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We know that the pandemic has been extremely hard on everyone, both personally and professionally and keeping up with all the changing rules can be confusing. This page will help you to access the most up-to-date information on EUR and RSM COVID regulations which may affect your classes and exams, as well as events and other activities at RSM. This page will be regularly updated.

Before coming to campus

  • Quarantine Check

    Do the Dutch government quarantine check to find out when you should get tested or need to quarantine (even if vaccinated/boosted or Covid recovered.

  • Self-Test

    Please self test! If positive, quarantine at home for 10 days. Quarantine can end if a test on day 5 is negative.

  • Notify & Inform (BSc)

    Be sure to notify your BSc programme manager (student) or supervisor (staff). Please also ask members of your household to get tested and to follow the guidelines. 

  • Notify & Inform (MSc)

    Be sure to notify your MSc programme manager (student) or supervisor (staff). Please also ask members of your household to get tested and to follow the guidelines. 

    MSc Contact


Latest News

Dear students, 

We hope your studies are progressing as per your plan.

We would like to inform you about the format of education for the coming academic year. As you know, the Dutch government has in the meantime removed all pandemic-related restrictions in higher education. RSM has therefore decided to return to on-campus education after the summer break.  

Unless the Dutch government issues new pandemic restrictions,  

  • the vast majority of classes will be taught on campus; 
  • individual courses, sessions, or modules may be offered in an online format, but there will be no opportunity to follow a whole educational programme remotely via hybrid sessions, livestreaming, or recordings; 
  • with a few exceptions, examinations will also take place exclusively on campus. 

If you are planning to continue your studies at RSM in the coming academic year, be it in the Bachelor or in one of RSM’s Master programmes, you will very likely need to be on campus several times per week to follow your classes, which means you will need accommodation in the region. Unfortunately, the university can’t structurally provide student housing, and students in Rotterdam face a serious shortage in accommodation. Competition is fierce, and the rents are often high.

In case you don’t live in the region yet (or anymore), we advise you to arrange accommodation (again) at your earliest convenience. Or in case of a short-term stay, possibilities for staying in hostels, hotels, or with classmates/acquaintances in or around Rotterdam during the respective teaching blocks and exam weeks.  

Kind regards, 

RSM Programme Management 

Beste studenten, 

We hopen dat jullie studie volgens plan gaat.

Graag willen we jullie informeren over de wijze waarop het onderwijs het komend academisch jaar gegeven zal worden. Zoals jullie weten heeft de overheid alle restricties rond Covid-19 opgeheven. Uit dien hoofde heeft RSM besloten om na de zomer over de hele linie terug te keren naar onderwijs op de campus.  

Tenzij de overheid wederom beperkende maatregelen afkondigt,  

  • Zal het overgrote deel van de colleges voor Bedrijfskunde op de campus gegeven worden; 
  • Sommige vakken of delen daarvan kunnen ook online aangeboden worden, maar het is niet mogelijk om het programma geheel op afstand, hybride via livestreaming of opnames te volgen; 
  • Op een enkele uitzondering na zullen ook alle tentamens op de campus plaatsvinden. 

Als je voornemens bent om je studie op RSM het komend jaar te continueren, in het Bachelor of in het Master, zul je naar verwachting verscheidene malen per week op de campus moeten zijn voor het volgen van colleges en werkgroepen. Indien je niet meer over huisvesting in de nabijheid beschikt is het zaak om dit op korte termijn te regelen – er is een schreeuwend gebrek aan huisvesting in de regio Rotterdam. Thuis blijven wonen kan natuurlijk ook indien je ouderlijk huis niet al te ver bij Rotterdam vandaan is.

Met vriendelijke groet, 

BSc Programma Management 

Dear MSc students, 

The Dutch government has announced last Friday night that, with certain restrictions, on-campus education is possible again as of today, Monday, 17 January 2022. What does that mean for your classes? 

Please follow the basic rules issued by the Dutch government, such as frequently washing hands and keeping a 1.5m distance whenever possible. We also strongly recommend that you get vaccinated and, if your most recent vaccination was more than 3 months ago, to get a booster shot.

You can find an overview of walk-in locations for your first, second, or booster vaccination in and around Rotterdam on the website of GGD Rijnmond (Municipal Health Services). 

We will notify you in case any updates in the Covid regulations and guidelines for higher education are issued and wish all of you a healthy, inspiring, and successful spring semester. 

Kind regards, 

MSc Programme Management 

  • Classes with fewer than 75 students will predominantly take place on campus. Please check your timetable and the Canvas page of your course for details. If an instructor or members of their household are part of a vulnerable group and are advised to remain extra careful, their classes might still be delivered online. We thank you for your understanding. 
  • Classes with substantially more than 75 students might take place either in hybrid mode (weekly rotating groups of students) or will be delivered online. Please check your timetable and the Canvas page of your course for details.  
  • Wearing a face mask in all campus buildings is mandatory, also while seated in class and during exams. Please make sure that your face mask covers nose, mouth, and chin at all times. Due to the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant, wearing face masks outdoors is recommended in crowded areas. 
  • Study spaces are available again. For all study spaces a maximum group size of 75 students per room applies, as well as the obligation to wear a face mask at all times. For up-to-date information, keep an eye on
  • Face-to-face meetings with thesis coaches/ co-readers can also take place on campus, if both parties agree. Again, make sure to wear a face mask during these meetings. 
  • Before coming to campus, please do the quarantine check issued by the Dutch government to find out when you should get tested or need to quarantine – also if you are vaccinated or have recovered from Covid. You can order free self-tests via If your self-test returns positive, please quarantine at home for 10 days. You may shorten this quarantine period to 5 days if you test again on the 5th day and the result comes back negative. Please also ask members of your household to get tested and to follow the guidelines. 
  • If you are currently affected by travel restrictions to the Netherlands, if you are in quarantine, or if you or a member of your household is part of a vulnerable group that is advised to remain extra careful, you will be able to passively follow your class online, via livestream and/or recording.  For details, please check the Canvas page of your course. 

Dear MSc students, 

We hope you had a nice and restful holiday break.  

The Dutch government announced on 3 January 2022 that there will still be no on-campus educational activities before Monday, 17 January. Therefore, all educational activities scheduled this week and next week will take place online only. Please note that this does not apply to examinations, which can and will take place on campus as scheduled. 

For the period after 17 January 2022 the government will make a new announcement on 14 January. We will keep you informed. 

Kind regards and best wishes for 2022, 

Gabi Helfert 
Executive Director MSc Programmes 

Dear BSc students, 

We hope you had a nice and restful holiday break.  

The Dutch government announced on 3 January 2022 that there will still be no on-campus educational activities before Monday, 17 January. Therefore, all educational activities scheduled this week and next week will take place online only. Please note that this does not apply to examinations, which can and will take place on campus as scheduled. 

For the period after 17 January 2022 the government will make a new announcement on 14 January. We will keep you informed. 

Kind regards and best wishes for 2022, 

Adri Meijdam
Executive Director BSc Programmes 

EUR has updated their COVID-19 guidelines in response to the recent press conference from the government announcing new lockdown restrictions. 
The university will be largely closed until 9 January due to the hard lockdown. However, test and exams will continue as planned. Please visit the EUR Covid Updates page ( for more detailed information. Further updates will be provided on the EUR website on Monday, 20 December.

This webpage will be further updated on Monday 20 December.

Dear students,

With this message we would like to inform you about the mode of delivery of the Bachelor programmes in the spring of 2022.

Our policy will be in place for the full spring semester:

and until 1 September 2022 (unless the Covid situation forces us to change our approach).

Guidelines from the Ministry remain the same as in fall 2021:

As our plenary lectures clearly exceed 75 students, offering on campus plenary lectures will not be feasible. We are unable to split the group in groups of 75 and then offer the lectures for 8 to 14 groups per week. Most of our workshops stay below 75 students, enabling us to do them on campus.

Hence, our general approach will be that:


Moreover, the general advice will remain: ‘Come to Rotterdam/stay in Rotterdam’ regardless of the exact division between online and on campus. Our main reason to stay at this stance is that we consider the opportunity to physically meet each other, work together on assignments and meet each other in workgroups to be crucial for your student experience. Moreover, as RSM we will organize also additional social activities alongside the actual courses.

Although we expect you oftentimes on campus, there might be reasons preventing you to come to Rotterdam in the spring semester. In the following situations you may consider applying for online education and examinations:

1. Corona related inability to be present (i.e. ‘long covid’, travel restrictions, mental problems due to Covid-19).
2. If you are at a high medical risk for catching corona or if you are living with a high-risk person or if you have a duty of care.
3. Inability to find housing.

If one of these circumstances applies to you, you may submit a request via Osiris Student > Osiris Zaak/Case > ‘RSM Request for Online Education and Examination’. You will be required to support your request with a doctor’s statement or other relevant evidence. The deadline for handing in your request for the blocks 3, 7 and 11 is 15 December. The outcome will be sent to you by email by 22 December.

The details on the mode of the delivery per course can – as always – be derived from MyTimetable and per course in the course manuals.

Should you have any further questions, please consult the EUR FAQ first before contacting Programme Management. If you don’t find an answer to your question, you may contact us via email (don’t forget to mention your student number).

For now, we wish you success in completing your courses of this block and the exams.

Kind regards,
Michel Lander, Dean of Education
Adri Meijdam, Executive Director BSc Programmes

  • for Bachelor 1 and Bachelor 2 starting Monday 10 January 2022 (so after the re-sits of block 1 and block 5)
  • for Bachelor 3 starting Monday 3 January 2022
  • a maximum of 75 students will be allowed in a class (lectures, workshops)
  • for exams, no caps will be in place
  • the large-scale plenary lectures will be predominantly online
  • the small-scale workshops e.g. will be predominantly on campus
  • the exams will be predominantly on campus

Beste studenten,

Hierbij willen we jullie informeren over de wijze waarop het Bachelor onderwijs in het voorjaar van 2022 verzorgd zal worden.
Ons beleid geldt voor het hele voorjaar:

en loopt tot 1 september 2022 (tenzij ontwikkelingen rond Covid ons dwingen om ons beleid bij te stellen).

De richtlijnen zoals die golden in het najaar van 2021 zijn nog steeds van kracht:

Omdat het aantal studenten in onze hoorcolleges duidelijk boven de 75 ligt is het niet mogelijk om grootschalige hoorcolleges op de campus te geven. Het alternatief: de groep splitsen in groepen van 75 en dan 8 tot 14 identieke parallelcolleges per week geven is niet haalbaar. De meeste van onze werkgroepen tellen gelukkig wel minder dan 75 studenten, dus die zullen op de campus plaatsvinden.
Ofwel, ons beleid is:


Ons advies blijft om zoveel als mogelijk in Rotterdam te zijn – ongeacht het aantal on campus activiteiten. Onze belangrijkste overweging daarbij is dat het bovenal belangrijk vinden dat jullie elkaar in levenden lijve kunnen blijven zien, dat je kunt samenwerken aan opdrachten en elkaar in de werkgroepen kunt ontmoeten. Daarnaast zetten we als RSM naast het onderwijs zelf activiteiten op touw die sociale contacten verstevigen.

Hoewel we je dus voor het onderwijs zeker ook op de campus verwachten kunnen er redenen zijn die dit verhinderen. Geldige redenen zijn:

Als dit op jou van toepassing is kun je een verzoek indien om het onderwijs online te doen via Osiris > Osiris Zaak/Case > ‘RSM Request for Online Education and Examination’. Je zult je verzoek moeten onderbouwen met relevante verklaringen (zoals een doktersverklaring) of ander bewijs. De deadline voor het indien van een verzoek voor het onderwijs in de blokken 3, 7 en 11 is 15 december a.s. Je krijgt uiterlijk 22 december per email bericht van de Examencommissie of je verzoek gehonoreerd is.

Meer gedetailleerde informatie over hoe de verschillende vakken precies gegeven worden kun je zoals altijd ontlenen aan MyTimetable en aan de course manuals.

We verwijzen je graag naar de FAQ van de EUR voor meer informatie. Mocht je vragen hebben, kijk dan eerst op deze website alvorens je tot Programma Management te richten. Als je het antwoord op je vraag niet kunt vinden kun je Programma Management een e-mail sturen (vergeet niet je studentnummer te vermelden).

Voor nu wensen we je veel succes bij het afronden van je vakken in dit blok en met je tentamens!

Met vriendelijke groet, 

Michel Lander, Dean of Education 
Adri Meijdam, Executive Director BSc Programmes 

  • voor Bachelor 1 en Bachelor 2 vanaf maandag 10 januari 2022 (dus na de herkansingen van de blokken 1 en 5)
  • voor Bachelor 3 vanaf maandag 3 januari 2022
  • Er mogen maximaal 75 studenten in een collegezaal zitten (hoorcolleges, werkgroepen)
  • Voor tentamens gelden geen maxima
  • De grootschalige hoorcolleges worden voornamelijk online aangeboden
  • De kleinschalige werkgroepen e.d. worden voornamelijk op de campus aangeboden
  • De tentamens vinden voornamelijk op de campus plaats
  1. Corona gerelateerde redenen zoals ‘long covid’, reisrestricties, mentale problemen door Corona.
  2. Als jij of je huisgenoot een hoog medisch risico loopt na een corona besmetting. Of als je mantelzorger bent voor een kwetsbaar familielid.
  3. Ontbreken van huisvesting.

Dear MSc Students, 

We would like to follow up on our previous announcement about the educational policy for the Spring Semester. Although we expect you to join our educational activities and examinations on campus, there might be reasons preventing you from coming to Rotterdam. You may consider applying for online education and examinations only in the following situations: 

  1. Corona-related inability to be present (i.e. ‘long covid’, travel restrictions, severe emotional-/psychological challenges stemming from Covid-19)  
  2. If you are at high medical risk for serious illness after a coronavirus infection, if you are living with a high-risk person, or if you have duty of care  
  3. Inability to find housing  

If one or several of these circumstances apply to you, you may submit a request via Osiris Case under ‘RSM Request for Online Education and Examination’. You will be required to support your request with relevant evidence, e.g. a statement from your medical professional.  

The deadline for submitting your request for online education and exams from 10 January 2022 onwards (January block and Block 3) is 15 December 2021. You will receive the decision on your case by 22 December.  

If you need to apply for online education and examination only for block 4 and/or block 5, you may submit your request at the latest 3 weeks before the start of the block. 

The above process will be in place for the full spring semester (starting 10 January and ending 31 August), or until further notice. 

We wish all of you success with the upcoming exams and a happy and relaxing holiday break. 

Kind regards, 

MSc Programme Management 

Dear MSc students,

While we were hoping to abandon any pandemic rules and distance education in the upcoming spring semester, the reality shows that this was overly optimistic. Due to prevailing worldwide pandemic restrictions, we will still offer part of our education and exams online.
Below you will find our policy regarding delivery of your courses and examinations as of January 10, 2022. This policy will of course be continuously reviewed, depending on changes in government policy and advice.

At the moment, a maximum number of 75 students is permitted in a classroom, and social distancing as well as face masks apply when moving around in the campus buildings. Most of RSM’s classes taught in the spring are electives, with fewer than 75 students, so most classes can be offered physically. Therefore, in-person delivery is the default, and we continue to ask students to come to Rotterdam. We are aware that some students might still be in countries with travel restrictions, which is why we have asked teaching faculty to offer remote opportunities as well (live-streaming and/or recording). Do, however, understand that the in-class experience will be leading, and remote participation may not provide for as rich an experience as on campus.

All plenary written tests will take place on campus. We will still provide remote alternatives for students who have valid reasons not to be able to attend an on-campus exam due to COVID-19-related circumstances and have therefore been granted permission to take exams online. The remote alternative assessment may differ from the on-campus exam.
We will grant exemption for online examination (and, by extension, online education) in only three types of cases, beyond other exceptional personal circumstances normally considered by the Student Advisers team: # Corona-related inability to be present;

  1. Duty of care/living with a high-risk person; or
  2. Inability to find housing
    Beyond absences that are confirmed by student advisers and the Examination Board, any other form of non-presence in class will be handled individually by faculty as per the rules that have been determined for their courses. The in-class experience will be leading.
    Please note that individual faculty members may also be exempt from teaching in the classroom because of personal or familial health concerns. In that case, some classes might be offered online instead of on campus. We ask you, the students, for your understanding in these cases.

Thesis supervision and defense
For master thesis supervision, the coach should be an RSM faculty member and, therefore, located in the region. Meetings between coach and student preferably take place on campus/in person, at the discretion of both student and coach. Co-readers, particularly external co-readers, may interact with their thesis students remotely (via Teams/Zoom/Skype/e-mail, etc.). The thesis defence should preferably take place on campus, unless there are pressing reasons for it to take place online. In case the thesis defence takes place online, the student needs to be clearly and completely visible for the thesis committee. There is no need for approval from the Examination Board to conduct the thesis defence online.

We have updated the Corona FAQ on the RSM website; should you have any further questions, please consult the FAQ first before contacting Programme Management. If you don’t find an answer to your question, you may contact us via this form which ensures that we have all relevant information about you.
For now, we wish you success in completing your Block 2 courses and exams/resits, followed by a relaxing and joyful winter break.

Kind regards,
Michel Lander, Dean of Education
Gabi Helfert, Executive Director MSc Programmes

Dear students, 

Fortunately, the campus is partly open for education again. As communicated earlier, we expect you on campus for all courses that will be delivered on-campus.

Of course, this means that everyone bears an important responsibility, because the pandemic is still not over, and measures remain in place to ensure that it is safe to open. For everyone's health (think of others too!), the basic rules are important:

We call on everyone to get vaccinated, if possible. We also urge everyone, whether vaccinated or not, to take a self-test twice a week if you go to the campus. If we all follow these measures, we will avoid as many health risks as possible and will also decrease the risk of having to go into lock-down again in the near future.

The following applies to education: 

In certain cases, you may not be able to come to campus, for example if you have Covid symptoms or have to quarantine. In these cases, you can follow education and take exams online. The following applies here:

The above applies until further notice. The pandemic continues to surprise us, and we may come to the conclusion that in part a different method works better. We therefore rely on your understanding and flexibility should we decide adjustments are needed. As a student, you can contact the student representation in your programme committee with any comments and/or suggestions.

If you have any questions or if something is unclear, please feel free to contact your programme manager:

Success with your master studies!

Kind regards,

Prof. Michel Lander, Dean of Education
Dr Gabi Helfert, Executive Director MSc Programmes

  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly.
  • Cough and sneeze in your elbow.
  • Wear a face mask when moving around in campus buildings
  • In case of symptoms, stay at home and get tested at an official test location.
  • You can find your timetable at to see where your classes will be held on campus.
  • In the large programmes, plenary lectures will mainly be offered only online. Please see below for information on attending online plenary lectures.
  • Depending on your programme and course, you might have to register for a workshop group yourself or will be assigned to one by your programme manager. In any case, you will be notified about the process that applies to your situation.
  • Exams in the MSc programmes will very likely take place on campus. As soon as there is more information about your exams, you will be informed.
  • If you don’t have symptoms, we strongly advise you to use the self-tests twice a week to make sure you do not unknowingly infect others when you are on campus, or when you want to use public transport to get to campus. Order your free self-tests via If your self-test is positive, please get yourself tested at an official test location.
  • Students with corona complaints or a positive (self-)test, or who have been in close contact with someone with corona (even if you are already fully vaccinated), will stay at home. 
  • In case of a fresh Covid infection, please notify your programme manager and the instructor of your course of your absence. If you feel able to participate in the class online, please use the online provisions (e.g. livestream, recording) communicated for your course by your instructor on Canvas.
  • If, for corona-related reasons, you are unable to participate physically on campus for a prolonged period, please contact the study adviser at least three weeks before the start of the block (this does not apply to block 1) (see the contact page)
  • Livestreams and/or recordings can be found in the Canvas course page. The lecturer decides whether it is possible to ask questions during an online lecture via the chat or whether this can be done afterwards via the Canvas Discussion forum.

Dear students,

Fortunately, this fall the campus is partly open for education again! As communicated earlier, we expect you present for all educational activities which will be delivered on-campus.

Of course, this means that everyone bears an important responsibility, because the pandemic is still not over and measures remain in place to ensure that it is safe to open. For everyone's health we ask you to comply with the various rules. Please carefully read the rules and requests below:
• The basic rules (wash your hands often and thoroughly; stay at home and test immediately in case of complaints) remain important;
• We also call on everyone to get vaccinated, if possible;
• We also urge everyone, whether vaccinated or not, to take a self-test twice a week if you go to the campus. This to make sure that you do not unintendedly infect others when on campus, or if you make use of public transport to come to campus. The self-tests are free and can be ordered by students and staff on this website: It also tells you how to order self-tests if you live abroad. Students living in Germany or Belgium can request tests by sending an e-mail to with their full address details;
• You are required to wear a facemask when you move outside classrooms;
• Students having Corona complaints or being confronted with a positive test, or who have been in close contact with others having Corona (also if you yourself are fully vaccinated) should stay at home. 

If we all follow these measures, we will avoid as many health risks as possible and will also decrease the risk of having to go into lockdown again in the near future.

The following applies to education:
• It is not known yet if we will be allowed to conduct exams on campus (which we really hope for), but please keep in mind that this might be possible. We will inform you as soon as we know more; 
• If you are taking a minor at another school, the hosting school will inform you on the rules and regulations in place at that school. The other way around, students from other schools taking a minor at RSM will need to comply with the rules of RSM.

In certain cases, you may not be able to come to the campus, for example if you have Corona or have to go into quarantine. In these cases, you can follow classes and take exams online this fall. The following applies here:

• If, for Corona-related reasons, you can temporarily not take part physically in education on campus, you must inform your tutor. You will participate as an online listener in the (workshop)group to which you are assigned. This means that you join via Zoom, using a link that is shared in advance by the tutor. There will be little to no interaction possible. A condition for being marked as present is that you have switched on the camera and are visible at all times. It is possible that for some workshops/practical meetings (e.g.  when you have to give a presentation), additional assignments can be set in order to meet the requirements of the workshop, on top of being present as an online listener;
• If, for Corona-related reasons, you are unable to participate physically on campus for a prolonged period, you should contact the student advisers at least three weeks before the start of the block. In case of calamities during the block, which prevent you from being able to participate physically on campus for a prolonged period, contact the student advisers. We aim to organize online workshops allowing for full interaction.

What to do if a student tests positive?
In case a student has COVID symptoms or tests positive after an on-campus activity, that does not immediately mean that the following class has to move online. RSM follows the advice of the Dutch government and RIVM:

Plenary lectures
• Plenary lectures can always be followed live online and/or are available as recording online. The lectures (livestreams and/or recordings) can be found in the Canvas course, usually on the Panopto page. The lecturer decides whether it is possible to ask questions during an online lecture on the chat or whether this can be done afterwards via the Canvas Discussion forum.

The above applies until further notice. The pandemic is still there, so we may need to adjust our teaching practice during the fall. We therefore rely on your understanding and flexibility should we decide to make adjustments and would like to thank you beforehand.

If you have any questions or if something is unclear, please feel free to contact us. Preferably turn to the Programme Managers of your own year/the course your question is about.

Good luck with the start of this year!

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Michel Lander
Dean of Education RSM

Adri Meijdam
Executive Director BSc Programmes

  • The student should keep in touch with the GGD so that they keep an eye on the infections and contact tracing research can be conducted. In case there is a peak in infections, the GGD can propose specific, additional measures.
  • Students and teaching staff who have not been vaccinated and have been in contact with the student (within 1.5m, for a longer period of time) are advised to quarantine and get tested in 5 days.
  • Students and teaching staff who have been vaccinated or have previously recovered from a COVID-19 infection are advised to be extra alert to symptoms in the coming days and, if they occur, must also quarantine and get tested.
  • Students and staff without COVID-related symptoms are encouraged to use a rapid self-test before they come to campus and only come if the self-test is negative.

Beste studenten,

Gelukkig is de campus weer deels open voor onderwijs! Zoals eerder gecommuniceerd verwachten we jullie dan ook dit najaar weer op de campus voor het gedeelte van het onderwijs dat on-campus gegeven wordt. 

Dit legt uiteraard wel een belangrijke verantwoordelijkheid bij iedereen, want de pandemie is nog steeds niet voorbij en er blijven maatregelen van kracht. We geven een opsomming:
• Voor ieders gezondheid zijn de basisregels (vaak en goed handen wassen; thuisblijven en direct testen bij klachten) belangrijk.
• Daarnaast roepen we iedereen op zich te laten vaccineren, als dat kan.
• Ook roepen we iedereen op om, ongeacht of je gevaccineerd bent, tweemaal per week een zelftest af te nemen indien men naar de campus gaat – dit om zeker te zijn dat je niet onbewust anderen besmet op het moment dat je op de campus bent, of wanneer je gebruik wil maken van het OV om naar de campus te komen. Meer informatie over de sneltesten vind je hier.
• Het is verplicht om mondkapjes te gebruiken bij beweging door de gebouwen. 
• Studenten met corona klachten of een positieve test, of die in nauw contact zijn geweest met iemand met corona (ook als je al volledig gevaccineerd bent), blijven thuis. 

Als we deze maatregelen allemaal in acht nemen voorkomen we zoveel mogelijk gezondheidsrisico’s en het risico dat we in de nabije toekomst opnieuw in lockdown moeten. 

Voor het onderwijs gedurende het najaar geldt het volgende: 
• Op dit moment weten we nog niet zeker onder welke voorwaarden tentamens plaats kunnen vinden. We hopen tentamens zoveel mogelijk op de campus aan te kunnen bieden, hou hier dus rekening mee. Zodra er meer informatie is over tentamens, word je op de hoogte gesteld. 
• Volg je een minor aan een andere faculteit, dan krijg je de informatie over de praktische invulling van het onderwijs van de faculteit alwaar je de minor volgt. Omgekeerd gelden onze regels voor studenten van andere faculteiten die aan RSM een minor volgen.

In bepaalde gevallen kan het zijn dat je niet naar de campus mag of kunt komen, bijvoorbeeld als je corona-klachten hebt en in quarantaine moet. In die gevallen kun je het onderwijs online volgen.
Hier geldt het volgende gedurende het najaar:   

Workshops en bijeenkomsten
• Als je tijdelijk om corona gerelateerde redenen niet fysiek kunt deelnemen aan onderwijs op campus, meld je dit bij je tutor. Je kan als online toehoorder deelnemen aan de (workshop)groep waarin je bent ingedeeld. Dit betekent dat je via Zoom inschakelt, via een link die vooraf door de tutor wordt gedeeld. Voorwaarde om aan de aanwezigheidsverplichting te voldoen, is dat je de camera hebt ingeschakeld en steeds zichtbaar bent. Interactieve deelname is niet of slechts beperkt mogelijk. 
Het kan zijn dat voor sommige workshops/bijeenkomsten (bijv. wanneer je een presentatie moet geven) aanvullende/vervangende opdrachten gelden om aan de eisen te voldoen, bovenop het als toehoorder aanwezig zijn.   
• Als je langdurig om corona gerelateerde redenen niet fysiek kunt deelnemen aan onderwijs op campus, dan neem je hierover minimaal drie weken voor de start van het blok contact op met de studieadviseurs. In het geval er gedurende het blok calamiteiten zijn waardoor je onverwacht langdurig om corona gerelateerde redenen niet fysiek meer kunt deelnemen aan onderwijs op de campus, neem dan ook contact op met de studieadviseurs. We proberen voor deze groep volledig online onderwijs te organiseren waarin (ook bij workshops) volledige interactie mogelijk is. 

Wat te doen als een student in jouw groep positief blijkt?
Indien een student corona symptomen heeft of positief getest is nadat een fysieke workshop/bijeenkomst heeft plaatsgevonden, betekent dit niet automatisch dat de daaropvolgende workshop(s)/bijeenkomst(en) online gegeven moeten worden. RSM volgt het advies van het RIVM:

• Alle hoorcolleges zijn online te volgen en/of als opname terug te zien. De hoorcolleges (livestreams en/of opnames) zijn te vinden in het Canvas-vak, doorgaans op de Panopto-pagina. De docent bepaalt of het mogelijk is om tijdens een online college op de chat vragen te stellen of dat dit achteraf kan via het Canvas Discussion forum. 

Het bovenstaande geldt tot nader order en als de omstandigheden wijzigen kunnen we genoodzaakt worden zaken aan te passen. Voor nu doen we bovenal een beroep op je medewerking: als we ons allemaal aan de regels en adviezen houden zou het toch mogelijk moeten zijn om een mooi stukje on-campus onderwijs te realiseren. Op voorhand onze dank hiervoor!

Als je vragen hebt of er is iets onduidelijk, neem dan gerust contact met ons op. Benader bij voorkeur de Programme Managers van je eigen jaar/van het betreffende vak waar je een vraag over hebt.

Succes met de start van dit jaar! 

Met vriendelijke groet,   

Prof. dr. Michel Lander 
Vice decaan Onderwijs RSM 

Adri Meijdam
Executive Director BSc Programmes

  • De student houdt contact met de GGD, zodat zij de besmettingen in beeld houden en er bron- en contactonderzoek gedaan kan worden. Als er sprake is van een piek in besmettingen, kan de GGD specifieke, additionele maatregelen voorstellen.
  • Studenten en docenten die niet gevaccineerd zijn, en met de student in contact zijn geweest (binnen 1,5m, gedurende langere tijd), wordt geadviseerd in quarantaine te gaan en zich na 5 dagen te laten testen.
  • Studenten en docenten die wel gevaccineerd zijn of eerder COVID-19 hebben gehad, wordt geadviseerd de komende dagen extra alert te zijn op symptomen en als die zich voordoen, ook in quarantaine te gaan en zich te laten testen.

FAQ - BA, IBA & PreMsc

For General Questions and information for the entire university community, please refer to

Students can contact the Service Desk for advice via: T: (010) 408 88 80

What is the current education mode (spring 2022)?
Since 18 February 2022, we have been allowed to teach fully on campus again. This is the leading teaching mode in our BSc courses. Some students might have (long-term) COVID-related reasons not to participate in on-campus education (e.g. due to their own or housemates’ health issues, persisting travel restrictions in their home countries, or the inability to find housing). For these students, there will still be an option to follow education remotely after prior approval. All other students are required to attend their classes on campus. Which remote options are offered is at the discretion of the respective teacher.

Since 25 February, wearing a face mask is no longer mandatory. Persons who are more comfortable wearing a face mask at the university are invited to do so. Students are advised to self-test in case of symptoms before coming to campus.

What does ‘hybrid’ education mean? 
Hybrid education involves delivery of educational elements via both face-to-face and various virtual platforms such as live streaming lectures via Zoom or MS Teams, pre-recorded videos and online discussions in forums, and quizzes, among other activities.

What’s the difference between ‘hybrid’ and ‘blended’ education?
In hybrid education, some students are physically present during a given face-to-face, in-class session, some are participating in the same session synchronously, though remotely, e.g. via Zoom. Blended education means that some course elements (or parts of the programme) are taught online, either live or via video recordings, and the other parts in the classroom (including hybrid classrooms).

Do students have the choice to follow their programme remotely?
Only students who have received formal exemption (via a request through  Osiris Cases) are permitted to still follow their courses remotely. Online options may include lectures (e.g., via live stream and/or video recordings), group work (e.g., the opportunity to meet with fellow students via Zoom or MS Teams), as well as assessments and exams (e.g., take-home assessments and/or online exams).

Students who have COVID-19 symptoms and/or have a positive (self-) test result should not participate in on-campus education; they can make use of the online facilities for the duration of their quarantine. Please inform your programme manager and course instructor in case of an acute infection.

Are all lectures recorded?
RSM has committed to providing online alternatives in the Spring 2022 semester for those students with approval for online education or those who have COVID-19 symptoms and/or have a positive (self-) test result. Whether course content is live-streamed on a specific date/time, provided as a recording to watch at a later moment, or both is at the discretion of the course instructor. Instructors may also decide to make the online provisions only available to students who have exemption status. Students can consult the Canvas page or the course instructor of their course for information. The on-campus experience is always leading.

Are guest lectures taking place on campus?
The extent to which guest lectures take place and whether those lectures take place on campus or online is at the discretion of the programmes and their instructors. In some cases, it may be more efficient and more sustainable to host an online guest lecture than to have the guest speaker travelling long distances for a limited assignment.


For those students located in a different (distant) time zone who have received approval to attend the sessions remotely, what will the schedule be for online classes?
The course schedule is the same for all the students participating in a course; the Central European Time zone is leading. Course schedules are accessible via  

What does the academic year look like?
An overview of the Academic Calendar 2021-2022 is available here.

How do exams take place?
Exams will take place in the exam hall on campus or in the PC rooms or other on campus location, depending on the type of exam and the availability of space.

Students who have received an exemption – specifically for COVID-related reasons and who are therefore not able to be present on campus – may take a remote exam. Remote exams are online-proctored. Students with an exemption from taking the exam on campus will be informed in due time about the mode of examination and the required preparations.

What is online proctoring and does EUR use it?
EUR uses online proctoring of exams that are taken remotely. Information about proctoring is available on the EUR website.

I would like to make a last-minute request for approval for a remote exam for COVID-related reasons. How can I submit my request?
If you have developed symptoms, have tested positive for COVID-19 or need to quarantine, it is not possible to take your exam on campus. To accommodate you in this particular situation, you will be able to take the exam online. You can read on this page how to make a last-minute request.

Are there social platforms to meet fellow students?
Yes, STAR (the Study Association of RSM) currently coordinates Facebook and WhatsApp groups per programme and also hosts events on and off campus for master students. Students may contact STAR for information via their website.

Furthermore, students can visit the EUR Student Wellbeing Platform for social activities.

Will individual meetings with instructors/programme managers/study advisers take place on campus or online?
It is up to the student and the respective staff member to decide if they want to meet on campus or online. There may be cases where one or the other type of interaction is more suitable.

Do professors have office hours?
There is no specific policy regarding professors’ office hours, whether on- or offline. Kindly check with the professor(s) for specific details and possibilities. Unless explicitly permitted, please refrain from simply walking into a staff member’s office without an appointment. Even if you know they are present, please make an appointment first.

How can I contact BSc/Pre-master Programme Management?
The BSc Programme Management team works in a blended form (i.e. some days from home, and some days on campus), but each weekday one or two programme managers are present in our offices on T5. The safest and often fastest way to receive an answer to your question is via their e-mail addresses.

How can I contact the student advisers?
The student advisers team works in a blended form (i.e. some days from home, and some days on campus), but each weekday one or two student advisers managers are present in our offices on T5. Their contact options are listed on their website:

hat are the current health and safety measures on campus?
Since 25 March 2022 the Netherlands has relaxed most pandemic measures. It is no longer necessary to keep 1.5 m distance or wear a face mask at the university or in public transport. Basic measures like sneezing and coughing in your elbow and washing hands frequently with soap remain in place. Please refer to the EUR Coronavirus website for full details on guidelines.

Where can I get vaccinated?
You can find an overview of walk-in vaccination locations at:

Is it still recommended to self-test twice a week?
It is no longer necessary to self-test if you have no symptoms. Students, faculty and staff can still order free self-tests via and are encouraged to self-test in case of symptoms. If your self-test is positive, make an appointment for a PCR test via the municipal health service (GGD). If your infection is confirmed, please proceed according to the quarantine check and follow the self-quarantine rules. Please also ask members of your household to get tested and to follow the guidelines. 

Where can I find out more about current COVID-19 measures in place in the Netherlands/at EUR?
Updated information is available both on the RIVM website as well as on the Dutch Government website (both sites available in English). You can find the current campus protocol on the EUR website.

I need extra support like advice or counselling from the university. Where can I get it?
Your study advisers and EUR counsellors can provide you with the support you need. You can contact them by telephone and e-mail.

Student housing in the Netherlands is not arranged for you by the university or faculty; it is rather your own responsibility to secure housing. You can find information on the EUR website. There is also a specific webpage containing FAQ about Housing and COVID-19. Please be prepared for your search to take some time as the demand for housing in Rotterdam is generally high. Please also be cautious in your search and particularly vigilant for fraudulent rental advertisements/advertisers.

If you have difficulties with finding housing, you are advised to send an email to or

Since 18 February, the university has fully re-opened. Please refer to the full list of available campus facilities.

Are there study spots on campus?
You can find all information about study spots on campus on myEUR. For up-to-date information about the use of the university library, please refer to the university library’s website.


FAQ – MSc Students

For General Questions and information for the entire university community, please refer to

Students can contact the EUR Service Desk for advice via: T : (010) 408 88 80 or the contact form.

Master education in the spring semester 2021-2022

Last update: 04-04-2022

What is the current education mode (spring 2022)?

Since 18 February 2022, we have been allowed to teach fully on campus again. This is the leading teaching mode in our MSc courses. Some students might have COVID-related reasons not to participate in on-campus education (e.g. due to their own or housemates’ health issues, persisting travel restrictions in their home countries, or the inability to find housing). For these students, there will still be an option to follow education remotely after prior approval. All other students are required to attend their classes on campus. Which remote options are offered is at the discretion of the respective teacher.

Since 25 February, wearing a face mask is no longer mandatory. Persons who are more comfortable wearing a face mask at the university are invited to do so. Students are advised to self-test in case of symptoms before coming to campus.

Do students have the choice to follow their programme remotely?

Only students who have received formal exemption (via the study advisers or Osiris Cases) are permitted to still follow their courses remotely. Online options may include lectures (e.g., via live stream and/or video recordings), group work (e.g., the opportunity to meet with fellow students via Zoom or MS Teams), as well as assessments and exams (e.g., take-home assessments and/or online exams).

Students who have COVID-19 symptoms and/or have a positive (self-) test result should not participate in on-campus education; they can make use of the online facilities for the duration of their quarantine. Please inform your programme manager and course instructor in case of an acute infection.

Are all lectures recorded?

RSM has committed to providing online alternatives in the Spring 2022 semester for those students with approval for online education or those who have COVID-19 symptoms and/or have a positive (self-) test result. Whether course content is live-streamed on a specific date/time, provided as a recording to watch at a later moment, or both is at the discretion of the course instructor. Instructors may also decide to make the online provisions only available to students who have exemption status. Students can consult the Canvas page or the course instructor of their course for information. The on-campus experience is always leading.

For those students located in a different (distant) time zone who have received approval to attend the sessions remotely, what is the schedule for online classes?

The course schedule is the same for all the students participating in a course; the Central European Time zone is leading. Course schedules are accessible via  

What does the academic year look like?

An overview of the Academic Calendar 2021-2022 is available here.

How do exams take place?

Exams will take place in the exam hall on campus or in the PC rooms or other on campus location, depending on the type of exam and the availability of space.

Students who have received an exemption – specifically for COVID-related reasons and who are therefore not able to be present on campus – may take a remote exam. Remote exams are online-proctored. Students with an exemption from taking the exam on campus will be informed in due time about the mode of examination and the required preparations.

What is online proctoring and does EUR use it?

EUR uses online proctoring of exams that are taken remotely. Information about proctoring is available on the EUR website.

I would like to make a last-minute request for approval for a remote exam for COVID-related reasons. How can I submit my request?

If you have developed symptoms, have tested positive for COVID-19 or need to quarantine, it is not possible to take your exam on campus. To accommodate you in this particular situation, you will be able to take the exam online. You can read on this page how to make a last-minute request.

Will individual meetings with instructors/programme managers/study advisers take place on campus or online?

It is up to the student and the respective staff member to decide if they want to meet on campus or online. There may be cases where one or the other type of interaction is more suitable.

Do professors have office hours?

There is no specific policy regarding professors’ office hours, whether on- or offline. Kindly check with the professor(s) for specific details and possibilities. Unless explicitly permitted, please refrain from simply walking into a staff member’s office without an appointment. Even if you know they are present, please make an appointment first.

How can I contact MSc Programme Management?

The MSc Programme Management team works in a blended form (i.e. some days from home, and some days on campus), but each weekday one or two programme managers are present in our offices on T5. The safest and often fastest way to receive an answer to your question is via the contact form.

Will thesis meetings with coaches and/or co-readers take place on campus or online?

Meetings between student and thesis coach as well as the thesis defence should preferably take place on campus. Meetings with co-readers may take place remotely, particularly if the co-reader is not located in the Rotterdam area. Ultimately, it is up to the student and the respective coach/co-reader to decide if they want to meet on campus or online for feedback meetings and the thesis defence. There may be cases where one or the other is the most suitable manner.

Will the thesis defence be on campus?

The thesis defence should preferably take place on campus, unless there are pressing reasons for it to take place online. In case the thesis defence takes place online, the student needs to be clearly and completely visible for the thesis committee. There is no need for approval from the Examination Board to conduct the thesis defence online.

What are the current health and safety measures on campus?

Since 25 March 2022 the Netherlands has relaxed most pandemic measures. It is no longer necessary to keep 1.5 m distance or wear a face mask at the university or in public transport. Basic measures like sneezing and coughing in your elbow and washing hands frequently with soap remain in place. Please refer to the EUR Coronavirus website for full details on guidelines.

Where can I get vaccinated?

You can find an overview of walk-in vaccination locations at:

Is it still recommended to self-test twice a week?

It is no longer necessary to self-test if you have no symptoms. Students, faculty and staff can still order free self-tests via and are encouraged to self-test in case of symptoms. If your self-test is positive, make an appointment for a PCR test via the municipal health service (GGD). If your infection is confirmed, please proceed according to the quarantine check and follow the self-quarantine rules. Please also ask members of your household to get tested and to follow the guidelines. 

Where can I find out more about current COVID-19 measures in place in the Netherlands/at EUR?

Updated information is available both on the RIVM website as well as on the Dutch Government website (both sites available in English). You can find the current campus protocol on the EUR website.

Will there be a physical graduation ceremony for students graduating in 2022?

We are preparing for face-to-face graduation ceremonies for MSc graduates in 2022, but details will depend on pandemic regulations that may be in effect closer to the specific event date(s). Graduating students will be kept informed via e-mail and information will also be provided online closer to the date. Students who wish to participate in the graduation ceremony must register by the communicated deadline, as late registrations will not be processed under any circumstances.

What are the rules for students admitted to the master on the basis of soft-cut admission?

Students who began their master programme in the academic year 2020-2021 or who are beginning in 2021-2022 and who have not yet completed their Bachelor programme must ensure that they complete their Bachelor courses and obtain their Bachelor diploma before August 2022. Otherwise, they will not be able to graduate from the master programme (even if all master courses have been successfully completed) nor will they be able to continue with a second year of study for their master programme.


Student housing in the Netherlands is not arranged for you by the university or faculty; it is rather your own responsibility to secure housing. You can find information on the EUR website. There is also a specific webpage containing FAQ about Housing and COVID-19. Please be prepared for your search to take some time as the demand for housing in Rotterdam is generally high. Please also be cautious in your search and particularly vigilant for fraudulent rental advertisements/advertisers.

If you have difficulties with finding housing, you are advised to send an email to or

Are there study spots on campus?

You can find all information about study spots on campus on myEUR. For up-to-date information about the use of the university library, please refer to the university library’s website.

Which facilities are open on campus?

Since 18 February, the university has fully re-opened. Please refer to the full list of available campus facilities.

FAQ – MBA & Exec. Ed

Please find the answers to the frequently asked questions about our MBA programmes and Executive Education below. 

I am unable to sit for the GMAT/GRE due to test centre restrictions; can I still apply and be admitted to the Full-time MBA programme?

GMAT/GRE centres are open depending on location and also offer online testing.  The GMAT/GRE test centres act in accordance with government and local authorities so please check their website for updates regarding the test centre regulations closest to you.

You can apply to our MBA programme without having the GMAT or GRE score for a first evaluation. In order to move forward with the next steps of your application process, online KIRA Talent Assessment and potentially an admissions interview, you will need to submit your valid score report. You will also be required to submit an official score report using one of the following school codes:

GMAT code: QK8-CX-30
GRE code: 0798

The GMAT/GRE test centres act in accordance with government and local authorities so please check their website for updates regarding the test centre close to you.

Please contact one of our Regional Recruitment & Admissions Managers today who will be happy to answer your questions.

Am I still able to speak to someone in Marketing & Admissions about RSM’s MBA programmes or my application/how to apply?

Yes! For the time being we are not allowed to travel to meet you in person, but we are still conducting MBA consultation sessions virtually. Reach out to one of our Regional Recruitment & Admissions Managers to or visit our events page to schedule a time to speak today!

All classes will be cancelled from 16-31 March, will there be replacement lessons? 

At the moment, no. We are working very closely with faculty to revise the content of each course and will share this with you once we know more.  

What is RSM going to do about the lost learning/knowledge during the suspension? Will this affect me from graduating?  

Currently all ECTS will remain unchanged for all your courses, the only possibility will be the workload (more readings, articles) will be changed.  

What happens to already scheduled assignment deadlines? 

We will reassess these deadlines with our faculty as we expect some changes in the course outlines and in the assignments as well. 

If we wish to come to campus for a team meeting, is this allowed? 

All study places and restaurants on the Woudestein campus will be closed from Monday, 16 March. In addition, the sports building on the Woudestein campus is also closed, other buildings remain open for activities of the teaching staff. Students are discouraged to come to campus and are strongly advised to study at home. 

What about  the books for term 2? 

Since you are not allowed on campus we are now arranging eBooks for you all. As soon as we have the licenses you will receive a link from the MBA office. 

What if I have a career coaching on campus during this time? 

Please check with our Career Center office. At the moment, all coaching sessions will be done online, unless the coach and student agree otherwise.  

What should I do if I am ill? 

Should you have mild symptoms, please stay home and inform the Full-Time MBA programme office. Should your symptoms persist or should you experience more severe symptoms, please contact your doctor. Should you not have a doctor yet, you can consult this document on Canvas for an overview of local doctors and pharmacies. 

I would like to go back to my home country for the duration of school closure. Is this advised? 

Please notify the FT MBA office if you are traveling outside of the Netherlands. Keep in mind that we are planning on going back to regular classes as soon as possible, and keep in mind that we don’t know which travel restrictions may be in place at the point of your return. 

What can we do during this time until 1 April, when we start online classes? 

Canvas courses are open, and various readings are already available. Feel free to browse through those. However, please beware that faculty are currently working on restructuring classes in order to give you the best learning experience possible in this situation. This means that course outlines and assignments may be modified.

What will happen for EMBA21 weekend 20/21 March? 

This EMBA weekend will not take place.  Please cancel your travel plans and hotel reservations for this weekend. 

How will EMBA21 students make up for the missed learning 20/21 March weekend? 

The MBA Programme Office is currently looking into different solutions for this and will communicate details to all students affected as soon as a decision has been made. 

Will the EMBA weekend 3/4 April take place for EMBA20 & EMBA21? 

Currently all “live” education is cancelled until at least 6 April.  This EMBA weekend will not take place.  Please cancel your travel plans and hotel reservations for this weekend. 

Will missing these EMBA weekends impact on our attendance?  

As the EMBA weekend cancellation is due to Dutch Government guidelines, missing 20/21 weekend will not impact on your attendance. 

What about assignment deadlines? Will they still take place as normal? 

Currently all assignments can be completed remotely and uploaded to Canvas as usual, so the EMBA office will not be extending any deadlines for March/April unless there are personal extenuating circumstances. 

Will lessons move online instead? 

The MBA Programme Office is currently assessing the most efficient way to make up for missing in-class learning. This needs to be a method that is adaptable for various faculty and courses, and we are currently working hard to reach a solution that is realistic and suitable for all. 

I have been/am based in an area that has been heavily affected by the Coronavirus – what should I do? 

Please follow the Governmental advice from the country that you are based in.  You should also already be receiving informative emails from EUR with more advice.  We are currently bound to follow the orders of the Dutch government.

For graduating MBA20 & EMBA19 cohorts: as of when can I use my title?
As from 20 March 2020 you can officially use your MBA degree

For graduating MBA20 & EMBA19 cohorts. When will I receive my diploma documents?
In the next few weeks we will be working on at least providing you with scans of your diploma. In a later stage we will provide you with the hardcopies of your diploma documents, be it at the postponed graduation ceremony, an in person pick up moment, or via registered mail. Currently it seems not sensible to rely on postal services.

Current cohorts: When will I receive my grades?
Under normal circumstances we issue grades four to six weeks after your final exams. We hope this is still feasible.

RSM MBA Career Coaching

Will I be able to have a Career Coaching session?

MBA21: Yes, beyond graduation you’re entitled to have 5 1-1 career coaching sessions up until September 2021. These sessions will be via Microsoft Teams

MBA22: These individual sessions will start later this year, feel free to e-mail your coach or use for specific questions

RSM EMBA Career Coaching.

I am an EMBA student, will I be able to have a Career Coaching session?

Yes, you will be able to work with an RSM Career Coach. Sessions will be online, unless agreed & arranged differently between you and your career coach.

If you do not yet have a career coach but would like to be connected with an RSM Career Coach, please contact Joep Elemans, Director RSM Career Centre via mail or phone +31 6 224 104 85 (Mon-Fri between 9-17:30)

Individual Leadership Coaching

Will I be able to have an Individual Leadership Coaching session?

EMBA & OneMBA: Yes, these sessions will continue online.

FAQ – Prospective MSc

FAQs about our Master Open Day and studying at RSM

How can I find out more about the programme I want to study?
We recorded our recent virtual information sessions for each RSM master programme. These sessions were hosted by our academic directors and they answered questions live from students – like you – that are interested in the programme. 

Can I find out more from students already doing the programme?
Yes. Current students from each MSc programme have hosted online sessions to describe their own experiences. 

I have questions I want to ask current students. Can I still talk to them?
Yes, our student ambassadors are available online. You can talk to them through our Unibuddy platform.

I want to know what it’s like to be a student at RSM. How can I find out?
Before the coronavirus crisis we were able to offer a ‘Student for a Day’ experience so you could join a lecture. That’s not possible right now and we don’t know when we will be able to re-start this service because our campus is completely closed. But you can have a good look our campus virtually:


Supporting you

Whether you have missed out on opportunities for special moments in life, felt isolated, had to deal with illness or are just living with the feeling of time standing still — this pandemic has affected us all. If you are having a hard time and need someone to talk to for support, be sure to visit the EUR website for Student and Employee Wellbeing for resources and information to guide you.

Corona Updates

EUR Corona Updates
EUR Corona Updates
RIVM Corona Updates (EN)
RIVM Corona Updates (EN)
Rijksoverheid Corona Updates (NL)
Rijksoverheid Corona Updates (NL)