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Jan van den Ende is a professor of management of technology and innovation at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) . In addition, he is professor of horticulture innovation and visiting professor at LUISS Universita Guido Carli, Rome, Italy.

His field of expertise is the development process of new products and services in firms. His current research interests include firm-internal and -external idea management, control of NPD projects, design management and sustainable innovation

Jan van den Ende has published in numerous journals including Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Research Policy, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Group and Organization Management.

He teaches in MBA and Executive Education for firms such as ASML, FrieslandCampina, IFF and MAN. Van den Ende holds a PhD from Delft University of Technology.


Highlighted (2)
  • van den Ende, J., & Blindenbach-Driessen, FP. (Accepted/In press). Innovation in project-based organizations. In Handbook of Innovation and Project Management Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • van den Ende, J. (Accepted/In press). Opportunistic New Product Development. In PDMA Handbook of New Product Development Wiley.

Academic (57)
  • Szatmari, B., Deichmann, D., & van den Ende, J. (2024). The increasing value of status in low-performing organizations: Evidence from the video game industry. Strategic Organization. Advance online publication.

  • Eldering, C. J. J., van den Ende, J., & Hulsink, W. (2023). Why entrepreneur sourcing matters: the effects of entrepreneur sourcing on alternative types of business incubation performance. R and D Management, 53(3), 481-502.

  • Mihalache, M., R. Mihalache, O., & van den Ende, J. (2022). International Diversification and MNE Innovativeness: A Contingency Perspective of Foreign Subsidiary Portfolio Characteristics. Management International Review, 61(6), 769-798.

  • Deichmann, D., Moser, C., & Ende, J. (2021). Talk, talk, talk: Exploring idea conversations and the micro-level foundations of knowledge sharing for innovation. Innovation: Organization & Management, 23(3), 287-313.

  • Szatmari, B., Deichmann, D., Ende, J., & King, B. (2021). Great successes and great failures: The impact of project leader status on project performance and performance extremeness. Journal of Management Studies, 58(5), 1267-1293.

  • Ozdemir, MN., & Ende, J. (2021). Innovators' gains from incumbents' exit options in R&D alliances: A reconciliation of real options and transaction costs logics. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 15(1), 144-166.

  • Kennedy, S., Whiteman, G., & Ende, J. (2016). Radical Innovation for Sustainability: The Power of Strategy and Open Innovation. Long Range Planning, 50(6), 712-725.

  • Acar, OA., & van den Ende, J. (2016). Knowledge Distance, Cognitive Search Processes and Creativity: The Making of Winning Solutions in Science Contests. Psychological Science, 27(5), 692-699.

  • Candi, M., van den Ende, J., & Gemser, G. (2015). Benefits of customer co-development of new products. The moderating effects of utilitarian and hedonic radicalness. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33(4), 418-434.

  • Akin Ates, M., van den Ende, J., & Ianniello, G. (2015). Inter-organizational Coordination Patterns in Buyer-Supplier-Design Agency Triads in NPD Projects’. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35(11), 1512-1545.

  • Acar, OA., & van den Ende, J. (2015). Understanding Fear of Opportunism in Global Prize-Based Science Contests: Evidence for Gender and Age Differences. PLoS One (online), 2015(July), 1-13.

  • van den Ende, J., Frederiksen, L., & Prencipe, A. (2015). The Front End of Innovation: Organizing Search for Ideas. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(4), 482-487.

  • Kaa, G., de Vries, H., & van den Ende, J. (2014). Strategies in network industries: the importance of inter-organizational networks, complementary goods, and commitment. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 27(1), 73-86.

  • Blindenbach-Driessen, FP., & van den Ende, J. (2014). The Locus of Innovation: The Effect of a Separate Innovation Unit on Exploration, Exploitation, and Ambidexterity in Manufacturing and Service Firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(5), 1089-1105.

  • Deichmann, D., & van den Ende, J. (2014). Rising from failure and learning from success: The role of past experience in radical initiative taking. Organization Science, 25(3), 670-690.

  • Kaa, G., van Heck, E., de Vries, H., van den Ende, J., & Rezaei, J. (2014). Supporting Decision-Making in Technology Standards Battles Based on the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 61(2), 336-348.

  • van den Ende, J., Jaspers, F., & Rijsdijk, S. (2013). Should System Firms Develop Complementary Products? A Dynamic Model and an Empirical Test. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(6), 1178-1198.

  • van den Ende, J., Candi, M., & Gemser, G. (2013). Organizing Innovation Projects under Technological Turbulence. Technovation, 33(4-5), 133-141.

  • van den Ende, J., Kaa, G., Uijl, S., & de Vries, H. (2012). The Paradox of Standard Flexibility: The Effects of Co-evolution between Standard and Interorganizational Network. Organization Studies, 33(5-6), 705-736.

  • Jaspers, F., Prencipe, A., & van den Ende, J. (2012). Organizing Inter-Industry Architectural Innovations: Evidence from Mobile Communication Applications. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(3), 419-431.

  • Kaa, G., van den Ende, J., de Vries, H., & van Heck, E. (2011). Factors for winning interface format battles: A review and synthesis of the literature. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(8), 1397-1411.

  • Rijsdijk, S., & van den Ende, J. (2011). Control combinations in new product development projects. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(6), 868-880.

  • Blindenbach-Driessen, FP., & van den Ende, J. (2010). Innovation management practices compared: The example of product-based firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(5), 705-724.

  • Blindenbach-Driessen, FP., van Dalen, J., & van den Ende, J. (2010). Subjective Performance Assessment of Innovation Projects. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(4), 572-592.

  • Jaspers, F., & van den Ende, J. (2010). Open innovation and systems integration. How and why firms know more than they make. International Journal of Technology Management, 52(3/4), 275-294.

  • Kijkuit, RC., & van den Ende, J. (2010). With a Little Help from Our Colleagues: A Longitudinal Study of Social Networks for Innovation. Organization Studies, 31(4), 451-479.

  • van den Ende, J., & Kijkuit, RC. (2009). Nurturing good ideas. Harvard Business Review, 87(4), 24-24.

  • van den Ende, J., Jaspers, F., & Gerwin, D. (2008). Involvement of system firms in the development of complementary products. The influence of novelty. Technovation, 28(11), 726-738.

  • Kijkuit, RC., & van den Ende, J. (2007). The Organizational Life of an Idea. Integrating Social Network, Creativity and Decision-Making Perspectives. Journal of Management Studies, 44(6), 863-882.

  • Jaspers, F., & van den Ende, J. (2006). The Organizational Form of Vertical Relationships: Dimensions of Integration. Industrial Marketing Management, 35(7), 819-828.

  • Blindenbach-Driessen, FP., & van den Ende, J. (2006). Innovation in project-based firms: The context dependency of success factors. Research Policy, 35(4), 545-561.

  • van den Ende, J., & Dolfsma, WA. (2005). Technology-Push, Demand-Pull and the Shaping of Technological Paradigms. Patterns in the Development of Computing Technology. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 15(1), 83-99.

  • van den Ende, J. (2004). Impacts of TechnologyRreassessed. A Retrospective Analysis of Computing Technololy. History of Technology, 25(1), 31-43.

  • Hermans, J., Wijnberg, NM., de Wit, O., & van den Ende, J. (2004). Vertical integration as a remedy to imbalances in the "Porterian" value system. The dutch financial securities industry at the beginning of the 20th century. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 20(4), 357-374.

  • van den Ende, J. (2003). Modes of governances of new service development for mobile networks: A life cycle perspective. Research Policy, 32(8), 1501-1518.

  • van den Ende, J., & Wijnberg, NM. (2003). The organization of innovation and market dynamics. Managing increasing returns in software firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50(3), 374-382.

  • van den Ende, J., Wijnberg, NM., Vogels, RAW., & Kerstens, MPA. (2003). Organizing innovative projects to interact with market dynamics: a coevolutionary approach. European Management Journal, 21(3), 273-284.

  • Disco, N., & van den Ende, J. (2003). Strong, invincible arguments? Tidal Models as Management Instruments in Twentieth-Century Dutch Coastal Engineering. Technology and Culture, 44(3), 502-535.

  • Kerkhof, C., van den Ende, J., & Bogenrieder, I. (2003). Knowledge Management in the Professional Organization: A Model with Application to CMG Software Testing. Knowledge and Process Management, 10(2), 77-84.

  • Wit, WO., van den Ende, J., Schot, J., & van Oost, ECJ. (2002). Innovation Junctions. Office technologies in The Netherlands, 1880-1980. Technology and Culture, 43(1), 50-72.

  • van Dijk, C., & van den Ende, J. (2002). Suggestion systems. Transferring employee creativity into practicable ideas. R and D Management, 32(5), 387-395.

  • Wijnberg, NM., van den Ende, J., & de Wit, WO. (2002). Decision Making at Different Levels of the Organization and the Impact of New Information Technology. Two Cases From the Financial Sector. Group and Organization Management, 27(3), 408-429.

  • van den Ende, J., Wijnberg, NM., & Commandeur, H. (2001). Innovation Managament In The New Economy. International Studies of Management & Organization, 31(1), 3-125.

  • van den Ende, J., Wijnberg, NM., & Meijer, A. (2001). Public Policy and Innovative Capabilities: The Case of Philips' IT Activities. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 13(3), 389-405.

  • van den Ende, J., & Wijnberg, NM. (2001). The Organization of Innovation in the Presence of Network and Bandwagons in the New Economy. International Studies of Management & Organization, 31(1), 30-45.

  • Knot, M., van den Ende, J., & Vergragt, P. (2001). Flexibility strategies for sustainable technology development. Technovation, 21(6), 335-344.

  • van Dijk, C., & van den Ende, J. (2001). Suggestiesystemen. Het omzetten van werknemerscreativiteit in kapitaliseerbare ideeen. M en O, 55(5), 21-36.

  • van den Ende, J., Wijnberg, NM., & Commandeur, H. (2001). Preface. International Studies of Management & Organization, 31(1), 3-6.

  • de Wit, WO., & van den Ende, J. (2000). The Emergence of a New Regime: Business Management and Office Mechanisation in the Dutch Financial Sector in the 1920s. Business History, 42(2), 87-118.

  • van den Ende, J., Wijnberg, NM., & de Wit, WO. (1999). De invloed van systematic en scientific management op de besluitvorming in dienstverlenende ondernemingen. M en O, 53(3), 7-25.

  • van den Ende, J., & Kemp, RPM. (1999). Technological transformations in history: how the computer regime grew out of existing computing regimes. Research Policy, (28), 833-851.

  • Aarssen, AK., van den Ende, J., de Jongh, RV., Ligthart, LP., & Janszen, FHA. (1999). Projectevaluaties in universitaire en onafhankelijke kennisinstituten. Een bijdrage aan het commercialiseren. M en O, (Juli/Aug.), 96-119.

  • van den Ende, J., Mulder, K., Knot, M., Moors, E., & Vergragt, P. (1998). Traditional and modern technology assessment: toward a toolkit. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 58(1-2), 5-21.

  • van den Ende, J., Ravesteijn, W., & de Wit, D. (1997). Shaping the early development of television. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 16(4), 13-26.

  • Nobel, J., & van den Ende, J. (1996). Trading on the past. Sigma, (Winter'96), 49-53.

  • van den Ende, J. (1995). A History of Real-time Industrial Process Control in the Dutch Steel-Making Industry. Real-Time Systems, 8(2-3), 215-226.

  • van den Ende, J. (1995). Computers and Industrial Organization: Early Sources of 'Just in Time' Production in the Dutch Steel Industry. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 17(2), 22-32.

Professional (10)
  • Szatmari, B., Deichmann, D., van den Ende, J., & King, BG. (2021). How to prevent a rising star from flaming out. Harvard Business Review.

  • van den Ende, J., & Deichmann, D. (2015). Hoe krijg ik goede ideeën van mijn medewerkers? Holland Management Review, 32, 60-64.

  • Deichmann, D., & van den Ende, J. (2014). A radical approach to radical innovation. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 18(2), 12-13.

  • Jaspers, F., & van den Ende, J. (2013). Making business sense of cross-industry innovation. RSM Insight, 13(1), 10-12.

  • de Vries, H., & van den Ende, J. (2013). Why industry standards are pivotal. RSM Insight, 14(2), 16-17.

  • van den Ende, J., Candi, M., & Gemser, G. (2010). How design can improve company performance. RSM Insight, 4(3), 4-6.

  • van den Ende, J. (2009). Nurturing Good Ideas. RSM Insight, 1(1), 4-5.

  • van den Ende, J., Toonders, M., & Wijnberg, NM. (2001). De organisatie van innovatie in internet dienstverlening. Bedrijfskunde, 73(4), 65-70.

  • van den Ende, J. (1995). Keerpunten in de geschiedenis van informatieverwerkende technologie. Informatie en Informatiebeleid, 13(3), 22-30.

  • van den Ende, J. (1995). Informatisering van de produktie bij Hoogovens. De Ingenieur, (17), 34-36.

Academic (1)
  • van den Ende, J. (2021). Innovation Management. (1 ed.) Red Globe Press.

Professional (1)
  • Veldhoen, L., & van den Ende, J. (1995). Technische mislukkingen: de Planta affaire, instortende bruggen, vliegdekschepen van ijs. Uitgeverij Ad. Donker.

Academic (3)
  • van den Ende, J., Schot et al, JW., & de Wit, WO. (1998). Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw: Deel 1. Walburg pers. Deel 1

  • van den Ende, J., Oost, E., Alberts, G., & Lintsen, HW. (1998). De opkomst van de Informatietechnologie in Nederland. Ten Hagen en Stam.

  • Janszen, FHA., van den Ende, J., & Beije, PR. (1996). Management van Technologie: een Contextuele Benadering van het Innovatieproces. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

Academic (15)
  • van den Ende, J., & Blindenbach-Driessen, FP. (Accepted/In press). Innovation in project-based organizations. In Handbook of Innovation and Project Management Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • van den Ende, J. (Accepted/In press). Opportunistic New Product Development. In PDMA Handbook of New Product Development Wiley.

  • Jaspers, F., & van den Ende, J. (2008). Testing a theory of ideal typical organizational configurations for successful product innovations. In J. Dul, & T. Hak (Eds.), Case Study Methodology in Business Research (pp. 119-130). Butterworth-Heinemann.

  • Blindenbach-Driessen, FP., & van den Ende, J. (2002). Innovation management in project-based firms. In K. Debackere (Ed.), Strategy, Policy and Performance: impact on R&D activities RADMA.

  • Hermans, J., van den Ende, J., & de Wit, WO. (2000). Market or hierarchy? Use and Deployment of Telecom Technologies in the Duch Finacial Sector 1911-1930. In J. Hollander, P. Vermeulen, K. Valck, & N. Torka (Eds.), Innovation in Theory and Practice (pp. 23-23). Nederlandse Organisatie voor Bedrijfskunde On derzoek [NOBO].

  • van den Ende, J. (1998). Techniek in het kantoor. In J. W. Schot (Ed.), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw: Deel 1 (pp. 211-217). Walburg pers.

  • van den Ende, J. (1998). Kantoortechnologie in de twintigste eeuw. In J. W. Schot et al (Ed.), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw (pp. 329-339). Walburg pers.

  • van den Ende, J. (1998). De computerrevolutie. In J. W. Schot et al (Ed.), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw: Deel 1 (pp. 341-348). Walburg pers.

  • van den Ende, J. (1998). De computerrevolutie. In E. van Oost et al (Ed.), De opkomst van de Informatietechnologie in Nederland (pp. 180-187). Ten Hagen en Stam.

  • van den Ende, J. (1998). Continuïteit en verandering in de aanloop tot informatica. In E. ., & E. J. C. van Oost (Eds.), De Opkomst van de Informatietechnologie in Nederland (pp. 172-179). Ten Hagen en Stam.

  • de Wit, WO., & van den Ende, J. (1998). De gemechaniseerde administratie 1880-1940. In E. van Oost, et al (Ed.), De Opkomst van de Informatietechnologie in Nederland (pp. 18-65). Ten Hagen en Stam.

  • de Wit, WO., & van den Ende, J. (1998). Het gemechaniseerde kantoor 1914-1940. In J. W. Schot et al. (Ed.), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw (pp. 237-269). Walburg pers.

  • de Wit, WO., & van den Ende, J. (1998). Het kantoor in een stroomversnelling na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. In J. W. Schot et al (Ed.), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw: Deel 1 (pp. 272-287). Walburg Pers/Stichting der Historie en Techniek.

  • de Wit, WO., & van den Ende, J. (1998). Het kantoor in een stroomversnelling na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. In E. van Oost et al. (Ed.), De opkomst van de Informatietechnologie in Nederland (pp. 66-83). Ten Hagen en Stam.

  • van den Ende, J. (1995). Techniekgeschiedenis. In H. Achterhuis, & E. al (Eds.), Technologie en samenleving (pp. 29-48). Garant.

Professional (3)
  • Hermans, JM., van den Ende, J., & de Wit, WO. (2000). Market or Hierarchy? Use and Deployment of Telecom Technologies in the Dutch Financial Sector 1911-1930. In Innovation in Theory and Practice (pp. 181-192). NOBO.

  • van den Ende, J. (1996). Techniekgeschiedenis: een integrale benadering van techniekontwikkeling. In F. H. A. Janszen, J. C. M. van den Ende, & P. R. Beije (Eds.), Management van Technologie: Een Contextuele benadering van het Innovatieproces (pp. 69-92). Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • van den Ende, J., & Mulder, K. (1996). Technology assessment. In F. H. A. Janszen, J. C. M. van den Ende, & P. R. Beije (Eds.), Management van Technologie: een Contextuele Benadering van het Innovatieproces (pp. 175-204). Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

Academic (5)
  • Rijsdijk, S., & van den Ende, J. (2008). What they know and how they’ve learned it: The moderating effect of managerial knowledge on the relationship between process control and product innovation outcomes. 15th International Product Development Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

  • Jaspers, F., & van den Ende, J. (2005). Organizational Forms for Innovation in System Industries.

  • van den Ende, J., & Jaspers, F. (2004). Governance modes for systemic innovation. Service Development for Mobile Telecommunications.

  • van den Ende, J., Mulder, K., Knot, M., Moors, E., & Vergragt, P. (1996). Traditional and modern technology assessment: towards a toolkit. Paper for the Second International Conference of IATAFI, Brussels.

  • de Wit, O., de Wit, D., & van den Ende, J. (1996). The emergence of a new regime: management and office mechanization in Dutch banking in the 1920s. Paper for the Annual SHOT Meeting.

Professional (2)
  • Jaspers, F., & van den Ende, J. (2005). Organizational Forms for Innovation in System Industries: A Configurational Approach.

  • van den Ende, J., & Jaspers, F. (2003). Governance Modes for the Development of Mobile Telecommunications Services: An Emprical Study.

Academic (13)
  • Szatmari, B., Deichmann, D., & van den Ende, J. (2014). Irrational resistance or irrational support? Performance effects of project leader status. In Academy of Management Proceedings

  • Akin Ates, M., van den Ende, J., & Ianniello, G. (2012). An exploratory model for coordination approaches in buyer-supplier-supplier triads in NPD projects. In Serving the World: 4th P&OM World Conference (Chris Voss Highly Commended Award).

  • Akin Ates, M., Ianniello, G., & van den Ende, J. (2012). Buyer-supplier-supplier Collaboration in New Product Development Projects: An Exploratory Model. In E. Esposito, P. Evangelista, G. Pastore, & M. Raffa (Eds.), Purchasing and Supply Management in a Changing World, Proceedings of 21st Annual IPSERA conference (pp. CP041-CP0414).

  • Kijkuit, RC., & van den Ende, J. (2008). With a Little Help from Our Colleagues. A Longitudinal Study of Social Networks for Innovation. In G. Duysters (Ed.), Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Innovation Management (pp. 492-510). UNU-Merit, Maastricht.

  • Kijkuit, RC., & van den Ende, J. (2008). With a Little Help from Our Colleagues: A Longitudinal Study of Social Networks for Innovation. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim

  • Kaa, G., de Vries, H., van Heck, E., & van den Ende, J. (2007). The Emergence of Standards: a Meta-analysis. In R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Nineth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences IEEE Computer Society.

  • Borst, I., & van den Ende, J. (2007). Financial rewards in open sourcing models. The case of multimedia services. In Proceeding of the 14th International Product Development Management Conference, Porto, June 9-12 EIASM.

  • van den Ende, J., Jaspers, F., & Gerwin, D. (2006). Organizing the Development of Complementary Products. The Influence of Novelty. In Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, August 11-16 Academy of Management.

  • van den Ende, J., & Jaspers, F. (2006). Governance Modes for Component Development of Larger Systems. A Model and Empirical Test. In Proceedings of the 13th International Product Development Management Conference, Milan, Italy, June 12-13

  • Blindenbach-Driessen, FP., & van den Ende, J. (2006). The Effect of Operational Collaborative Capabilities on New Product Development Projects. In Proceedings of the 13th International Product Development Management Conference, Milan, Italy, June 12-13

  • Dittrich, K., & van den Ende, J. (2005). Organizational forms for the development of new broadband services: a dynamic model for the degree of integration between collaborating firms. In J. Y. F. Wynstra, K. Dittrich, & F. P. H. Jaspers (Eds.), Dealing with Dualities. Proceedings of the 21st IMP Conference, 1-3 September 2005, Rotterdam Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.

  • Kaa, G., van den Ende, J., & de Vries, H. (2005). A conceptual framework for the selection of compatibility standards. In Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference 2005, 6-8 July, Pisa University of Manchester.

  • Jaspers, F., & van den Ende, J. (2005). Organizational Forms for Innovation in System Industries: A Typology Test with Case Studies on the Development of Mobile Telecom Applications. In J. Y. F. Wynstra, K. Dittrich, & F. P. H. Jaspers (Eds.), Dealing with Dualities, Proceedings of the 21st IMP Conference, 1-3 September 2005, Rotterdam IMP.

Professional (2)
  • Jaspers, F., & van den Ende, J. (2005). Organizational Forms for Innovation in System Industries: A Configurational Approach. In The R&D Management Conference 2005, Pisa, 6-8 July 2005 RADMA.

  • Blindenbach-Driessen, FP., & van den Ende, J. (2003). Innovation in project-based firms: The influence of organizational structure. In C. Karlsson, & T. Hustad (Eds.), 10th International Product Development Management Conference (pp. 93-115). EIASM.

Popular (1)
Professional (4)
  • Dittrich, K., & van den Ende, J. (2005). Organisational forms for the development of new broadband services. Freeband.

  • Borst, I., Bitter, R., Ballon, P., Dittrich, K., & van den Ende, J. (2005). SOTA broadband services and their business models. Freeband. Freeband/B@HOME/D2.0/V1.0

  • Leijnse, M., van den Ende, J., & Waarts, E. (1997). Haalbaarheidsstudie chipkaartcollecte. EBSC/KPMG. EBSC, EUR i.s.m. KPMG Management Consulting

  • Cornelisse, W., van Overbeek, P., & van den Ende, J. (1995). Waar licht is, is vreugde. Een eeuw gemeentelijke energievoorziening in Amsterdam. Energiebedrijf Amsterdam.

Academic (2)


  • Wiley (Publisher)
    Jan van den Ende (Reviewer)
    26 Jan 2023

    Activity: Editorial work > Publication Peer-review (Academic)

  • Service Business (Journal)
    Jan van den Ende (Editor)
    01 Jan 2012

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Journal of Management Studies (Journal)
    Jan van den Ende (Editor)
    01 Jan 2009

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Journal)
    Jan van den Ende (Editor)
    01 Jan 2007

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Journal of Product Innovation Management (Journal)
    Jan van den Ende (Editor)
    01 Jan 2003

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Research Policy (Journal)
    Jan van den Ende (Editor)
    01 Jan 2003

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (Journal)
    Jan van den Ende (Editor)
    01 Jan 2002

    Activity: Editorial work (Academic)

  • ICT, Service Innovation and the Organization of the Supply Chain of Financial Services. The Telephone in the Trade in Stocks and Shares in the Netherlands, 1911-1930
    Jan van den Ende (Speaker)
    31 Aug 2001

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Professional)

  • ICT Service Innovation and the Organization of the Supply Chain of Financial Services. The Telephone in the Trade in Stocks and Shares in the Netherlands, 1911-1930.
    Jan van den Ende (Speaker)
    07 Jun 2001

    Activity: Talk or presentation > Oral presentation (Professional)

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  • Is there a recipe for innovation success?

    An article co-written by Jan van den Ende of RSM regarding the proclaimed 'recipe for success'. Jan claims that there is, in fact, no recipe for innovation success.

  • The proof of the pudding is in the eating

    An article discussing the Dutch dredging industry mentioning Jan van den Ende of RSM.

  • Toekomst en ontwikkelingen van de baggerindustrie

    An article that discusses Jan van den Ende's research called ‘The Future of the Dredging Industry’ which was presented at the symposium ‘Future of the Dredging Industry’. The research includes macro and technological trends and…

  • Tuinbouw-cluster lijkt op Silicon Valley

    An extensive article with Jan van den Ende of RSM. The article discusses his new specialisation of Horticulture Innovation. Jan will help growers and suppliers to make their innovation more professional, financed by the…

  • Kunstmatige intelligentie en slimme dienstverlen bieden legio mogelijkheden voor tuinbouwtechnologie

    Jan van den Ende of RSM was a keynote speaker at the ‘Future Trends & Innovations’ event at the World Horti Center. The event discussed the future of horti-tech. Jan stated that artificial intelligence and smart services offer…

  • Toekomst horti-tech onder de loep op Future Trends & Innovations event

    Jan van den Ende of RSM was a keynote speaker at the ‘Future Trends & Innovations’ event at the World Horti Center. The event discussed the future of horti-tech.

  • Toekomst horti-tech onder de loep op Future Trends & Innovations event

    Jan van den Ende of RSM was a keynote speaker at the ‘Future Trends & Innovations’ event at the World Horti Center. The event discussed the future of horti-tech.


    If the Dutch and Belgian dredging industry wants to keep up with Chinese competition, it is necessary to renew and seek cooperation. This is the most important conclusion from the report 'The Dutch and Belgian Dredging Industry:…

  • Toenemend protectionisme bedreigt concurrentiepositie Nederlandse en Belgische baggerindustrie

    If the Dutch and Belgian dredging industry wants to keep up with Chinese competition, it is necessary to renew and seek cooperation. This is the most important conclusion from the report 'The Dutch and Belgian Dredging Industry:…

  • The Dutch and Belgian Dredging Industry: Exploring the Future

    If the Dutch and Belgian dredging industry wants to keep up with Chinese competition, it is necessary to renew and seek cooperation. This is the most important conclusion from the report 'The Dutch and Belgian Dredging Industry:…

  • De Nederlandse en Belgische baggerindustrie: een toekomstverkenning

    If the Dutch and Belgian dredging industry wants to keep up with Chinese competition, it is necessary to renew and seek cooperation. This is the most important conclusion from the report 'The Dutch and Belgian Dredging Industry:…

  • Nieuwsgierig naar de toekomst van de baggerindustrie?

    Jan van den Ende, Professor of Management and Technology at RSM, will present the results of his study entitled ‘The Future of the Dredging Industry’ at the symposium ‘Future of the Dredging Industry’ on Thursday November 29, 2018…

  • Curious about the future of the dredging industry?

    Jan van den Ende, Professor of Management and Technology at RSM, will present the results of his study entitled ‘The Future of the Dredging Industry’ at the symposium ‘Future of the Dredging Industry’ on Thursday November 29, 2018…

  • Ignoring customers’ opinions can lead to more successful products

    Jan van den Ende, Professor of Management of Technology and Innovation at RSM, has been mentioned in an article. He found that customers’ opinions only improve the development of certain types of products, as new functions or…

  • Save the Date: Symposium ‘Toekomst van de Baggerindustrie’

    Jan van den Ende, Professor of Management of Technology and Innovation at RSM, will speak at the symposium on 29 november on the dredging industry. He will present his results of the study entitled 'Future of the Dredging…

  • Ignoring customers’ opinions can lead to more successful products

    Jan van den Ende, Professor of Management of Technology and Innovation at RSM, has been mentioned in an article. He found that customers’ opinions only improve the development of certain types of products, as new functions or…

  • Leerstoel innovatie in glastuinbouw

    Jan van den Ende of RSM will be part of the chair for the 'Innovation in Horticulture'.

  • 57 Insights from leading brands and experts on what it takes to deliver a Wow customer experience: Part 1

    Jan van den Ende was interviewed by Adrian Swinscoe, author of "How to Wow: 68 Effortless Ways to Make Every Customer Experience Amazing" on what it takes to deliver better customer service and experience. Jan says that a wow…

  • Nederland innovatief, omzetten kennis in producten blijft zwakke plek

    The Netherlands rose from fifth to fourth place on the European Innovation Scoreboard this year, a list of the most innovative countries published annually by the European Commission. RSM Professor Jan van den Ende has analysed…

  • The creative potential of (some) outsiders

    Brands are continuously on the look-out for creative insights to develop innovative marketing offerings — products, services, advertisements and/or other customer experiences. From time to time, internal teams struggle to deliver…

  • The creative potential of (some) outsiders

    To explore the role of outsiders and insiders empirically, Oguz, together with Jan van der Ende from RSM, have explored who comes up with winning solutions to contest posted on InnoCentive - one of the largest crowdsourcing and…

  • De klant negeren kan een succesvoller product opleveren

    The contradiction of listening to customers vs. showing them what they want like Steve Jobs has been solved by Jan van den Ende. He claimed it depends on the type of innovation and whether it involves functional or emotional…

  • Co-creation, innovation and when you should get your customers involved – Interview with Prof. Jan van den Ende

    Today’s interview is with Professor Jan van den Ende, who is Professor of Management of Technology and Innovation at RSM (Rotterdam School of Management). Jan joins me today to talk about a research paper that he and some…

  • Don't Ask, Customers can hamper innovation says University.

    RSM Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University suggests that listening to your customers doesn’t always result in the best innovations for companies. Researchers looked into 132 recent innovation projects and found that…

  • Negeren van klant leidt soms tot succesvollere producten

    The contradiction of listening to customers vs. showing them what they want like Steve Jobs has been solved by Jan van den Ende. He claimed it depends on the type of innovation and whether it involves functional or emotional…

  • Voor sommige innovaties kun je de klant beter negeren

    The contradiction of listening to customers vs. showing them what they want like Steve Jobs has been solved by Jan van den Ende. He claimed it depends on the type of innovation and whether it involves functional or emotional…

  • Ontwerpen? Negeren van klanten soms beter dan naar hen luisteren

    The contradiction of listening to customers vs. showing them what they want like Steve Jobs has been solved by Jan van den Ende. He claimed it depends on the type of innovation and whether it involves functional or emotional…

  • Klant negeren helpt vaak

    The contradiction of listening to customers vs. showing them what they want like Steve Jobs has been solved by Jan van den Ende. He claimed it depends on the type of innovation and whether it involves functional or emotional…

  • Nederland scoort beter in innovatiemanagemenr

    Research conducted by Jan van den Ende concluded that the Netherlands has been strong in enablers for innovation (ranking it 5th in the European Innovation Scoreboard), particularly in knowledge production and public support, and…


    The contradiction of listening to customers vs. showing them what they want like Steve Jobs has been solved by Jan van den Ende. He claimed it depends on the type of innovation and whether it involves functional or emotional…

  • Nederland scoort steeds beter in de European Innovation Scoreboard

    Research conducted by Jan van den Ende concluded that the Netherlands has been strong in enablers for innovation (ranking it 5th in the European Innovation Scoreboard), particularly in knowledge production and public support, and…

  • Nederland scoort hoger op innovatie

    Research conducted by Jan van den Ende concluded that the Netherlands has been strong in enablers for innovation (ranking it 5th in the European Innovation Scoreboard), particularly in knowledge production and public support, and…

  • Nederlandse bedrijven: ga eens innoveren!

    Research conducted by Jan van den Ende concluded that the Netherlands has been strong in enablers for innovation (ranking it 5th in the European Innovation Scoreboard), particularly in knowledge production and public support, and…

  • Hoe zorgt u ervoor dat uw ideeënbus echt iets oplevert?

    Employees are full of great ideas and innovation which is stimulated by the idea box - a place where employees can submit their ideas. However, the success of this idea box depends on the implementation. Research by Jan van den…

  • How to Win a Science Contest

    A study conducted by Jan van den Ende is referenced as it studies insiders, outsiders, and scientific success. One might think the science insiders win science contests, since they have the knowledge and background to solve…

  • Ideeënbus in je bedrijf: zo stimuleer je werknemers om mee te denken

    Employees are full of great ideas and innovation which is stimulated by the idea box - a place where employees can submit their ideas. However, the success of this idea box depends on the implementation. Research by Jan van den…

  • ‘Verbazingwekkend: publieke sector scoort beter op innovatie dan bedrijfsleven’

    Research conducted by Jan van den Ende concluded that the Netherlands has been strong in enablers for innovation (ranking it 5th in the European Innovation Scoreboard), particularly in knowledge production and public support, and…