Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo
  • Date

    Friday, 31 March 2023

  • Time

    10:30 - 16:00 (GMT +02:00)

  • Location


Please register via de RSM Career Portal

During the Strategy In-House day at Philips, you will dive head first into one of Philips’ largest imaging businesses. Your task is to develop a growth strategy for one of our most critical businesses in order for it to remain competitive. During this event you will get exposure to the daily work of the Strategy team at Philips and work as a team to convince stakeholders that your recommendations are the right ones. Next to a case-solving session, you’ll also get to speak 1-1 to Strategy team members and ask them about their experience at Philips and strategy and discuss future opportunities for internships in the team.

Join us for an inside look at one of the largest MedTech companies of the world and to learn what Strategy is like!

About the Business Case

You will develop a growth strategy for Philips’ Imaging business. You will:

  • Learn to understand how a MedTech company builds a strategy for one of its largest business units
  • Refine problem-solving skills while dealing with large amounts of unstructured data & information
  • Prepare pitches to management on detailed recommendations & answer live questions from management.

For students without a student travel card issues by the government, Philips has kindly offered to reimburse travel costs. Please make sure to keep the receipt of your travel expenses.

For CEMS students:
The business case can be used as skill seminar and allows for 0.5 day, meaning: 0.25 EC. 


Giving due respect to CEMS Corporate and Social Partner involvement and the degree of planning required to organise Skill Seminars, CEMS takes Skill Seminar attendance very seriously. All CEMS students are required to adhere to the following policy:

  • Students must provide at least 5 working days advance notice to seminar organizers (who may be different than the seminar trainers) to de-register from a Skill Seminar without explanation.
  • Closer to the date of the seminar only serious personal reasons (proven by official documentation) will be considered in approving late de-registration without a sanction.
  • If none of the above applies and a student does NOT attend a seminar for which he/she is registered, the following sanctions apply:
    • 1 seminar missed - student is NOT allowed to register for Skill Seminars for the current AND following term. In addition, he/she is placed last on the list of preference for Skill Seminars, Business Projects, and Block Seminars.
    • If 3 seminars are missed during the CEMS studies the student is removed from the MIM programme.

* Participation is based on CV-selection by Philips