your final exams, your English grade will be based on the average English grade obtained in the final year (Year 12). 

Selection Points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a grade average (Durchschnittsnote) of 2.0 or higher (whereby 1.0 is the highest)

  • If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking.

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the results of your Durchschnittsnote.

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 
  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 December 2023