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Albert Veenstra
Professor of Trade and Logistics
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

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Scientific Director TKI Dinalog


Academic Director MSc Customs and Supply Chain Compliance at RSM BV


Academic (31)
  • Veenstra, A., & de Waal, A. (2024). The impact of container call size evidence from simulation modelling. Maritime Transport Research, 6, Article 100109.

  • Veenstra, A., & Heijmann, F. (2023). The Future of Customs. World Customs Journal, 17(2), 13.

  • Veenstra, A. (2023). A Review of Customs: Inside Anywhere, Insights Everywhere. World Customs Journal, 17(1), 113-116.

  • Veenstra, A., & Harmelink, RLA. (2022). Process mining ship arrivals in port: the case of the Port of Antwerp. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 24(3), 584-601. Article 584.

  • Veenstra, A., & Harmelink, R. (2021). On the quality of ship arrival predictions. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 23(4), 655-673.

  • Gumuskaya, V., van Jaarsveld, W., Dijkman, R., Grefen, P., & Veenstra, A. (2021). Integrating stochastic programs and decision trees in capacitated barge planning with uncertain container arrivals. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 132, Article 103383.

  • Gumuskaya, V., L. van Jaarsveld, W., M. Dijkman, R., W.P.J. Grefen, P., & Veenstra, A. (2020). A framework for modelling and analysing coordination challenges in hinterland transport systems. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 22(1), 124-145.

  • Gumuskaya, V., L. van Jaarsveld, W., M. Dijkman, R., W.P.J. Grefen, P., & Veenstra, A. (2020). Dynamic Barge Planning with Stochastic Container Arrivals. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 144(5), 102-161.

  • Heijmann, F., Tan, Y., Rukanova, B., & Veenstra, A. (2020). The changing role of Customs: Customs aligning with supply chain and information management. World Customs Journal, 14(2), 131-142.

  • Veenstra, A. (2018). Digitalization: a supply chain revolution? Journal of the Hitachi Research Insitute, 13(3), 28-33.

  • Zuidwijk, R., & Veenstra, A. (2014). The Value of Information in Container Transport. Transportation Science, 49(3), 675-685.

  • Zuidwijk, R., Veenstra, A., & van Asperen, E. (2012). The extended gate concept for container terminals: Expanding the notion of dry ports. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 14(1), 14-32.

  • Arendt, F., Meyer-Larsen, N., Muller, R., & Veenstra, A. (2012). Practical approaches towards enhanced security and visibility in international intermodal container supply chains. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 4, 182.

  • Veenstra, A., & van Dalen, J. (2011). Ship Speed and Fuel Consumption Quotation in Ocean Shipping Time Charter Contracts. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 45(1), 41-61.

  • Veenstra, A., & Notteboom, T. (2011). The development of the Yangtze River port system. Journal of Transport Geography, 19(4), 772-781.

  • Veenstra, A., Fan, W., Wang, C., & Ru, Y. (2010). An analysis of E-waste flows in China. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 47(5-8), 449-459.

  • Lang, NA., & Veenstra, A. (2010). A quantitative analysis of container vessel arrival planning strategies. OR Spectrum, 32(3), 477-499.

  • Wang, Y., Ru, YH., Veenstra, A., Wang, RJ., & Wang, Y. (2010). Recent Developments in waste electrical and electronics equipment legislation in China. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 47(5-8), 437-448.

  • Parola, F., & Veenstra, A. (2008). The Spatial Coverage of Shipping Lines and Container Terminal Operators. Journal of Transport Geography, 16(4), 292-299.

  • Veenstra, A., Zhang, M., & Ludema, MW. (2008). The Growth Potential of Container Shipping on the Yangtze River. Maritime Policy and Management, 35(6), 535-549.

  • Veenstra, A., & de la Fosse, S. (2006). Contributions to Maritime Economics - Zenon S. Zannetos. Maritime Policy and Management, 33(1), 61-73.

  • Veenstra, A., & Ludema, MW. (2006). The relationship between design and economic performance of ships. Maritime Policy and Management, 33(2), 159-171.

  • Veenstra, A., Mulder, M., & Sels, RA. (2005). Analysing container flows in the Caribbean. Journal of Transport Geography, 13(4), 295-305.

  • Veenstra, A., & Lang, NA. (2004). Economic analysis of a Container Terminal Simulation. International Journal of Logistics, 7(3), 263-280.

  • Veenstra, A. (2002). Nautical education in a changing world: the case of the Netherlands. Marine Policy, 26(2), 133-141.

  • Veenstra, A., & Bergantino, AS. (2002). Networks in liner shipping - interconnection and coordination. International Journal of Maritime Economics, 4(3), 210-229.

  • Veenstra, A., & Haralambides, H. (2001). Multivariate autoregressive models for forecasting seaborne trade flows. Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review, 37(4), 311-319.

  • Veenstra, A., & Bergantino, AS. (2000). Changing ownership structures in the Dutch fleet. Maritime Policy and Management, 27(2), 175-190.

  • Veenstra, A. (1999). The term structure of ocean freight rates. Maritime Policy and Management, 26(3), 279-293.

  • Veenstra, A., & van Klink, HA. (1998). Het Rotterdam-effect. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 83(4161), 564-567.

  • Franses, P. H., & Veenstra, A. (1997). A co-integration approach to forecasting freight rates in the dry bulk shipping sector. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 31(6), 447-458.

Popular (4)
  • van Nunen, JAEE., & Veenstra, A. (2005). RFID Technologie in globalen Supply Chains unf Transportsystemen (Teil 2). Unknown, 55-57.

  • van Nunen, JAEE., & Veenstra, A. (2005). De Haven van Rotterdam hoeft niet veilig te zijn. Unknown, 14-15.

  • van Nunen, JAEE., & Veenstra, A. (2005). RFID Technologie in globalen Supply Chains und Transportsystemen (Teil 1). Unknown, 49-51.

  • van Nunen, JAEE., & Veenstra, A. (2005). De Haven van Rotterdam hoeft niet veilig te zijn. Unknown, 35.

Professional (4)
  • Veenstra, A. (2014). Vooruitblik 2014. EVO magazine : logistiek in bedrijf, 2014(1), 29.

  • Veenstra, A. (2014). Binnenvaart in de VS. EVO magazine : logistiek in bedrijf, 4(25).

  • Veenstra, A. (2014). Lesgeven aan douaneprofessionals. EVO magazine : logistiek in bedrijf.

  • Veenstra, A. (2014). Veiligheid in technologie. EVO magazine : logistiek in bedrijf.

Academic (4)
  • Grefen, PWPJ., Hofman, W., Dijkman, RM., Veenstra, A., & Peters, SPF. (2018). An integrated view on the future of logistics and information technology. Cornell University Library.

  • Veenstra, A., & Verduijn, T. (2018). D1 Data for Compliance in E-commerce: problem definition.

  • Veenstra, A. (2014). Compliance and control in global supply chains. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

  • Haralambides, H., Veenstra, A., & Verduijn, TM. (1994). Manual of Maritime Statistics. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

Popular (1)
  • Veenstra, A. (2023). Koffer op de Fiets. Trichis Publishing B.V.

Academic (1)
  • Veenstra, A., & Ru, YH. (2008). Reverse Logistics and Global Closed-loop Supply Chains. China railway Publishing House.

Academic (31)
  • Veenstra, A. (2021). Maritime transport and logistics as a trade facilitator 3rd edition. In P. M. Panayides, D. W. Song, & A. Kouspous (Eds.), Maritime Logistics (3rd edition) Kogan Page.

  • Veenstra, A. (2019). International trade, global supply chains and compliance. In Operations, logistics and supply chain management (pp. 131-161). Springer-Verlag.

  • Veenstra, A. (2017). Revenues and costs of maritime shipping. In Ports and networks (pp. 204-218). Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).

  • Veenstra, A., & Zuidwijk, R. (2016). Towards efficient multimodal Hinterland networks. In Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation (pp. 55-66). Springer-Verlag.

  • Zuidwijk, R., & Veenstra, A. (2015). Towards efficient multimodal Hinterland networks. In Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation (pp. 55-66). Springer-Verlag.

  • Veenstra, A., J. Meijeren, V., Harmsen, JMA., & Verbraeck, A. (2015). Forstering cooperation in inland waterway networks : a gaming and simulation approach. In Transport of water versus transport over water : exploring the dynamic interplay between transport and water (pp. 463-478). Springer-Verlag.

  • Veenstra, A. (2015). Maritime transport and logistics as a trade facilitator. In Maritime logistics : a guide to contemporary shipping and port management (pp. 11-28). Kogan Page.

  • Veenstra, A. (2015). Ocean transport and the facilitation of trade. In Handbook of ocean container transport logistics (pp. 429-450). Springer-Verlag.

  • Thanopoulou, HA., Veenstra, A., & Gratsos, GA. (2012). Dry Bulk Shipping. In K. T. Wayne (Ed.), Maritime Economics - A Blackwell Companion (pp. 187-204). Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Gratsos, GA., Thanopoulou, HA., & Veenstra, A. (2012). Dry bulk shipping. In The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics (pp. 185-204). Blackwell Publishing.

  • Veenstra, A., & van Dalen, J. (2011). Fixtures-based Freight Rate Indices, and their Impact on Freight Rate Modelling in the Shipping Industry. In K. Cullinane (ed.) (Ed.), The International Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business (pp. 63-84)

  • Arendt, F., Hintsa, J., Meyer-Larsen, N., Muller, R., Oosterhout, M., Veenstra, A., Urciouli, L., & Zuidwijk, R. (2011). Impact of Supply Chain Visibility and Security on International Container Transport. In T. Blecker (Ed.), Maritime Logistics in the Global Economy Josef Eul Verlag GmbH.

  • Veenstra, A., & Zuidwijk, R. (2010). The future of seaport hinterland networks. In L. Kroon, R. Zuidwijk, & T. Li (Eds.), Liber Amicorum Jo van Nunen Springer-Verlag.

  • Zuidwijk, R., Veenstra, A., & Dekker, R. (2009). Information and Coordination in Container Transport. In P. van Baalen, R. A. Zuidwijk, & J. van Nunen (Eds.), Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems: Capabilities to Service Global Supply Chain, Foundations and Trands R_in Technology, Information and Operations Management Now Publishers.

  • Veenstra, A. (2007). The Role of Ports in Global Supply Chain. In C. Toh Ah, & S. Chan Eng (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Maritime-Port Technology and Development Conference Research Publishing Services.

  • Veenstra, A. (2005). Empty container repositioning. In S. D. P. Flapper, J. A. E. E. van Nunen, & L. N. van Wassenhove (Eds.), Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains (pp. 65-76). Springer-Verlag.

  • Veenstra, A. (2003). Port Management Games. In C. A. Brebbia, & G. Sciutto (Eds.), Maritime Engineering & Ports III (pp. 33-40). WIT Press.

  • Veenstra, A., & Ludema, MW. (2003). Towards the economic operation of a to be privatised ferry system - the case of the Rozenburg-Massluis ferry in the Port of Rotterdam. In C. A. Brebbia, & G. Sciutto (Eds.), Maritime Engineering & Ports (pp. 299-306). WIT Press.

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (2002). Port pricing. In C. T. Grammenos (Ed.), The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business (pp. 782-802). Lloyds of London Press.

  • Veenstra, A. (2002). Port management games. In C. A. Brebbia, & G. Siutto (Eds.), Maritime engineering & ports III (pp. 33-40). WIT Press.

  • Ludema, MW., & Veenstra, A. (2002). Towards the economic operation of a to be privatised ferry system - the case of the Rozenbrug-Maassluis ferry in thePort of Rotterdam. In C. A. Brebbia, & G. Sciutto (Eds.), Maritime Engineering & Ports III (pp. 299-306). WIT Press.

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (2000). Modeling performance in liner shipping. In D. A. Hensher, & K. J. Button (Eds.), Handbook of transport modelling (pp. 643-656). Pergamon (Elsevier).

  • Ludema, MW., & Veenstra, A. (1999). Improving the Inland tanker barge sector in the Rhine-Scheldt area; a supply chain economic perspective. In M. Muffatto, & K. S. Pawar (Eds.), Logistics in the information age (pp. 113-118). Servici Grafici Editoriali (SGE).

  • Haralambides, H., Ma, S., & Veenstra, A. (1997). World-wide experiences of port reform. In H. Meersman, & E. van de Voorde (Eds.), Transforming the Port and Transportation Business (pp. 107-144). Acco Uitgeverij.

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (1997). Current trends in containership size development. In De Sterkten en Zwakten van de Vlaamse Havens en van het Vlaamse Havenbeleid Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Sociaal Economische Raad van Vlanderen.

  • Veenstra, A. (1996). Modelling of ocean container charter rates. In P. Nijkamp (Ed.), Proceedings 2nd TRAIL PhD Congress 1996 "Defence or attack", part 2 (pp. 1-17). TRAIL Research School.

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (1996). Ports as trade facilitators in the export-led growth strategies of developing countries. In M. Valleri (Ed.), L' Industria Portuale: per uno Sviluppo Sostenibile dei Porti (pp. 1-39). Cacucci Editore.

  • Veenstra, A., & Cross, SJ. (1996). Learning progress trends in shiphandling simulation. In G. Zade (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International Navigation Simulator Lecturers' Conference (INSLC 9) (pp. 1-9). British Columbia Institute of Tecnnology.

  • Veenstra, A. (1995). Time series modelling of second-hand ship markets. In J. J. M. Evers, & A. L. Loos (Eds.), Proceedings TRAIL Promovendi congres 1995, deel 3. (pp. 1-14). TRAIL Onderzoekschool.

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (1995). Ports as trade facilitators in the export-led growth strategies of developing countries. In L. di Comite (Ed.), Proceedings of the Conference 'Cooperazione, Crescita Demografica e Sviluppo Economico nel Bacino Mediterraneo' (pp. 1-21). University of Bari, Italy.

  • Haralambides, H., Ma, S., & Veenstra, A. (1995). World-wide experiences of port reform. In Hot topics in the transportation and port sector Acco Uitgeverij.

Professional (2)
  • Veenstra, A. (2002). Maritime transport. In M. R. Brooks, K. Button, & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), - Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Veenstra, A. (2002). Risk and return in transportation and other US and global industries. In M. G. Kavussanos, & S. N. Marcoulis (Eds.), - Kluwer Academic.

Academic (6)
  • Ran, L., Veenstra, A., Yu, A. Y. X., Zhao, L., & Zuidwijk, R. (2010). Information exchange in global logistics chains. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.

  • Veenstra, A., & Lang, NA. (2005). Simulating the impact of arrival patterns on container terminal performance.

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (1998). Multivariate autoregressive models in commodity trades. 8th World Conference on Transport Research, Antwerpen.

  • van Dijk, D., Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (1998). Modelling ocean charter rates: an investigation into non-linearity and parameter variation. 8th World Conference on Transport Research, Antwerpen.

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (1997). On forecasting international seaborne commodity flows. International Association of Maritime Economists, City University Business School, London.

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (1996). Negotiation and stability of bulk shipping alliances. International Conference on Shipping, Ports and Logistics Services, Vancouver.

Professional (1)
  • Veenstra, A. (2014). Port of Rotterdam.

Academic (11)
  • Veenstra, A. (2021). New Business Models for Shipping: Innovation in the Netherlands. In D.-W. Song, & B.-W. Ko (Eds.), New Maritime Business: Uncertainty, Sustainability, Technology and Big Data (pp. 199–213). Springer Cham.

  • Veenstra, A., Zuidwijk, R., & Oosterhout, M. (2010). Benefit analysis of visibility in global logistics chains. In Conference Proceedings of 2010 Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economics International Association of Maritime Economists.

  • Veenstra, A., Ludema, MW., & Zhang, M. (2009). The growth potential of container shipping on the Yangtze River. In G. W. Zhang, B. H. Mao, S. P. Jia, & H. Q. Peng (Eds.), The fifth Advanced Forum on Transportation in China (pp. 1-9). IET.

  • Veenstra, A., & van Dalen, J. (2007). Speed and fuel consumption quotations in ocean shipping time charter contracts. In J. witlox, & C. ruijgrok (Eds.), Vervoerslogistieke werkdagen 2007 (pp. 120-142). Nautilus academic books.

  • Oosterhout, M., Veenstra, A., Meijer, MAG., Popal, NA., & van den Berg, J. (2007). Visibility platforms for enhancing supply chain security: a case study in the port of Rotterdam. In J. F. A. Witlox, & C. J. Ruijgrok (Eds.), vervoerslogistieke werkdagen 2007 (pp. 80-102)

  • Caron, E., & Veenstra, A. (2007). Explanation of Exceptional Values in Multidimensional Business Databases: With a case study on the analysis of vehicle criminality data. In C. G. Thomas Andre Yang Shanlin, & X. Z. Artiba Abdelhakim (Eds.), Proceedings of international conference on industrial engineering and systems management (pp. cd-rom-11 pages). Tsinghua University Press.

  • Oosterhout, M., Veenstra, A., Meijer, MAG., Popal, NA., & van den Berg, J. (2007). Visibility platforms for enhancing supply chain security: a case study in the port of Rotterdam. In International Symposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection

  • Veenstra, A., Zuidwijk, R., & Geerling, B. (2006). Maintenance logistics in the Dutch dredging industry. In IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics IEEE.

  • Lang, NA., & Veenstra, A. (2004). Economic analysis in a container terminal simulation study. In Baohua Mao, Zongzhong Tian, & Quanxin Sun (Eds.), Trafffic and Transportation Studies. Proceedings of ICTTS 2004 (pp. 642-653). Science Press.

  • Veenstra, A., Lang, NA., & van der Rakt, B. (2003). Economic analysis of a container terminal simulation. In D. A. Menachof, M. S. Sodhi, M. Browne, & J. Allen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Conference 2003 (pp. 432-439). Institute of Logistics and Transport.

  • Veenstra, A., & Ludema, MW. (2003). Cyclicality in the Oil Tanker Shipping Industry. In Y. Merkuryev, & et al. (Eds.), International workshop on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Modelling and Simulation HMS 2003 (pp. 58-64). Riga Technical University.

Professional (1)
  • Veenstra, A., & Lang, NA. (2005). Supporting port facility design with integrated modeling. In International Conference on Port-Maritime Development and Innovation Port of Rotterdam.

Internal (1)
  • Veenstra, A. (1999). Quantitative Modelling of Shipping Markets. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

Academic (2)
  • Veenstra, A., & Zuidwijk, R. (2020). Blog reeks Corona Crisis (10 blogs, the first with Rob Zuidwijk).

  • Geerlings, H., Kuipers, B., van Nunen, JAEE., & Veenstra, A. (2010). Erasmus Smart Port Rotterdam; a new perspective on port related knowledge exploration and exploitation. Paper presented at Rotterdam, Studiecentrum Rechtspleging Rechterlijke Macht..

Academic (10)
  • Veenstra, A., Mulder, M., & Sels, RA. (2003). Network analysis in the Caribbean. (Econometric Institute EI 2003-40 ed.) Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2003-40

  • Veenstra, A., Mulder, M., & Sels, RA. (2002). Network analysis in the Caribbean Region. Erasmus University research report.

  • Veenstra, A. (1998). De eigendomsstructuur van de Nederlandse vloot. Erasmus Transport Economics Contracting Agency b.v. (ETECA).

  • Veenstra, A., & van Klink, HA. (1998). Kwantificering terminal-terminal verkeer Eem-Waalhaven gebied - plan van aanpak. Erasmus Transport Economics Contracting Agency b.v. (ETECA).

  • Haralambides, H., van Klink, HA., Veenstra, A., Verbeke, A., & Winkelmans, W. (1998). A calculation of the Rotterdam effect. European Centre for Strategic Analysis (ECSA).

  • Veenstra, A., van Dijk, D., & Franses, P. H. (1997). Partially linear additive modelling of ocean charter rates. (Chair of Maritime Economics 97-10 ed.) Chair of Maritime Economics Vol. 97-10

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (1997). On forward linkages and input/output table reconstruction. European Commission (4th Framework Research Program).

  • Haralambides, H., & Veenstra, A. (1996). Economic impact analysis for the shipping sector. European Commission.

  • Veenstra, A. (1996). Maritime economics - a note on maritime statistics. (Chair of Maritime Economics 96/5 ed.) Chair of Maritime Economics Vol. 96/5

  • Veenstra, A., & Franses, P. H. (1995). Modelling and forecasting ocean freight rates. Erasmus Centre for Transport and Logistics (ECTAL)

Professional (13)
  • Veenstra, A., & Brugemann, LM. (2021). Vaccinatielogistiek. Dinalog.

  • Zuidwijk, R., Veenstra, A., van Dalen, J., & Oosterhout, M. (2009). INTEGRITY benefits analysis and measurement plan, Deliverable 6.1. INTEGRITY consortium.

  • Oosterhout, M., Veenstra, A., & Zuidwijk, R. (2009). INTEGRITY common evaluation criteria, Deliverable 6.2. INTEGRITY consortium.

  • Veenstra, A., Vleugel, JM., & Oosterhout, M. (2003). POET Work Package 4: actual case studies - overview of cases. Rand Europe.

  • Veenstra, A., & Vleugel, JM. (2003). POET Work Package 3: Freight transport - system diagramms. Rand Europe.

  • Veenstra, A., Zuidwijk, R., & Ronner, J. (2003). Logistieke concepten voor multimodaal vervoer. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Haralambides, H., Veenstra, A., Fusillo, M., Sjostrom, W., & Hautau, U. (2003). Contract of services for the assistance in processing public submissions to be received in reponse to the consultation paper on the review of Council regulation 4056/86. European Commission.

  • Veenstra, A., Holland, C., Oosterhout, M., Bilderbeek, R., Bekkers, R., & Vermaas, K. (2003). Glasimpuls voor Rotterdam. OBR.

  • Veenstra, A., & Waals, FAJ. (2003). De Nederlandse Publieke Maritieme Kennisinfrastructuur. ERBS BV.

  • Veenstra, A. (1999). Arbeid en opleiding in de maritieme sector - Rapportage interviewresultaten. Erasmus Transport Economics Contracting Agency b.v. (ETECA).

  • Veenstra, A. (1999). Ronde tafelconferentie bemanningsvraagstukken - Achtergrond rapportage - Rapport 1 (concept). Erasmus Transport Economics Contracting Agency b.v. (ETECA).

  • Veenstra, A., & van Klink, HA. (1999). Kwantificering terminal-terminal verkeer Eem-Waalhavengebied - Eindrapport. Erasmus Transport Economics Contracting Agency b.v. (ETECA).

  • Haralambides, H., Veenstra, A., van Klink, HA., Verbeke, A., & Winkelmans, W. (1997). Empirical estimation of the end destination of goods imported through the major European Gateways. European Commission (contract XIX/B1/9603).

Academic (2)


  • nvt
    Start date approval: 13 Oct 2022
    End date approval: 31 Dec 2024
    Place: NVT
    Description: Scientific Editor boek
  • RSM BV
    Start date approval: 07 Nov 2022
    End date approval: 06 Nov 2025
    Place: ROTTERDAM
    Description: MSc Customs academic director en div onderwijs
  • De Toekomst van de Douane
    Albert Veenstra (Speaker)
    14 Jun 2023

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Invited talk (Professional)

  • Trichis Publishing B.V. (Publisher)
    Albert Veenstra (Reviewer)
    01 Jan 2021 - 01 Jan 2022

    Activity: Editorial work (Professional)

  • Panama Canal Authority
    Albert Veenstra (Participant)
    01 Jan 2003

    Activity: Attendance > Attending an event (Professional)

  • Dynamics in the national fleet: the case of the Netherlands
    Albert Veenstra (Speaker)
    26 Oct 1998

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Changing ownership structures in the Dutch fleet
    Albert Veenstra (Speaker)
    12 Jul 1998

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Partially linear additive modelling of ocean charter rates
    Albert Veenstra (Speaker)
    15 Dec 1997

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Empirical estimation of the end destination of goods imported through major European gateways
    Albert Veenstra (Speaker)
    04 Nov 1997

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Maritime Statistics in the Netherlands, the view of the researcher
    Albert Veenstra (Speaker)
    23 Oct 1997

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Academic)


Introduction to Port Economics

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: FEB13095

Port Management and Maritime Logistics

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020
  • Code: FEB53107M

Thesis Hub Bachelor Economics

  • Study year: 2024/2025
  • Code: FEB63006H

Thesis Hub Master Economics & Business

  • Study year: 2024/2025
  • Code: FEM61007H

Inland Waterways and Multimodal Transport Programme

  • Study year: 2024/2025, 2023/2024
  • Code: FEUPT08

Past courses

Advanced topics in Global Supply Chain Management

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BMME109
  • Level: Master, Master, Master, Master

Global Sustainable Supply Chains

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023
  • Code: BM02SCM
  • Level: ERIM, Exchange, IM/CEMS, Master

OLD STYLE - Research Methods and Skills

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: BMRM3SCM
  • Level: Master

Ports in global networks

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019
  • Code: BMME074
  • Level: Master, Master, Master, Master

SCM Honours Class

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: BMHONSCM
  • Level: Master

Ship Ownership

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021
  • Code: FEUPT02-N

Thesis Hub Bachelor Economics

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: FEB63006

Thesis Hub Master Economics & Business

  • Study year: 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022
  • Code: FEM61007

Thesis Hub BSc2 Econometrics / Economics

  • Study year: 2021/2022
  • Code: FEB63008

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Discovery 41: Global Supply Chains

The latest issue of RSM Discovery magazine highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in supply chain management, as well as the need for timely and reliable availability of components.


Explore how global supply chains can fight counterfeiting and illicit trade. Learn about effective incentive structures, public-private partnerships, and the role of customs agencies in enhancing supply chain security.